Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
What was it like the first few weeks. Julia says: January 12, 2011 at 12:07. Wellbutrin is wonderful. I was on prozac and it worsened my depression. I have been on this for 7 years and it has made the difference between night and day. ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I take Zoloft now and I sleep like a baby. Reply. Freeman says: January 12, 2011 at 05:07. After my first son was born, I was put on Wellbutrin for postpartum. My dr started me out on a lower dosage and gradually upped the dose. ...
Wellbutrin to help with SSRI withdrawl? - paxilprogress
My anxiety has been debilitating, some days it felt like I could barley function. So my p-doc first put me on BuSpar for my "anxiety", and then Wellbutrin to combat my "depression". Has anyone had experience with either of these drugs, ...
Question about Wellbutrin SR/XL (Bupropion SR/XL ...
It's like the last person said, SR is sustained release and has to be taken twice a day, while XL is extended release and is only taken once a day. The thing about the XL is that only the 300mg pills have gone ...
It just bugs me because it was part of his plan to get rid of the Wellbutrin so this might just change everything. Ah well. Whatever. I can't do anything about it right now. I don't even see him until Feb 2, and it seems like anything ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I take Wellbutrin and it has helped me. The only side effects I have noticed is that I hear things more clearly, and things taste slightly different. Oh, and if I drink too much caffeine, I am bouncing of the walls like a kid on a sugar ...
Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
But you can tell him what you would like to try. We have forums on medications that will give you some good information on some of these meds. Browse through the Forums list and you should see the names of some of these. ...
Will I have withdrawal quitting wellbutrin after 4 months ...
I am thinking about coming off Wellbutrin and seeing how I feel. I feel like I am out of my "rut" even though I probably do need some sort.
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
If you ever feel like you want to intentionally overdose or otherwise harm yourself, you can call either the Covenant House Hotline: 800-999-9999 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK. Good luck! ...
Is xanax a good medication for my problems?
My brother wants off his meds. He says they make him feel like a zombie - he's actually being dramatic, because he can laugh, pout, guilt and get angry just like he used to.He was on Paxil and yes, he did use weed. His psychiatrist said that her field was unsure if Paxil caused bipolar in patients or brought out an already existing condition in full force. She also pointed out that the marijuana helped the effects heighten. He was really overdoing it.He stopped drinking two weeks ago. He used to drink heavily once a week, sometimes more - and would receive the lowest of lows for DAYS. And he was convinced his pills were not working. Once he stopped drinking for those two weeks, we saw an immediate change in him - sure, he was still depressed because of his previous hospitalization and consequential pills he had to take for the rest of his life, but there was a different air about him.Now, I read that people who are bipolar have been med-free - as long as they exercise, eat well, no alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine - meditate and think positive and work through their depressions and let the mania stages pass as they would; being sure to drink calming, soothing teas so that they would be able to sleep a full night's rest, to ensure no psychosis.Now, before Paxil and weed, he was fine. Like he had swings in mood - he was very depressed once he hit his teens and had to begin taking antidepressents and meds for general anxiety. But I think this was in general a mindset that was brought out from being moved from place to place. My brother needs a ground stone in life, he is one of those people that needs stability and routine - he was not getting that in his teens, so his depression and then anxiety developed to high levels (anxiety I think was caused by his depression, which kept him inside and isolated in his room, or around the house only - his mind got too unused to the outside and all its stimulation, so that when we did go outside, he freaked out).Anyway, he is 26 now. He was always a marijuana user, a mild one for a long time - he was fine with Effexor and all the other antidepressents, but then Paxil came - and only five, six months it took and he went into mania, hypermania than a psychoisis. It was his first one, the psychosis I mean, and the hypermania.My brother drank pepsi by the case, he loved it. Smoked cigs, too, heavily. And used marijuana when he had some. Then Paxil came. And suddenly, he's bipolar and in need of medication for life.I'm just saying, the doctor said people with bipolar react strongly to caffeine and alcohol and drugs like marijuana. He would, mind you, get weird with alcohol, mainly violent speech, but he never knew when to stop when he started drinking, so that was probably the case, plus he was dealing with teenage angst on those times. But that's just it, if he was bipolar for his whole life, as she said he must have been, then he would have reacted unfavourably to all those things. He never did! He slept well, too. Then, again Paxil was prescribed because Effexor was causing unfavourable symptoms (he was getting what he said felt like electric brain shocks that made him jerk and convulse painfully) and messed him all up.SO. He wants off his pills. He does not want to take Zyprexa or Wellbutrin. He wants to wean himself off, because he believes he is not bipolar, if he is, it is slight (it actually runs on both sides). If he has only had this happen once (mania, paranoia, psychosis) in his 26 years of life and because of Paxil and the oddly enough, OVERUSE of what he already did without this happening - marijuana - could he wean himself off and be back to normal?Just, if you saw him now and knew him from before, this man is someone different. They wretched something inside him and broke a part of him in that hospital. When my mom and I visited there was always a guard and they said he was dangerous. But he always hugged me and talked to us happily if a bit drugged up, and we visited both visiting times and stayed for all the time each visiting hours let us.Does a psychosis mean you will always have psychosis, no matter what? Can he get off his meds, slowly and completely - could he manage himself well? He said to my mom and I that the only things he sees as peaceful now is death, because the pills are making him feel dead inside. I just need an answer, please.
Bipolar and Psychosis, please help!?
I am taking bupropion hydrochloride (slow release) as prescribed by my doctor for depression. The problem is, someday I feel normal and someday depressed (even if medicine is continued). I have taken this for three months so far. At present I feel as if I am extremely tired so that I can not even think any complicated issue. Is there anybody who had taken this and felt like this? Is it necessary to take vitamin B supplement with this medicine? I always have suffered side effects while taking this medicine, which include: tremor in hands, anxiety, etc. I am considering discontinuation of this medicine. However, I would like to know experience of others before that.
What are the side effects of Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban)?
I've been on Wellbutrin for a few months now, and at first it seemed to be doing really well (mainly because I was comparing it to what I was on before--Zoloft--and I got control of my appetite back, which I had lost during my time on Zoloft), but now I don't like it anymore. I have extreme changes in mood on a daily basis. They are triggered by normal things that would upset someone, but instead of experiencing something on a small scale, it's like my brain jumps whatever emotion I'm experiencing up times ten... So if I'm sad, I get insanely sad and depressed and distraught, or if I'm anxious, I get debilitatingly anxious and paranoid, and even if I'm angry, I get so frustrated and just shut up in my head... I feel like I don't have control of my emotions anymore, and I hate it! :(Am I right in assuming that the medicine is doing this? I know for a fact that I've never been this emotionally all over the map before, and it sucks a lot of energy (mentally and emotionally) out of me.I don't have bipolar disorder, my moods have never changed like this until I got on this medicine (and specifically after it got bumped up to 300mg/day). Not trying to argue with you, just letting you know...
Anti-depressant causing drastic mood swings?
I attempted suicide back in 2004. I haven't been able to cry in the past 3 years. I have had 3 members of my family pass away over those last 3 years and, I have suffered through clinical Bipolar Depression, hard friendship issues, and my parent's divorce... to list a few. You'd think with all of this I would be able to cry, but I can't. I want to cry so much at times, but all I can get are watery eyes, and I can never manage to shed tears. At all of those family member's funerals, with everyone balling their eyes out... but I couldn't do anything but sit there feeling as awful as everyone else is, but I couldn't show it. I'm on medication, 400MG of Lamictal and 200MG Wellbutrin so my Bipolar depression is under control. I wasn't able to cry BEFORE I was ever put on meds...so it's not a side effect. When I get teary eyed, I keep trying to shed a tear...but it never happens. Look I'm a 17 year old guy, and I don't believe that BS that guys stop crying as they age. I don't hold back tears at all and I openly express my emotions, but I just can't manage to cry. Is there possibly a physical illness that maybe prevents me from doing so? I loved those members of my family VERY much...so it's not like they didn't mean enough to me for me to cry. And when I can't cry, I get angry about it...What's wrong with me?*I have been seeing a therapist for the past 7yrs. And see her on a biweekly basics.*I am seeing a psychiatrist. On a monthly med check basics. Or more often if needed.
Is there and illness that prevents me from crying? Why can't I cry?
I am on prednisone, albuterol, augmentin, and I take Wellbutrin. Out of nowhere I feel suicidally depressed and high, except not a good high. This is awful. I feel disconnected from the rest of the world and extremely sad... beyond sad. Does anyone have an idea as to what drug interactions may have caused this? I just looked in the mirror and my eyes are totally dilated. Like I said, I feel extremely scared and extremely depressed.
My Dr. prescribed drugs for bronchitis and now I feel like I am on a bad trip, depressed, horrible, scared:?
So I am on two medications right now. Duloxetine [Cymbalta] and Risperidone, but that is just right now. Over the last several months I've been put on Prozac, Seroquel, Citalopram, Clonazepam, Mirtazapine, Wellbutrin and Olanzapine.I feel like I'm losing my bloody mind. Last night I woke up after 4 or 5 hours and felt a way I have never felt before. It was like absolute misery but with no feeling whatsoever. Like I could have put a bullet in my head without thinking anything of it. It was weird. I knew something was up so I tried to just get up and go about doing some stuff casually but it wasn't working out, I felt totally detached from what I was doing, it's hard to explain. Either way, I just ended up going back to bed and kind of laid there for a couple hours until I nodded off, then woke up soon after and laid around for a couple more hours. When I finally got up I didn't feel the same as I did earlier but I still didn't feel right.Tonight I took my medication as I was supposed to [I take them both about an hour before bed] and an hour and a half to two hours later I felt weird in my head. Like something pushing on my brain. I ended up spending the night just kinda doing random stuff, carrying on weird conversations in my head and playing through these endless scenarios. Just pacing around going nowhere.Now it's like 4:30 am and I've gotten no sleep [not abnormal for me, but still]. I tried taking another one of the risperidone's because they're supposed to make you drowsy, but it didn't work [I know I shouldn't mess around with anti-psychotics but still, I want my mind to stop so I can sleep]. Im thinking tomorrow I'll grab some alcohol and at least have that to help me sleep [though I need to get drunk for that to happen].But I don't know what to do. I mean, my doctor isn't being a jerk he is honestly trying what hes got to offer to help me out. As far as I know I'm being looked at as having borderline personality disorder and that's why he keeps giving me anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. But with all the meds he's given me, I've made no progress in terms of being a more stable person. I've probably just been getting worse. For example, I've got a problem with self injury, and I'm not talking small cuts or anything like that. My left arm is covered in scars from about 15 third degree burns, I've cvarved all kinds of weird statements into my arms and chest, and I've got huge gashes [I mean, stuff that really should have been stitched up] on my biceps and back. I end up doing this when my mind just goes off into some other place, and it's like somebody else is doing it and they think it's a good idea. And this has gotten worse [I've been dealing with it for about ten years but recently it's kind of exploded]. Worst part is I can't let anybody see this crap, if they do, holy christ, I couldn't imagine my families response.But I don't know what to do. No medication so far has done anything, and now this crap I'm on is weirding me out like crazy. These meds are expensive as hell too. Nearly $150 for a 30 day supply and I've got no coverage and have lost my job so I'm living off savings.What do I tell my doctor? At some point this guy is gonna throw his prescription pad right at my head or something. There's no way hes going to continue tolerating my crap and the fact that I just seem to have either no reaction or a negative reaction to anything he tries. I feel like just going in and saying 'yeah, I feel great good work, thanks' and keeping on what hes got me on now. But chances are I'll end up hanging myself or something. This man is going to lose his patients with my crap eventually.I don't know what to do. Do I tell him and risk getting the boot? Do I just give up on getting any sort of treatment? Do I just deal with the endless flood of crap in my brain?I'm at a loss here, it seems I've run out of options.I am on a waiting list for a psychotherapy clinic. I live in Ontario [Canada] so I had to find something covered by OHIP [Ontario Health Insurance Plan] as I cannot afford to pay the $100-$200/session psychotherapists charge. Unfortunately it seems getting treatment covered by OHIP is difficult, this place has a minimum six month waiting list at this point so it will be a while before I hear anything from them.And just a side note, I'm 24, and unfortunately I was raised by a man who was a lunatic and a drunk so I can't really say there has ever been a time when I was ever happy or well rounded.
How can I deal with all this medication?
I was previously on Celexa for 8 months, and within the 8 months gained almost 50lbs. I had to get off of the Celexa for a sleep study to figure out why I was excessively tired all of the time, with the conclusion that the Celexa is what had caused the sleepiness. Within the two weeks of being off of it, I lost 8lbs. Now the psych wants to try something new, like Wellbutrin, which I started today and I've been nauseous all day long FYI: No physical possible chance of pregnancy.
can wellbutrin (bupropion) make you nauseous, even its only your first daily dose?
I take 30mg Lexapro at night for depression and anxiety. The anxiety is the classical type though. I dont have a fear of anything but I get the physical symptoms like diarrhoa, nausea, feeling like I just want to hide in bed from my toddler and not interact with anyone etc. I have major depression as well with suicidal thoughts every now and then. The Lexapro was working great for ages, but lately I have a grandmother who has terminal cancer, other family problems and had a pregnancy that didnt progress and had to have surgery to end it. So I am feeling tired all the time, bad thoughts, not wanting to do anything, not looking forward to anything, and basically just want to hide from my life. I am thinking things like, why bother, life sucks and then eventually you die anyway. I was thinking about maybe asking my doctor about adding something to the Lexapro to get me normal again... I dont have problems sleeping, in fact its all I want to do, but I clench my jaw and grind my teeth in my sleep so bad that I have constant headaches from it. Has anyone experienced anything similar or taken Lex with Wellbutrin or something else to help with things like what I am feeling?? Any suggestions would be great, I am seeing my doctor tonight and I want to have some things to bring up with him to maybe try or at least discuss.
Already on Lexapro, but am still feeling bad.. what would you try?
Married for 6 yrs. My husband had to give up going to school to support us and take any job that paid enough. was in school for police academy. for the past 2 yrs he is a corrections officer at prison. he has become a heavy drinker, mood swings, distant etc. we have 3 kids. ages 8, 6, and 5 months. he told me about 2 wks ago that he had sex with my friend 2 yrs ago, and that he wanted to change. since then i have been trying to get over it and he is seeing a psych now. on wellbutrin now for depression. i seriously think he is bi polar. he like totally snaps! gets mad at me cause i tell my friends/family what has happened...i need the courage to leave him, but for some reason can't. maybe its bc we just had a baby together...has anyone's husband ever really changed? what did you do? any input woulod be appeciated. thx
My husband is having issues?
I have not met the deductable for my insurance plan yet, and was wondering what the average prescriptions at pharmacies like Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, etc cost? (Pharmacy doesn't matter just looking for prices) Answers for any of the following medications are greatly appreciated!!1) What is the price/month supply (before insurance coverage) for any/all of the following? Adderall (60mg Tablets)? Vyvanse? (20 mg, 40 mg, 70 mg)Strattera?Focalin?---------------------------------------------------------Xanax (1mg)?Valium?----------------------------------------------------------Effexor XR?Wellbutrin?Cymbalta?Pristiq?Quick Reminder: I do NOT need to know any information about insurance companies.. I have insurance but the deductable is very high.Thank you everyone so much in advance! Your information about prices of either any single one or all of the following will help me out tremendously..
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