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How soon after stopping Wellbutrin XL (bupropion hydrochloride ...
Question from q_midori : How soon after stopping Wellbutrin XL (bupropion hydrochloride), I can drink alcohol ? I am currently in low doses, and I'll throw. I heard that you should not drink alcohol while taking this medicine, ...
Wellbutrin XL Q&A
Increased sweating near lexapro and wellbutrin xl combo…? has anybody else had this? and is there any way to stop it excluding running around naked? im kidding, but seriously, my psychiatrist just added the lexapro to my script and it ...
Heath Problem, Need Help, Anxiety,Stress,Acid Reflux?
I've been on Wellbutrin XL 300 mg (anti-depressant) for almost 6 months after suffering chronic depression for 5 years (triggered by the death of my mother and exacerbated by my terrible relationship with my father). The medications used to cause me irritability, anger, and impatience until recently. Friendship 1: This girl has been essentially my best friend throughout college. She has been blunt and rather sarcastic, cynical, and negative in recent times - and I guess my medication made me more irritable and impatient in regards to her attitude. I told her that I really don't appreciate her being so negative and critical of me all the time - in a very nice way. Ironically, she retreated and didn't want to talk much to me. She has not contacted me since and I have been best friends with her for THREE years. Granted, as I was going through my personality changes with my medication, I did keep her at a distance, but that's because she is good with helping out practically, not emotionally. And I didn't feel comfortable. She got kind of hurt about that but understood where I was coming from - but when I told her to stop being so critical of me all the time, she couldn't take that simple line of criticism from me - which makes no sense. She blocked me online.Friendship 2: My friend came in town, and she left her e-mail up on my computer. I happened to see some conversations of her with other people when she was talking crap about me. Yes I shouldn't have continued to pry just based on one thing I saw, but I couldn't help it - I am only human and if I see one bad thing spoken about me in front of me, especially on my computer, I couldn't help but look. I got so enraged at some of the things I found - she called me a ***** to one of her best friends, told the guy she is involved with everything I had told her about my personal life when I don't even like the guy and she knows it, basically did so many things that I couldn't believe and completely undermined our friendship.Well normally I would have gotten angry anyway but I would have discussed it with her as calmly as I could. But I did something so terribly out of character for me that I seriously attributed it to medications. I took all her stuff - suitcases and clothes and all, and threw it out of my apartment building, and locked my apartment and went to sleep. Some friend of hers had to pick her up in the middle of the night. She told me she is never going to trust me again.I know I shouldn't blame medication for my actions, but some of these anti-depressants have a very potent effect on the brain and have even driven some people to commit suicide. But both girls did not understand that one bit. Friend 1 has completely stopped talking to me without explanation, and Friend 2 told me she is never going to trust me again, and has not contacted me since. I don't even feel comfortable contacting her because her responses are very short and aloof, and I believe she has blocked me online too.I don't know what to do - Friend 1, I really don't think I should contact because she doesn't respond to me at all - unless I should explain thoroughly one more time about the medications - and Friend 2, well I feel like I didn't put my flags out enough about the medication either. Neither of these friends are good with emotional issues - and Friend 2 in particular was very all over the place and was often in her own world (even though she didn't need to be like that).Any advice on this situation would be greatly appreciated.Great answers so far... thanks guys, I really appreciate your support.im here - I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. It did cross my mind - it felt like a fog had indeed lifted and I am finally beginning to stand up for myself.Kate - I probably should have clarified that what I did to Friend 2, I DO take responsibility for, I don't blame it completely on the medication. But it was very out of character for me, so the medication was definitely a catalyst. And I made this very clear to her as well.But I do see your point in terms of problems being there before the friendship started. I do admit that with both of these friendships, I was too "sensitive" in their eyes, maybe more sensitive to biting sarcasm and destructive criticism than some people would be. But that's just who I am - and that's largely due to the traumatic changes I have been through.
Side effects of medication caused me to basically lose a friendship?
I am curious as to how Bupropion (Wellbutrin) might affect someone with Bipolar II Disorder.I've read that it can cause a manic episode in Bipolar I patients, so I assume the same would be true with the hypomanic episodes in Bipolar II sufferers.My biggest question is approximately how long a manic/hypomanic episode might occur after taking 150mg of Bupropion XL daily?I ask this because I was prescribed Lithium and Sertraline about a year ago, but stopped taking them before I could see any effects.I'm 17 f 5'4" 105 lbs. very small "frail" frame.I hadn't taken any medication for about a year and a half up until about a month ago.Prescribed clonazepam (klonopin) 0.5 mg twice a day.I was taking 10 mg of citalopram (celexa) daily for about a month, but it made me bruise all over.I just took my first dose of the Bupropion (150 mg xl) today, but seeing as Bipolar Disorder has been discussed in the past as a diagnosis, I became curious.I guess if nothing else this will be a determining factor in my diagnosis! (Which there never seems to be a definite one.)Sorry for the lengthy question, just wanted to give all the details and see what good advice I might find.Thank you!
Bupropion hcl (Wellbutrin) xl and Bipolar Disorder?
be mild?I take two 150mg tablets a day
would any one have a schedule of how to gradually stop taking wellbutrin xl so the discontinuance effects will?
when wellbutrin xl is stopped abruptly
what are the discontinuance symptoms?
I am taking Pristiq 50mg once a day, and i have taken it for about a year. It really helps, however I've noticed that whenever I miss two doses I get these pulses of electrical current throughout my body and eventually I start to feel sick from it. I asked a pharmacist about it and he said I shouldn't be getting any withdrawals from it as it is a low dose, but the only time I get these pulses is after I have missed two doses, so that is the only thing I have been able to narrow it down to. I also used to take Wellbutrin XL about 6 years ago, but stopped because my family said that I was forgetting things more than usual. This same thing happened after missing 2 doses of Wellbutrin XL except the pulses were more intense and I felt really really out of it.I looked at the molecular structures of both Pristiq and Wellbutrin XL (to see if there might be a similarity), but the only thing I could find was that they both have and amino on them (however one has a tert-butyl and the other just two methyl groups attached).Otherwise Wellbutrin is named as a ketone and Pristiq as an ROH, I would say that the benzene rings are similar, but one has a halide and the other has a hydroxyl group attached, which is a significant difference.I realize that Pristiq is new and that they really don't know a lot about the mechanism of antidepressants anyways; and that I am asking for a lot in regards to structure, but I really would appreciate any help that I could get, as this time I have only missed one dose and I am already starting to feel the pulsing of electrical current through my body. If I have to I will call and ask my doctor, but I like to try and research it myself if I canAny research article suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks for your time and input!
Pristiq withdrawals? (Organic chem/Pharmacists/Physicians/Previous or Current Pristiq users)?
I've been on Wellbutrin XL for 18 months. Started out at 150mg which worked well for about 4 months and then Doctor upped me to 300mg which worked well for about a year. Doctor gave me the option of getting off of Wellbutrin and starting a new antidepressant (she's suggesting either Effexor XR or Pristiq) or adding something to the Wellbutrin. I went with option #2, first we tried Pamelor (nortriptiline) which didn't do a thing at all, and then we tried Trazodone which was disastrous!!!I'm wondering if anyone has been in the same situation and how they resolved it? Has anyone been successful adding something to their Wellbutrin for it to work better or did you change to a new drug altogether?My Doctor usually gives me a couple options to choose from since this is all trial and error. I want to get some research done before my next appointment so I can be somewhat prepared.Thanks
Has anyone had Wellbutrin XL stop working for them?
I take 2 different kinds of Wellbutrin, one is 300mg, HCI, one is 150 mg xl, (for depression) I take metapropol (blood pressure) I use singuliar, and a combivent inhaler (asthma) and Xanax (very little, I only go through about 20 every 2mo) I take Ambien to help me sleep, over the counter doesn't work. I called in refills to my pharmacy a few days ago, just to be told that my insurance (medicaid) is no longer going to cover ANY of them. I am laid off work, and my husband was hurt so we have NO income. How can they just refuse to no longer pay for my meds? I have a co-pay on some, and obviously I comply. I do know that it isn't healthy to just stop taking anti-depressants, most people even have to be weined off of them, and I am losing everything. What can I do? All my meds are very beneficial for me to live a healthy life, both mentally and physically. I am open for ideas and suggestions. Someone told me that there are forms that I can get, or that my Dr. can obtain from the Mfg. Companies of my meds, and based on my income, I may qualify to receive these at little or no cost. I am just at a complete awe about this, I am really worried about what I am going to do......
I am about to loose all of my meds, what can I do?
I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg for two weeks and just yesterday my muscles started to ache. It is worse today - not constant but every exertion causes that muscle to ache for minutes afterwards and sometimes just randomly. My doctor's office is closed for the next three days. Has anyone else experience this?Thanks. I don't know what else it could be though
should i stop taking wellbutrin? (sore muscles!)?
I started on Wellbutrin XL 150mg Jan 2009 and increased to 300mg in October 2009. Well, I now want to get of completely because I have not been feeling well: tired, headaches,crabby,etc. and I told my psychiatrist that I would like to start therapy and stop Wellburtin because I want to "feel" again (I can't even cry anymore as much as I try!). So he told me not to take it anymore. Um HELLO!!! I told him that I was afraid of withdraw and he said that there's not too many side effects with withdrawing off of Wellburtin. Well, I read differently online! So I am scared to tears. Why would he tell me to just stop completely?? I have some 150mg pills left and am tempted to start taking those-do you think I will have any effects from dropping the dose?Kelle: it's my dr. who told me to go cold turkey though. I don't want to but what can I do if he tells me to?
Quitting Wellburtin XL cold turkey?
I'm really worried. I was diagnosed with Major Depression 3 or 4 years ago (its biological, not situational). I've wanted to get off my meds for a while now...I'm on 300mg Wellbutrin XL and 20 mg Prozac. I have less than a week left of my pills. I tried to contact my psychiatrist to see if she could give me one of those starter packs so that I can wean myself off...but she's not available until JULY!! And I have NO refills left! I have finals in two weeks (rights before my graduation for my associates), and can't really risk a bad depression. But she won't prescribe me anything more until she sees me! What the hell am I going to do? I went on the cancellation list...but there's no guarantee I'll see her. Should I just stop taking them altogether and see what happens? Any suggestions?
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