Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
Got a soft diagnosis from a drop-in MD around 4 months ago for depression, and was prescribed 20mg prozac and trazodone for sleep. I have been suffer...
I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 300 for depression and anxiety ...
I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 300 for the past 9months for depression, but I also suffer from anxiety. My doctor says that the Wellbutrin XL 300 should work for my anxiety but I do not believe it is working. ...
Alternative Medicine Depression Anxiety | Healthy People = Better ...
I take Wellbutrin XL for anxiety and depression. I have no concerns with it, and its helped alot The thing is I do not want to be dependent on antidepressants. Are their any alternative medicine products that are all natural and help ...
1St Week - Wellbutrin Xl - The Depression Forums - A Depression ...
The pill say "Wellbutrin XL" so I guess I must be. But everything i'm experiencing is so opposite of what everyone else seems to be reporting. I've got: NO ENERGY NO SEX DRIVE more ANXIETY than I ever dreamt possible ...
Wellbutrin XL and Klonopin - Anxiety - MedHelp
My doc prescribed Wellbutrin XL since the Lexapro made my depression even worse, excessive sleeping, etc. My question is - can I still take 1 mg of Klonopin to help with anxiety, prevent panic attacks?...
Question about Wellbutrin SR/XL (Bupropion SR/XL ...
My insurance said that these forms of Wellbutrin are covered: bupropion (Wellbutrin) bupropion ext-release (Wellbutrin SR) bupropion ext-release 300 mg (Wellbutrin XL) Does that mean that the generic form of Wellbutrin SR is the same as ...
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Find more information about wellbutrin. anxiety and wellbutrin,bad side effects from wellbutrin,wellbutrin and add,wellbutrin bupropion,is wellbutrin a maoi wellbutrin hepatitis c price wellbutrin xl combining wellbutrin and prozac ...
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wellbutrin xl and anxiety 22
wellbutrin information El Paso and wellbutrin and imovane interaction wellbutrin tinnitus Switzerland Since Wellbutrin causes seizures in some people, do not take it if you have any type of seizure disorder or if you are taking another ...
I have a distortion of my perception of time. Is it my anxiety? What could this be?
Is it better to take the different B vitamins individually.or to get like a B complex with ALL of them in it.I know B vitamins can help with stress and anxiety, ( which I have ) So I just wanna know the best way to take them.Im also on Wellbutrin XL (antidepressant) 150mg 1x a day. ive been reeding reviews on it , and ive seen its caused people to have anxiety. and some people its helped the anxiety.Thanks alot! :)
B Vitamins for anxiety. Which is better?
Hello, really hoping someone can tell me some good news!I've been diagnosed with depression, OCD, anxiety/panic disorder and bipolar II. I'm 23 years old and have NO sex drive. I've been with my boyfriend for over 3 years now, and the first year was great (no libido problems). But I guess around the 1 year mark was when I first starting seeing symptoms of my mental illnesses, and my sex drive completely vanished. Needless to say, it's taking a toll on my relationship. I tried to just suck it up and have sex with my boyfriend to keep him satisfied, but it got to the point where it starting hurting and the thought of having sex made me want to run out the door.About a year ago, I started taking Prozac and Klonopin. I was on 80mg/day of Prozac until about 1.5 weeks ago. I have gotten down to 0.5mg of Klonopin before bed, from 2.0mg. I told my doctor about the low sex drive, and he switched me to Wellbutrin XR and Lamictal. I've been on this now for 8 days. I'm taking 300mg of Wellbutrin XL, and 50mg of Lamictal. I'm not expecting my sex drive to come back immediately. My doctor said that Prozac can take 4-6 weeks to completely get out of your system. But I've read reviews about Wellbutrin and people are raving about their increase in libido.Does anyone know how common this is? I am desperate to get my sex drive to what it was 2 years ago.I've also read that Lamictal can decrease sex drive... I hope they don't cancel each other out?!I'm still taking the 0.5mg of Klonopin at night, as well as birth control pills (Apri) in the morning.After reading all of this info, can anyone help me out with any related experiences?! I'm really starting to lose hope :( I've even started to look into ExtenZe for women, which I highly doubt works because nothing has been FDA approved to increase a woman's libido.Please help!Thank you :)
Wellbutrin, Lamictal and Sex Drive?
I have been on bupropion xl 300 for 10 days. I have GAD and a little mild depression. First off, how long does it take for this to kick in and I am back to my happy self? Right now I feel worse in the morning and by evening time, I feel fine.Next, whats the best time of day to take this med? I take it in the morning. I have heard the Wellbutrin XL is much more effective. Is this true? Right now I have little energy and can not focus or concentrate at all. Will this improve. This sucks. I just want my old self back. Oh, I also take Ambien to sleep and the Dr. gave me ativan for the anxiety only when i need it. Let me also say this past year, I lost my job due to it closing, out of work for 3 months and finally have another job that is WAY to stressful. I have a great wife and 3 beautiful kids . I don't want this effecting them. I WANT MY HAPPY SELF BACK!
Bupropion XL 300mg. When will this stuff kick in?
If so, how have you been treated for both?I'm just curious - I have been on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg for depression and trazodone 6.25 mg (a sedative anti-depressant mainly as an add-on to counteract the insomnia and anxiety side effects of Wellbutrin) for 3 months. It has helped stabilize my mood and with my depression. My depression began when my mom passed away about 5 years ago. It was exacerbated by my terrible relationship with my father and has been prolonged in nature due to my poor academic performance in college - I take forever to get things done and get so overwhelmed sometimes that I can't do things at all.I have had lifelong troubles with forgetting things, losing things, absent-mindedness, completing tasks, concentrating - and my grades have been dipping over the course of time to the point that they are terrible. I have twirled and twisted my curly hair to the point where I have ruined its structure and it is now wavy and frizzy. So my psychiatrist has referred me for ADHD testing.I'm just wondering if anyone has both ADHD and depression and how they would get treated for both, and approaches for treatment. Because I know that ADHD medications can interfere with depression treatment. Are they ever administered together?Any input and insight would be greatly appreciated.
does anyone have both ADHD and depression?
Ok so for a little background history. I was diagnosed with adjustment disorder as well as major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder about 6 years ago. I have tried almost every antidepressant on the market: Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin XL, Seroquel XR, Effexor XR, Pristiq, as well as Xanax and Ativan for my panic attacks. None of these have worked and have given me horrible side effects such as huge weight gain, changes in sleeping patterns, and suicidal thoughts. I am NOT doing SSRI's anymore. My depression has gone away for now, so I need to find a medication that solely treats anxiety and is not habit-forming like Paxil or Prozac. Tapering off those medications was hell and I refuse to do it again.Is anyone on any medications solely for anxiety/panic attacks that work well? Ativan makes me confused and sedated, making me more anxious because I can't do my tasks or work correctly.
Good medications for extreme anxiety?
I was just given Gabapentin 100mg 3x daily for anxiety and mood swings/anger. I already take Wellbutrin xl for depression. Well im normally a lethargic person and the Wellbutrin really helps that so im wondering if the Gabapentin will really make me drowsy or if it will kinda even out? I noticed it says may cause dizziness/drowsiness
Q about Gabapentin for anxiety. Most common side effect?
Ok, so this isn't about a romantic relationship. Well, not entirely at least. I wanted to know if there is any psychological disorder where one becomes extremely uncomfortable when saying that you love someone. Eg. When my mom sends a text she says "love you lots" at the end. I feel obliged to say it but i can't stand it. Even over text. My body becomes very uncomfortable and i withdraw from whatever i'm doing. Today i was just wondering if i have the capacity to love. I've never been in love so i don't know but the max on any of my relationships is 3 weeks and i've been the one ending them all. I've been depressed for about 3 years now and i'm on wellbutrin xl. I'm making good progress with my happiness and anxiety disorders but i just realized i can't and don't enjoy saying i love you to ANY ONE! just wanted to know if there's a psycholigical explanation to this? Thanks.
Trouble saying i love you. Psychological explanations needed.?
I'm currently taking 50 mg of Zoloft for my anxiety and I hate to admit it but it is working! However, I am very displeased with the sexual side effects. My psychiatrist suggested I take 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL because it usually counteracts those side effects. I have no history of seizures nor have i ever had an eating disorder and I've heard that those are usually the times when people have had seizures on wellbutrin (wellbutrin is known to have the side effect of seizures). Anyways, is this combo safe? I dont know im HUGELY paranoid (part of my OCD) and i hate hate taking medication and adding another one to the list makes me worried.
Is it okay to take Zoloft and Wellbutrin Xl together?
Im a 17 year old male suffering from depressive disorder NOS, anxiety, and ADHD. I have a psychiatrist and therapist. I recently received Klonopins for anxiety attacks during the daytime. I met with him on monday and everything was OK. However I have now been experiencing anxiety constantly and am hit with attacks occasionally. I want to talk to my psychiatrist about this, however I just filled my klonopins prescription for 3 months.I am currently prescribed:Wellbutrin XL 300mg (Morning)Strattera 100mg (Morning)Klonopins 2mg (I have tried taking 2 and still experience anxiety)Paxil 37.5mg (At bedtime)Xanax 2mg (After Dinner, to sleep)Seroquel 300mg (At bedtime, to sedate and for daytime anger)Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How Many Anxiety Medications Can One Person Have?
I have had abnormal menstrual bleeding for over a month now. I currently started Wellbutrin XL 150 mg once a day for anxiety from nursing school and was on Lo/Ovral birth control for over a year for ovarian cysts which are not present anymore according to my last ultrasound in March. I also take a multivitamin and a fish oil capsule twice a day. My O.B. said it was most likely a drug reaction from the Wellbutrin, did a pap and said nothing was wrong. My doctor said he couldn't find any serious reactions with these two drugs in any database. I had a CBC done- No anemia so he doesn't suspect hemorrhaging and no other abnormalities.He gave me a prescription for Ortho-Lo last week that I'm starting tomorrow. It started off light and now has become heavy for the last three days and I've also picked up a constant headache. There's no way I could be pregnant. I still feel like there may be something wrong. Who bleeds for a month and nothing's wrong? Anyway, I don't have money to get a second, well, third opinion at this point in time and I don't expect a professional answer. I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever had any of these problems and if they found a solution or at least a cause or problem. Thanks!
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