Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fact wellbutrin

fact wellbutrin

fact wellbutrin

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Wellbutrin Side Effects Can Be Serious or Life Threatening

There are warnings visible on the labels as well as on the patient information that Wellbutrin side effects may include suicidal ideation, actions, and strange thoughts and highlighted is the fact that Wellbutrin is not approved for ...

Oh No They Didn't! - The 9 Biggest 'WTF' Moments In Golden Globe ...

The Golden Globes are a joke, and everyone knows it. A lot of people like to get worked up about this fact. I used to be one of those people. But now, thanks in part to Wellbutrin, I no longer care, and I accept the show for what it ...

The 9 Biggest 'WTF' Moments In Golden Globe History

A lot of people like to get worked up about this fact. I used to be one of those people. But now, thanks in part to Wellbutrin, I no longer care, and I accept the show for what it truly is: masturbat... | The ANT Colony.

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Information on the antidepressant drug Wellbutrin | Personal ...

One of the major controversies regarding antidepressant drug Wellbutrin has been its effects on seizures and there has been a continuing debate on whether the use of the drug increased the chance of seizures. In fact, it was mostly ...

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Why do libs lie and say that the Iraq war is bad for our economy when I have proof that it is helping us?

I have come to a point in my depression where I can function. I still think that I could be happier though. Do I just live with the fact that I am functioning or do I keep trying different meds until I'm dancing around happy. I am on wellbutrin and abilify but my pdoc wanted me on a snri also. Should I be happy that I am at this point or keep trying?

Do I just give up helping my depression.?

I can't believe I am posting this question, but maybe some feedback from people I don't know will help. Besides this really is kind of embarrassing and I hate to ask anyone I actually know. Here's the bottom line. It's going on four months at this point, but at any given time my husband and I average sex 4 times a year (6 if I am really lucky). We have been married for 7 years and known each other for 13.We have tried both Viagra and Levitra - he hates the side effects.Knowing that he had been depressed with different things his doc put him on Wellbutrin. Not only is this an anti-depressant, but it is one that helps to increase sex drive. I see the effects on his depression (which was mild), but not in libido.Yes, I have a much higher sex drive than he does, although to be accurate before me going two weeks without sex was forever to him.We had so many arguments over this because I have wants and needs and I feel that sometimes he should just have sex for the sake of making me happy. God knows, I am not a perfect wife, but I will do things that are more time consuming and less fun just because I know it will make him happy.I also stopped arguing about it, as I do realize this puts added pressure and makes sex even more undesirable. I have not brought it up in about 9 months.Although I am not a supermodel, I am not ugly either. Middle of the road normal woman I think. In fact, I did just lose a bunch of weight, making me more attractive than before - though these problems were before and after weight loss. I have asked for counseling numerous times - he refuses, he won't budge on this one, so the point is moot. I have tried coming onto him, this leads to rejection. And always with the stupid excuse that I pick the worst times to want to have sex. He's tired, in pain, etc although even with all that he can still manage to do other things.I have tried sexy nighties, sex toys, porn, telling him I was going upstairs to masturbate thinking this might spur some type of action out of him.I cannot talk to him about this anymore as I feel like garbage. I just want him to want me sexually and it seems the thought never crosses his mind. Which is total BS, because really, I know all men are different, but never wanting it? Not believable!I have even stopped talking directly about our sex life for fear it will be perceived as an attack on him, making things worse. I have tried dropping very subtle hints - not even about us, just sex in general or so, thinking this might get the ball rolling.Even tonight, we were able to have both of our kids gone (our anniversary was the other day) so we went out to dinner to celebrate - his idea. Now we have a house with no kids and I am in bed typing this and he is watching TV downstairs. Before I even came up here I made sure to get into the shower and walk all the way through the house to the bedroom in just a towel (see subtle hint).Yes, I know taking care of oneself is all well and good. I have done it numerous times. However even this has become great stress because I want to be touched, kissed, made love to (or even downright hardcore porn things if that's his mood then - doesn't always have to be lovey and romantic, just sex). Masturbation is almost impossible because although the ultimate desired effect is fulfilled I just end up sobbing afterward that I am resorted to that. If sex was once a week but me needing it more, than masturbating would be fine. But when it is 3 - 6 times a year always having to do for oneself becomes so much more lonely. Especially when I will drop the hint that I am going to "rub one off" I am so horny and he can't pull himself away from the TV to "come help me with that".And no he is not gay. Can't be as positive about cheating, but I doubt it. Although I have had suspensions, I am a woman and I also know that sometimes we can blow things way out of proportion.I cannot come on to him and I cannot initiate sex as the rejection has been so frequent and/or blunt that my psyche just can't take any more.Sorry this is so long, and that suggestions can be limited because I have tried everything I can think of. But I cannot put myself out there for any more rejection, I can't take it.And yes, all his parts work. It isn't a medical problem. And I feel I have been patient long enough. I cry myself to sleep (crying now as a matter of fact). I just want to be touched, to be desired, to be wanted. Is that to much to ask, am I being selfish? I don't expect everyday (although I would be up for it), but I previously talked to him about maybe once a week. I don't think that is unreasonable. Also, yes the 3-hopefully 6 times a year he wants it, I give in (although part of me wants to reject him for his constant rejection of me, part of me doesn't like the fact my needs are ignored but when something comes up I aSo far replies are been great.@theafrican - I thought about leaving many times, it is hard to do, we have a 9 & 11 year old. We already moved them from the city to country life. Changing again seems so selfish of me. Maybe it isn't, but I can't help feeling I should stay, at least until the kids get older. @dorkvader - I saw a counselor myself & she was wonderful! she also said that sex is a VERY important part of marriage (most psychologists agree) & I am not being unreasonable in need/wanting it. She helped so I could vent to someone but all in all did nothing for the marriage. You're probably right, I should start seeing someone else, maybe w/o him knowing so he doesn't think advice came from someone else & may be more receptive. @watermelon - tried some of that, brought another woman into the picture, although I couldn't do it after a bit & i think marriage should be 2, not 3 (but to each his own) even tried asking for open marriage -he wouldn't have it, so at a loss now

Why won't my husband have sex with me? Advice from men too would also be great help!?

Hello,I am the plaintiff in a court case about a rape that happened to me a few months ago. I take wellbutrin XL (300 mg) , and was wondering to what extent the fact that I take an anti-depressant will effect my credibility?My reason for diagnosis was depression and I have been taking it for one year. I see a therapist regularly and have not felt depressed since I have been taking the drug.

Credibility of an anti-depressant-user in a law suit?

The few weeks ago, my husband says to me (out of nowhere really, we were playing a card game..) 'You know, I realize I've gained weight, but you're fat, like pregnant fat...' I was a bit stunned, and hurt too, I just said 'Okay, well, I didn't know you felt that way, I'll work on it..'He has since continued with those types of comments. Some are much more rude..Here's the facts; I have a 11 mo. old daughter, and I also suffer depression, since I was a teenager. It's been hard for me to find the right medication since I had my child, I finally feel like I am on the best one for me; Wellbutrin SR 300mg. I have much more energy, happier, and just overall feel better.He says, 'You don't look like you did when we met, before we were married..' I have never been a skinny girl, and I met him at 17...I am 25 now. Then, I was 5'5" and 155lbs. Today, I am 5'5" and 178lbs.I realize I need to lose weight, and since I have gotten my depression under control, I've got my stride back, starting to jog daily, and I eat much better. (My wellbutrin seems to curb my appetite a bit)Am I wrong to feel battered by his repeated comments, how do I approach what he says with a helpful reply? I just can't better myself with someone pushing such negativity in my ear.You should know, he has also gained a ton of weight...185 when we met, now 240. I have never said anything to him, because i love him no matter. **He was 300lbs at one time, before we dated...lost slowly gaining?)

How can I handle his comments??/?

The few weeks ago, my husband says to me (out of nowhere really, we were playing a card game..) 'You know, I realize I've gained weight, but you're fat, like pregnant fat...' I was a bit stunned, and hurt too, I just said 'Okay, well, I didn't know you felt that way, I'll work on it..' He has since continued with those types of comments. Some are much more rude..Here's the facts; I have a 11 mo. old daughter, and I also suffer depression, since I was a teenager. It's been hard for me to find the right medication since I had my child, I finally feel like I am on the best one for me; Wellbutrin SR 300mg. I have much more energy, happier, and just overall feel better. He says, 'You don't look like you did when we met, before we were married..' I have never been a skinny girl, and I met him at 17...I am 25 now. Then, I was 5'5" and 155lbs. Today, I am 5'5" and 178lbs. I realize I need to lose weight, and since I have gotten my depression under control, I've got my stride back, starting to jog daily, and I eat much better. (My wellbutrin seems to curb my appetite a bit) Am I wrong to feel battered by his repeated comments, how do I approach what he says with a helpful reply? I just can't better myself with someone pushing such negativity in my ear.You should know, he has also gained a ton of weight...185 when we met, now 240. I have never said anything to him, because i love him no matter. **He was 300lbs at one time, before we dated...lost slowly gaining?)gee, thank you RYDE ON. You must have missed the part about depression and pregnancy!??? That weight is partly due to pregnancy that i never got off...some due to depression and lack of exercise. i have never been this heavy (178) and thanks for your polite as it was. jerk.I really appreciate all the helpful answers.Alice, i love that! thank you.. "Are you 185 yet? No? Wanna jog?" I'll be using that :) we're going to be doing this together... i thank you all for your feedback/tips. it has really helped me see the big picture.

Is my husband wrong here? how to handle this...?

This is lengthy. Three days ago I started having difficulty breathing. It felt like I was breathing in hot air, and breathing out hot air. I couldn't get a satisfying or refreshing breath. Then I started getting an anxiety attack because I couldn't breathe. I don't know if this is related to the fact that I stopped taking Wellbutrin cold turkey three weeks ago, and maybe the withdrawal effects are just now catching up. I went to Urgent Care today because I still couldn't breathe, and they said my O2 was 99%, I didn't have a fever, and my chest x-ray was clear, as well as my lung sounds. Obviously I'm getting enough oxygen. I do get light headed when I stand up... I have to stop, take a deep breath, hold on to something, and then walk again. I feel like I can breathe better when I lay down, as well as at night when the air is cool. I tried Maalox and it didn't help. I tried a breathing treatment with Albuterol, but it didn't help. I started taking the Wellbutrin again three days ago when I first started noticing the symptoms. Hopefully it will kick in again and relieve these problems. I'm scared I have something seriously wrong with me, like HIV or cancer, because I am extremely fatigued, zero energy, just don't feel good, and can't catch a breath. I don't have swollen nodes, not running a fever, don't have a cough... nothing! But I just can't breathe! Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone have any ideas as to the cause of this? Thanks!!!

Why can't I breathe, or get a satisfying breath?

moms side and my dads side of the family. Obviously life can cause any of us to have some really bad days, but mine don't go away. I am on Wellbutrin XL 300mg, and Wellbutrin HCL 150mg XL, and although I know it helps, I still have days where I feel I just can't cope. I am withdrawn, sad, I get overwhelmed very easily, and don't want to continue to live this way. I don't use drugs or alcohol for an escape, in fact don't do at all. What now? What else can I do?

How do you know if you are depressed, or bi-polar, or both and is this heriditary?

I have been on 300 mg of Wellbutrin for about 3 months for depression, and i dont feel like its working as well as something could, so i did some research and reading and found that add medication can sometimes also be used to treat depression/anxiety/weight loss. A friend of mine is on the Wellbutrin as well and has the same symptoms as me, and i am desperate to try anything that might work. (My doctor is also sending me to get tested for add) Anyways... my friend gave me 5 mg dexedrine tablets to try. The first day i took one..didnt feel anything, almost 2 hours later took another one, still nothing...then 4 hours later took one and sort of felt more energized and happy. I've taken in for about 5 days now and havent noticed anything. I was wondering that since i'm on 300 mg of wellbutrin that maybe my tolerance for dexedrine could be higher and maybe i should try a higher dose? this morning i took 2x10mg dexedrine and havent felt anything. Most reviews i've read is that they have felt energized and happy and motivated. but i dont feel any good or bad effects.i feel nothing. I just want to try a dose so that i can see what it will do for me. I've been feeling a little bit more positive but that might just be because i have it in my head that that is what it's supposed to do for you. Could someone please answer or give me some feedback? (please dont talk about the fact that i shouldnt be taking something that isnt prescribed for me) Thank you!

Who is on Wellbutrin and Dexedrine? tips? dosage?

If I didn't know any better, I would say that I'm pregnant. Considering the fact that I've been on birth control for two years and i've never had sex and unless I'm the nextvirgin Mary, I'm definitely not pregnant.Last Sunday I started the birthday control Seasonique. I had been taking Yaz for a year and Yazmin for a year, and because of insane headaches, switched to Seasonique.For about two months, I have been steadily gaining weight. I only eat around 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day and exercise regularly. My weight gain gas ALL been in my stomach. I now have a distended, round tummy, and compared to my small stature, I look like I am 4 or 5 months pregnant. You can see my spine, and yet, my stomach sticks out like I will kick out a kid in a few months. I have also been alternately nauseous and craving food as well, but I fight it because I have been fighting the weight gain. Lately, I have cut back more food and have gained even more weight.Let me preface this by saying NO, my body is NOT in starvation mode. I am 5'3" and my BMR is only something like 1,300 calories a day, without exercise. It isn't much more with the small amount of exercise I do a week.My clothing still fits, but that's because my weight gain has literally ONLY been in my stomach and my pants are low cut enough to cling under my weight gain.I recently had blood tests reveal that I have elevated prolactin levels. After retesting, we decided not to do an MRI because it is most likely an effect from the Wellbutrin I've been taking for half a year. So we highly doubt it's a prolactinoma.Since I've started taking Seasonique, I've been unbelievably moody, etc. Seriously, I feel like I'm pregnant. And I seriously doubt it's a hysterical pregnancy.One last thing: My thyroid has been checked four times, and it is PERFECT.What's going on?Edit: Um, excuse me for the extremely RUDE comment. I have polycystic ovarian disease. Try researching and consider the fact that people need birth control for reasons other than getting pregnant. If you decide to look past your own nose and research it, I most likely can't even have children on my own. Thanks for being ridiculous.

What is going on with my body?!?

I can't bring myself to just put it in my mouth and swallow it because I feel like I will start having a breakdown. I think because of the fact that Wellbutrin gave me a migraine with aura, loss of vision, and extreme anxiety I am so afraid to go on another one. Anyone else ever so anxious about taking meds for anxiety? This is the only way to get better but what will make me better is causing too much anxiety. Any advice or thoughts are appeciated. Thanks.

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