Wellbutrin, Klonopin, Lamictal Together? - The Depression Forums ...
My new psychiatrist has just prescribed me Klonopin and Wellbutrin to add to the Lamictal, which she says I should stay on temporarily because it is an anti-convulsant. I really don't like taking so many drugs and I'm worried about it. ...
Dr. Took Me Off Wellbutrin - The Depression Forums - A Depression ...
Wellbutrin is not the end all and be all of anti-depressants, others are prescribed more often and more frequently, wellbutrin is often considered more of an add on type of anti-depressant (methinks) than a stand alone one. ...
Wellbutrin Increase from 150 xl to 300 xl - ADD Forums - Attention ...
Wellbutrin Increase from 150 xl to 300 xl Wellbutrin.
Wellbutrin XL...
Is this drug a joke? Like seriously I recommended my doctor switch me to bupropion ASAP once I realized that methylphenidate was not helping me and this stuff does like nothing. I can not tell a difference I've even tried 300MG nothing. ...
What is a good add-on to 300mg Lamictal and 150mg Wellbutrin ...
What is a good add-on to 300mg Lamictal and 150mg Wellbutrin? asked 09.01.2011 | tags : Wellbutrin, bipolar, lamictal, rapid cycling. I am Bipolar 2, rapid cycling. I'm still depressed and still have anxiety, and when I socialize I ...
Does anyone have this combo...Strattera, Wellbutrin, Citolopram ...
I was wondering if anyone else has been prescribed these 3 meds at once?
How long does Wellbutrin take to kick in for ADHD ...
Wellbutrin is an antidepressant that increases dopamine. It takes 3-6 weeks to come up to a therapeutic level. Many physicians prescribe wellbutrin for ADD, but it does not really turn on the prefrontal cortex and therefore is an ...
Wellbutrin, Limbic ADD, Dysthymia - ADD Forums - Attention Deficit ...
I have tried Wellbutrin before but did not stay with it, this time I specifically approached my GP about my inability to focus and I was hoping to try a stimulant but I was put on Wellbutrin, first at 125mg/day for a month and now 300mg ...
Where You Can Get Prescription Medication Online And How You Can ...
Other types of medicine sometimes used to treat ADD include atomoxetine, known as Stratera; buproprion, known as Wellbutrin; clonidine, known as Catapres; imipramine, known as Tofranil; and desipramine, known as Norpramin. ...
Anyone added Wellbutrin to Lexapro?
So this isn't a question against medication for psychological disorders, but rather a question concerning my own history with them. About 4 years ago I started taking Lexapro with mixed results. My doctor soon upped my dosage and then added in Wellbutrin XL for some reason. Later when I switched doctors my new doctor told me to take Celexa instead of Lexapro, get rid of the Wellbutrin altogether (as it did nothing), and then added in Risperdal. That night I took the Risperdal I fell asleep at the dinner table. Soon afterward I switched from Risperdal to Seroquel, added in Ativan, and switched back to Lexapro. Then I switched to Seroquel XR, Klonopin, and stayed on Lexapro. I eventually had to get off Seroquel due to major side effects, and also because it didn't do anything but make me sleepy. I finally had some luck when I stopped taking Lexapro altogether and switched to Zoloft, but it didn't last very long. I also got Xanax and removed the Klonopin at this time. Soon I started taking Adderall with the Zoloft and just got very, very tired for some reason, and then switched to Vyvanse with my Zoloft, which I honestly had the best results with until I was napping 2-3 2 hour naps a day, in addition to my 10 hours at night. Now I am being put on Concerta with my Zoloft, and am just wondering: will this process ever end???
Medication changes, will it ever end?
So, I have been taking Wellbutrin XL for a few months and recently (about three weeks ago) got my dosage upped from 300mg daily to 450mg daily. The 300mg worked well for a while, but then I was diagnosed with severe anxiety (instead of major depression- apparently the anxiety is causing the depression because I have had NO CLUE what's wrong with me lol). The Wellbutrin helps with the depression but does nothing for my anxiety or OCD, and the 450mg dose caused me to have pretty bad insomnia (but hey, I felt good during the day!). With the Wellbutrin I feel better and don't want to eat everything I see all the time, like I did with Paxil (it caused me to gain 120 lbs... please, no fat comments, or comments about how stupid I am. I am a certified personal trainer and am used to being half this size, and I know about diet/exercise and do both daily).OK, so then today I had my follow-up with my doc, and he's changed me to Wellbutrin 300mg daily and then added Citalopram 10mg daily. Now... I have taken Paxil in the past and it helped my mood some, but caused me to gain an absurd amount of weight, and that caused me to stop taking it altogether. Paxil and Citalopram are both SSRIs, and I am terrified of trying the new med. I got off Paxil November 2009 (a little over a year ago) and have just started to take off the weight I put on... so far I have only lost 1/4th of it, after a year of dedicated trying.I have read, and was told by my doc, that Citalopram is not associated with weight gain, and is often prescribed to patients with eating disorders because of this. I'm still scared to even try it because of my experience with Paxil.Anyone on these two meds, similar doses? Advice? What's your experience?Please help, I'm so scared to even try Citalopram.
Citalopram and Wellbutrin?
Okay, I've had depression, anxiety, add and sleep problems for years, so I'm on vyvanse, wellbutrin, and ambien. Last year I developed sleep apnea and gastroparesis. I've overcome both of these for the most part. I quit smoking and drinking last year (which were temporary aids for those first three things), and I've done very well since then, I haven't smoked at all and I only drink a glass of wine with dinner occasionally (like once or twice a month). I have more days where I feel like crap than days where I feel good and alert. I am tired, achy all over, and I have massive headaches (not as bad as migraines, but like pressure headaches). I've developed heart arrhythmias, where my heart races while I'm lying in bed and reading before I go to sleep. My heart would slow on its own and it never got too bad. Last week I had an episode during the day, where my heart was racing and I felt like I couldn't get enough air, we went to the ER and my heart rate was 245 and they couldn't get a blood pressure reading. That day and the day before, I hadn't taken my vyvanse (which would be a possible cause since its an amphetimine) and I hadn't yet taken the wellbutrin that day. I had had absolutely no caffeine on both days (I normally have some black tea daily, occasionally a cup of coffee, never energy drinks and I rarely drink soda). the only caffeine I had was chocolate milk in my non-sugary cereal. I also do have problems with flushing and cold hands and feet which sometimes turn blue, even if I don't feel cold. My core body temp is always a tad bit higher than normal (around 99), but I was told all these things, especially the flushing, was "just me". I only have allergies to dust and dust mites, which is pretty normal, and all my other blood work was normal (blood sugar, thyroid, my auto=immune systems). the only thing is a hereditary cholesterol problem, which I've had my whole life. My ldls are high, however, not to dangerous levels, and my hdls are also very good. I'm on beta blockers now for my heart problem. Please give me any advice! I'm only 20 years old and I feel like I'm 70. I barely go out and I go to bed every night at like 9 or 10 and wake up at 8. I really have completely turned my life around and I feel like I really don't deserve this crap. I feel like for every step I take forward, the outside forces push me back. I'm even developing social problems because I don't get out enough. Any insight or advice would be useful. I've been to, like, every type of doctor ever.
No one can figure out what specifically is wrong with me, I'm wondering if anyone has any insight?
Not sure how else to phrase the question. I'm looking for a drug to take in combination with standard ssri such as celexa. I'm currently on 60 mg of celexa with fairly good results but just looking for a little more. I am aware of wellbutrin and abilify. Are there any other ones out there? And from personal experience if you have been on any add-on antidepressants were they successful?
What is a good add-on antidepressant?
I'm most curious about the baclofen, because I just added it but am used to the other ones.I am on baclofen for alcohol cravings, and have ADD (not much H). Something in this combo has REALLY been messing up my brain. Zero short term/functional memory (forgetting what I'm saying mid-sentence, can't even text a message on my phone, it feels like I can't even hold onto a thought in my own head before it's gone and forgotten), mild visual and auditory hallucinations, clenched jaw muscles and rock hard neck/shoulders, which is odd since baclofen is mainly used for MS to prevent muscle spasms. It worked great for alchohol ;went from 6-10/day average for the last 10 years to none at all within one week and no cravings whatsoever (probably because I couldn't hold onto a thought long enough to remember that I was craving anything!). So anyways, I quit it yesterday. Just wanted to hear about other people's responses to baclofen (particularly if you have adhd, or drinking issues).Thanks!
Has anyone had side effects from any combination of wellbutrin (bupropion), Adderall, and baclofen?
Im having a really hard time right now. Most of my adult life I have been on medication, I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar, pmd (I think that's it premenstral sindrome) and even lately been told I MAY have adult add. I have taken zoloft (took it for a year felt ok other then no sex drive and slightly unmotivated the big thing for me was I gained soooo much weight! I took wellbutrin and it seemed to help but the last time I took I kept getting really angry. So now you have a little history here is what I am experiencing. Most day's I feel ok, im always and I mean alway's tired no matter how much I sleep, sometimes maybe once every two weeks I just feel like crying. I don't feel like I enjoy anything, Im not motivated to do thing's and I ALWAY'S forget thing's you can tell me something and ten mins later i most likely forgot. I am a pretty happy person I don't feel depressed and I feel like my anxiety has gone away. I just keep going back and forth if I should get back on some meds for this or not. I could talk to my dr but she will just do what ever i think is best. So I wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions. I think my major problem is I am over weight and not happy with my self but I have ZERO motivation to actually do something about it. I think how i need to every day but I just don't.
Should I take medication or not? depression/anxiety/add?
I really need an appetite suppresant and something to help me focus in school im ingrade 10 and anyone who knows me will tell you im spaced out and mesy and forgetful and i think i might honestly be add plus my school counsellor thinks im depressed and i read that if youre depressed and add you have a better chance of getting it?also will i have to go through wellbutrin first or how would i increase my chances of getting adderal right awaythanksalso, how long will there be traces of marijuanna in a urine test?
How do I get adderal perscribed?
I have been taking Lexapro for depression and anxiety for just over a year, lately (I am 7 weeks pregnant) I have been having the old symptoms back from when I had a bervous breakdown (diarrhoea, nausea, bad thoughts - wanting to die etc, lack of energy, lack of motivation to do anything at all). I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, and I thought maybe I should ask about adding Wellbutrin to the Lexapro?? Are there any suggestions out there on getting rid of these thoughts, getting some motivation back?? When I say no motivation, I mean with everything, dont want to eat, go anywhere, look after my toddler, work, everything. Dont want to do anything but boredom only seems to make my thoughts worse..
Question about Lexapro?
I started on 10mg, then 20, now 30mg. I get a lot of depressed thoughts like, why do I bother living, the washing will only need to done again tomoro, why do people bother with anything, I am not happy no matter what and I just wish I could be back to normal. I get physical symptoms of depression and anxiety which only add to the thoughts, they are quite debilitating.. Like, diarrhoea, hot flushes, shaking, feel cold and trembly, feel like I cant breath and all I can manage to do is curl up in bed and concentrate on breathing while running to the toilet every 2 mins. It is horrible. has am 6 weeks pregnant and i have tried to wean the Lexapro down and even after one dose at 20mg, all these symptoms come back. Now with a baby on the way, and I have a 2 1/2 year old, I think things like, what am I doing, I cant handle 2 kids, what if something happens, how am I going to handle it crying with a toddler as well, then I get all the physical axiety attack stuff. . and with a toddler, I cant look after him in that state. I just dont know what to do, is there anything that can maybe compliment the Lexapro to help?? Any suggestions would be great, I can feel the Lexapro not working like it used to and I cant let this take hold of me again, I work full time, have housework etc. At the moment I dont have the ability to play with my toddler, do the groceries, nothing. I just sit here thinking, what am I doing and just want to die, and I know that's not right. I have heard that sometimes adding Wellbutrin to Lexapro works well and this is okay in pregnancy??Obviously there are things I could have done better, otherwise I wouldn't be on meds in the first place.. My medication has been regulated by my doctors, and I do meditate when I am having a hard time, only this isnt working as well at it used to. Obviosuly I will be talking about this with my dr but I wanted some suggestions to take along with me to discuss with her.
On Lexapro 30mg and pregnant, depression/anxiety flaring up, what can I do?
I take 30mg lexapro at night for depression and anxiety. I have been on Lexapro for 12 months and have had to slowly increase the dose due to physical anxiety symptoms, and headaches etc. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and the depression/anxiety has hit me hard again. I cant go through the breakdown that started me on the medication again, and I have a full time job and a toddler to look after. Will maybe adding Wellbutrin to the Lexarpo help?? I have heard many people do this.. Any advice would be great. Half a valium settles my bowels, shaking, bad thoughts (anxiety symptoms) down a little but I shouldnt take this while pregnant and the depressed thoughts are really starting to get to me again. . I dont want to end suicidal again..
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