Wellbutrin Research and Vendor Information
Taking more than the recommended dose of Wellbutrin will increase your risk of having a seizure. Do not stop taking Wellbutrin without notifying your doctor. Since Wellbutrin may cause sleeplessness at first, it is best not to take this ...
wellbutrin seizure threshold? - Social Anxiety Forum
hey guys i was just curious if upon starting wellbutrin if its okay to take 300 mg the first day? I previously have taken that dosage for a while.
What would happen if I drank a lot of liquor while taking ...
There would be a high possibility of having a seizure. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant, whereas, alcohol is a depressant, so there's a myth that they "cancel" each other out. That may be true if you took ONE Wellbutrin and drank ONE ...
Information on the antidepressant drug Wellbutrin | Personal ...
One of the major controversies regarding antidepressant drug Wellbutrin has been its effects on seizures and there has been a continuing debate on whether the use of the drug increased the chance of seizures. ...
The Facts About Wellbutrin | Health | Public Health Information
Patients who complain of an impairment in their sex drive as a result of their SSRI have sometimes been prescribed small doses of Wellbutrin to correct it. One controversy associated with Bupropion is its propensity to lower the seizure ...
Risk of having a seizure when drinking alcohol on wellbutrin ...
I took Wellbutrin and drank HEAVILY. I didn't have seizures, but it did make me hallucinate slightly. It was pretty funny because I started seeing statues that weren't there (I was in Rome, Italy and drank large quantities 5 days a week ...
Why did my doctor give me 300mg of Wellbutrin that made me have ...
I was taking 150 mg just fine, but after three days of doubling my dose (per my neurologist's instructions) I went into seizures, tremors, and head banging in the emergency room. Don't the doctors know better? It was Wellbutrin XL. ...
Wellbutrin + SAM-e - LONGECITY
I don't know what causes the risk of seizures with Wellbutrin and whether there would be an interaction with a substance like SAM-e.. Maybe someone else knows? Would this be safe? Is SAM-e used for OCD? I wasn't aware of that, ...
Can I take a gas relief pill while taking Bupropion? | Weight Loss ...
Possible food and drug interactions when taking Wellbutrin. Do not drink alcohol while you are taking Wellbutrin; an interaction between alcohol and Wellbutrin could increase the possibility of a seizure. Wellbutrin should not be ...
Can you get seizures if you're not eating while on Wellbutrin?
this was awhile ago but i took 7, 300mg of wellbutrin. i had never taken it before, now that i think about it. how lucky was i that i didn't die or have a seizure? what were some of the worst possible things that could of happend
I took 2100 mg wellbutrin?
im a completely healthy 17 yr old girl and a year ago i was prescribed wellbutrin(150mg) seroguel(600mg) and zoloft(200mg) and i started having peroids were i would feel something sorta like a vibration all over my head and over the past 4 months it got worse.like at first it would only last for a few seconds and i would only get them once or twice a week. but now the last for 10 sec. and i have at leas 10 episodes every 20 min. i thought it was my meds so i quit cold turkey but now they're even worse.i tried to find a common factor when it would occur but everytime its diff things.standing,sitting,eating,sleeping,hot,cold,warm,content,sleeping,upset,sad... well you get the idea....does anyone know what it is??has anyone experienced this before??should i be worried??do i need to go to a doctor??sorry so many questions im just really anxious....thanks
am i having mini seizures?
I'm about to turn 21 and I've been taking wellbutrin for almost three and a half years now. I know there's a risk of having a seizure if I drink but what are the chances of that happening? Is it less because I've been taking it for so long?
Risk of having a seizure when drinking alcohol on wellbutrin?
okay ever since i have been on wellbutrin my acne problem has turned into a severe acne problem. not just on my face, but down both sides of my neck and chest. it is causing my "depression" to turn into "suicidal idealization" if I can say the very least.I have been taking buspar daily for the past 7-8 weeks...and i dont know if it does anything... probably not.well ever since i got on the wellbutrin my acne problem has freakin exploded into a severe disgusting problem.and now that it's trickling down my neck i am just done.i didnt even relate it to wellbutrin until i realized it was 4:30 and i hadn't taken my wellbutrin yet! (i cant take it after 2pm) and i thought, oh well i'll take it tomorrow. i have been on wellbutrin for maybe 22-23 days... anyways. i didnt even relate the two until i started staring in the mirror and i thought wtf you have never had acne on your neck this is really strange.so i started researching it and sure enough a bunch of people get acne from wellbutrin.so i'm going to withdrawal from it.i cant see my doctor for 2 months and you got me messed up thinkin im gonna wait 2 months and see how much worse my skin gets.now. what will happen if i just stop? should i take a half a pill for a couple days?meh i dont really care...im just gonna stop cold turkey.i did do this one time on lexapro or something like it maybe 2 years ago and passed out or had a seizure or something, nobody really knows cuz they found me on the floor but i just wanna know how severe a low dose wellbutrin withdrwal is. im on 75 mg. my body is hyper sensitive to medication (obviously, you see the acne problem, and previous withdrewal) besides im having heart palpitations and anxiety.i just want some advice about doing this.dont tell me to consult my doctor because i cant okay.and i think im just gonna stop the buspar too.tell me what you think party people.thanksoops this wa s the original. i didnt mean to post it twice muh bad
SELF WITHDRAWAL FROM ANTIDEPRESSANT (serious question please help)?
About one week out of the month I snort Wellbutrin. I snort about 800 mg and then a 2 to 3 hours later I snort 700 mg. I didn't start out taking these dosages I gradually worked up to it over a period of about 3 months. When I first started doing this the effects were mixed as sometimes I would get a amazing stimulating high and others it felt as if I was doomed and going to die..I have not had a seizure from snorting the drug. Anyways what my question is what are the long term effects of abusing wellbutrin on the body and specifically what organ would it be affecting? I'm hoping a medical professional would be able to give me a in depth answer to this, or someone working within the health care system...thanks
Wellbutrin Abuse Question?
I am hoping somewhere out there has gone through something similar. I never had a problem with insomnia before. I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder in my mid 20’s, but was able to control it with meds, exercise, diet, etc. I was weaned off two years later, and had not had any problems for 7 years. Even at the height of my anxiety, I NEVER ha a problem with sleep. Then all of a sudden, I moved out of state away from my parents, and starting having panic attacks and fell into a depression. There was a lot going on in my life at that time with multiple surgeries, a failing relationship, ill parents, ill pet, etc. Ever since then I had been on and off meds trying to find the right one bc they all seem to cause insomnia. Last February, I made the mistake of filling a prescription for Wellbutrin and Lamictal because I had tried so many others. I started the Lamictal and three weeks later stopped b/c I didn’t like how I felt. So, I started the Wellbutrin. Two days into it, I started having violent body jerks at night as I was trying to fall asleep. This lasted all night. I instantly stopped the Wellbutrin, but ever since then (and it has been over 2 years), I still have those jerking episodes, which, interestingly enough, happens now every month exactly a week before my period and once my period ends, it subsides. I’m scared that these meds damaged something neurologically and it’s irreversible. I am completely off meds. I’m too scared to try anything new, especially psych meds. I do have a history of childhood seizures, which is why I’m so scared. Has anyone else had anything similar? I’m also going to be 42. I’m thinking it could be perimenopause and the whole fluctuating hormone theory. I don’t trust doctors. All they’ve done is make matters worse and are too quick to want to prescribe something. I feel so alone in this.
Anyone have night twitches/jerking during PMS or due to anxiety?
please help i have severe depression AND anxiety. i also have chronic stomach pains that never seem to go away. i'm getting on a med tomorrow. i am looking for an SSRI. i do not want to gain weight. most antidepressants seem to slow down your metabolism. wellbutrin speeds up metabolism and i would go with that except it causes seizures in a lot of patients. what is a med that wont make me gain weight. a lot of physc meds also cause loss of libio i dont want that either. also i dont want my skin to break out. what is the best antidepressant with lowest side effects that will make u loose weight vs/ gain or do nothing at all. please helpbesides exercise asshole. i already do that.
please help! what is the best antidepressant for what i need?
My psychologist set me up with Wellbutrin SR 100mg pills and I was wondering if it would be dangerous to mix them with Ecstasy. I don't do E very often (twice a year at most). I don't plan on taking E until my Bday in the summer. Anyway, I was wondering if it would be wise to get off Wellbutrin a few days in advance before I take any E. I know there's a risk of having seizures with Wellbutrin, but I hear different stories saying some ppl took E while on Wellbutrin and they ended up fine. IDK what to believe. Please, don't reply with a "you're screwing up your life by taking E" pep talk ;) Thanks.
Wellbutrin and Ecstasy?
I've had chronic depression for about 5 years triggered by the death of my mother 5 years ago. And what has maintained it is academic stress, especially now in the upperclassman years of college. I drink once or twice a week, and each time I have 2 or 3 mixed drinks. I'm on Wellbutrin XL and have been on it for 3.5 weeks. prior to that I was on Wellbutrin SR 100 mg for 2.5 weeks. I'm definitely going to cut my alcohol consumption in half because I've been told that it's not good to immediately stop drinking - that can increase the risk of seizures just as much as excessive alcohol consumption. so what are the long-term effects of alcohol? I know it's a depressant but can it really interfere that much with me getting better if I have 2 mixed drinks once a week or once every other week?
long-term effects of alcohol while on anti-depressants?
Hey,I have been having notable bouts of stage fright and was wondering if it is true that there is a long acting form of Inderal available? One psychiatrist told me that "You could take an 80mg sht." If so that would be awesome. Also is it true that Intuniva is only for children and adolescents?I was also curious about the seizure threshold for Wellbutrin and if alpha antagonists would affect the threshold?
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