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Wellbutrin is used to treat depression. It is also used to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder), bipolar depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, cocaine addiction, nicotine addiction, and lower back pain. Also, aids in quitting smoking ...
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Ok here are the symptoms, I'm not going to make them biased toward anything, just the straight facts.-When people talk to me for more than just a sentence (like when telling a story), I can listen for about the first 10 seconds then my mind wanders elsewhere or I'll space out and I'll have no idea what they just said-This also applies to when I'm in lecture halls, I can't pay attention to the professor for the life of me-I'm very spacey almost all the time. This is especially true when I work out, I become even more spacey than normal-When I sit down I can't sit still. I have to move my arms, shake my legs or feet, do something to fidget around. This is an all the time kind of thing also-I have a lot of trouble staying focused on an assignment-I have a general sense of feeling emotionless most of the time. If I can feel genuine emotion, then it's a lucky day for meMy diet is fine, I eat a lot of whole foods, not a lot of boxed foods. I drink water, milk, and occasionally juice. No pop. I eat a lot of tuna. In other words I avoid junk foods/convenience foods and eat healthy for the most part.Also, I'm very in shape, more so than I ever was before.I'm a 20 year old kid and have experienced these symptoms since at least middle school.I tried Adderall XR 25 mg my senior year of high school. It worked wonders for the first couple of days. But after that, it started pooping out after literally 2 or 3 hours of having taken it. 2-3 hours! Those things should last you 8 hours. And by pooping out, I mean I become less focused (obviously), but for the most part, really really spacey again. I also lost any kind of appetite. Perhaps that was too high of a dose? After all I only weighed 150 lbs at the time.I also took Lexapro months before that - nothing.Wellbutrin XR - nothing.I heard allergies can cause ADHD symptoms. I have dust allergies, took Zyrtec and Allegra, both didn't help hardly at all but when the Zyrtec worked, the ADHD didn't go away.Not sure what my deal is... I hope somebody out there does that doesn't say "get rid of all the sugars in your diet and get plenty of exercise" etc etc. My diet is fine. I exercise all the time.
Do I have ADD/ADHD or something related?
Alright, so here's the deal. I've been having some vaginal issues, and I honestly can't find any information on it, so I'm unsure what's going on. Any experienced input would be appreciated!Some Background information:I'm 22 years old. I'm (obviously) female. I have a live-in boyfriend that I have been with for over 6 years. We are sexually active and are the sole partners in each others' lives. I am not currently trying to conceive a child, but have had a miscarriage in the past, that pregnancy was unplanned. After the miscarriage I became very depressed and my doctors put me on Wellbutrin 75 mg, Prozac 20 mg, and I have since tried 2 birth controls, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and Seasonale. I had horrible reactions to both birth control medications, Ortho made me sick, and gave me migraines, and yeast infections... While Seasonale doubled me over with pain and caused me to constantly bleed. I have been birth control free for 2 months. We still use protection though, we use condoms.Today, I thought I started what appeared to be my period. No cramping, until it started. The color was really odd. Very dark... It seemed to be enough to be certain that it was my little monthly visitor so I just used a tampon, washed up and went back to working. 4 hours later when I went to change the tampon there was very little blood. The substances on the tampon were weird. There was a piece of a greyish matter, and some clear mucous like discharge with what I can only describe as red vein like patterns. Bright Red. It kind of reminded me of when I had my miscarriage in march of last year. I know how to check for my cervical position... So I did and it's high and hard. I know that it would be soft if I had been pregnant. When I touched my cervical area it hurt my upper left abdomen... I don't know if I'm just overreacting but can anyone tell me what is going on?
What is going on down there?
I was changing my bedsheets and I noticed that there was a lot of hair, and some more when I dry my hair with a towel. I started to panic and so I brushed through my hair and nothing came out, but I am a little worried because I take Wellbutrin and 1% of guys experience hair loss. My mom assured me that it is normal and that being eighteen years old I have nothing to worry about.
How much should my hair shed?
I'm eighteen years old and this stuff was doing great, but now I feel as though it has stopped working. My depression hasn't really returned, but I don't get that happy feeling anymore. It's hard to explain. It's like milder depression now. Secondly I am eighteen years old and my fucking hair is falling out because if this. Will it grow back? The ladies don't like a bald eighteen year old.
Stopping wellbutrin ?
i have been on wellbutrin sr for a bout a month now almost and i have been noticing altely that my nausea is increasing if i dont eat and when i sdo \\do weat its still there, i have taken it before a few months ago due to nursing i had to stop but dont remember the nausesa othingme, i did have it but dont remember lile this??
can wellbutrin sr make you anxious and quite nauseated?
_____________________________________________________Prescription DrugsCertain prescription drugs can cause a pregnancy test false positive. They include: * Anticonvulsants * Anti-Parkinson's medicines * Some tranquilizers * Some diuretics * Promethazinehttp://pregnancy.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Pregnancy_Test_False_Positives______________________________________________________________***Just one source of many. Please, don't respond if you don't know what you're talking about. Some medications CAN cause false positives. Included in the list of medications that might interfere are anticonvulsants. Unfortunately, I'm not able to get a clear answer from doing my own research and I'm hoping to get at least some help from writing this post. Thanks to those of you who are able to help :)To start: I take 100 mg of Topamax (anticonvulsant) DAILY and 300 mg of Wellbutrin DAILY. I was also put on Clonozepam(anticonvulsant) but only took it twice (about 5 days before taking pregnancy test). I discontinued use due to side effects.Disclaimer: Sorry for all the dates. I'm really paranoid :/My last REGULAR period was: December 7, 2010 (lasts about 5 days and is on a 28-30 day cycle).Conception date (if I really am pregnant): December 17, 2010I took Plan B on the morning of December 19, 2010 and experienced spotting the next two days.I experienced a "period" or spotting again on January 1, 2011, which is a little early for my cycle... this time, it lasted 3 days and was brown (ick! sorry for that). Perhaps it was a real period and the Plan be threw it off?! IDK. I took two tests today, January 7, 2011 and both turned up positive.Question:Could my medications cause this result?
Could my anticonvulsant medications or Wellbutrin cause a false positive on a pregnancy test?
all of my symptoms have come at once can i take all my meds? doctors anyone?
what happens if you take all prozac xanax wellbutrin and amitriptyline at the same time?
I just got prescribed 150mg of wellbutrin xl and read that it blocks nicotiine receptors, I don't want to quit smoking, but heard wellbutrin doesn't cause weight gain and is good for seasonal depression.
Will I lose any feeling from smoking if I take wellbutrin xl?
2 days ago I woke up with this feeling in my right ear like it needed to be "popped", as in pressure build up in ear. I tried this but it didn't relieve it. So I thought it would go away the next day. Nope. Still the same, It feels like something is covering my eardrum and not all sound is getting through.So I go to the doctors office. She looks in ear and says, we'll get that wax out for ya. After that she looks in again, and says. Hmm actually your ear canal looks a little inflamed. I was thinking in my head... what the heck? Wouldn't you see this the first time? So she diagnoses me with an ear infection. It's been 3 days now and my ear doesn't even hurt. All it feels like is that I'm going deaf in my right ear.This is really freaking me out because how can I go from perfect hearing to slight hearing loss in just a few hours after sleeping? This makes no sense to me at all. WTF is happening to me???Before this happened I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg once daily for the past 3 months; and Klonopin maybe once a week, or whenever I really need it.@clickmasterI have TMJ as well. A few days before this incident occurred with me, I hurt the left side of my jaw pretty badly, because I was yawning VERY often that day. I was yawning very wide, and I heard a loud pop. And the left side of my jaw is extremely painful if I open it wide now. Could this contribute to the feeling of fullness in my right ear? I would think that if the TMJ caused it, it should of been my left ear that is affected.
What is wrong with my right ear?
I am female, almost 25. I take meds for Bipolar disorder (Limictal and Wellbutrin). I have panic attacks occasionally and will take Xanax. Lately, I have had this feeling that I can't seem to get rid of. It comes and goes. I experienced this for the first time when I was about 15 before I was ever on any medications. I feel like my mind is asleep, while my body is awake. I feel like my body is doing things that I usually do (like driving, working, etc.) automatically. I have a hard time paying attention and staying focused. I don't sleep well with out sleeping medications. I wake up every couple of hours. When I get up in the mornings, if I don't have to go to work until later, I will pretty much sleep until I need to get ready and leave. This is something that is difficult for me to explain. I hope you can make some sense out of this. Any advice is much appreciated. I have an appt. soon to see my doctor (who I see about every 8 weeks).
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