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Everything Drugs: I have been started on wellbutrin (bupropion ...
Wellbutrin or bupropion has several side effects some of which include nausea, dry mouth, cough, constipation, sweating, joint pain, blurred vision, strange taste or dizziness. In most cases, these symptoms subside with time. ...
Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
What you seem to be experiencing as well are some start up side effects of Wellbutrin. This should subside over time. But sense your psychologist has given you the diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder, your doctor will prescribe you an ...
Are There Any Good Alternatives To Wellbutrin In Terms Of Side ...
I was on Wellbutrin for about a month. It was good in terms of alleviating depression and wasn't bad in helping me focus, but taking anything abo...
Wellbutrin Research and Vendor Information
Wellbutrin is generally well tolerated. Side effects of Wellbutrin may include dry mouth, headache, increased sweating, nausea/vomiting, constipation, anxiety, fatigue and blurred vision. If these effects persist or worsen, ...
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Joseph baker, president of side effects wellbutrin paxil valium accuretic side effects wellbutrin paxil valium accuretic. Penalties for seniors on medical studies. See advertisements on mckesson press. Differential effects of side ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
okay so i'm going to start going on wellbutrin tomorrow.and i just wanted to know what should i expect from the side effects.i have to take it during the day because it causes insomina at night and i'm gonna be at work tomorrow in the ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
Lglarsen52 says: January 12, 2011 at 12:07. I take a combination of Wellbutrin & Lexapro & am very pleased with the results. One of the side effects of Wellbutrin is appetite suppression, so you probably will lose weight. ...
Wellbutrin® Side Effects | Wellbutrin Side Effects
Wellbutrin® Side Effects – If you have been affected by Wellbutrin® Side Effects and you would like to speak with an attorney dealing with Wellbutrin® dealing with Wellbutrin® Side Effects please feel free to fill out the contact form ...
Bipolar and Psychosis, please help!?
I am taking bupropion hydrochloride (slow release) as prescribed by my doctor for depression. The problem is, someday I feel normal and someday depressed (even if medicine is continued). I have taken this for three months so far. At present I feel as if I am extremely tired so that I can not even think any complicated issue. Is there anybody who had taken this and felt like this? Is it necessary to take vitamin B supplement with this medicine? I always have suffered side effects while taking this medicine, which include: tremor in hands, anxiety, etc. I am considering discontinuation of this medicine. However, I would like to know experience of others before that.
What are the side effects of Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban)?
I have been on Wellbutrin and have had this tingling cold feeling running down my leg as if my foot is asleep but it is not. I noticed this started to happen over a period of 5 weeks use of Wellbutrin SR.I have talked to my doctor about potentially switching over to something more calming to the nerves.Prozac for anxiety depression as well as prevention of overeating because I heard it curbs your appetite.Another choice is Norityptaline which I have tried but still felt melancholy around a 100 mg dose. However the Norityptaline helped me sleep easier but feel a little out of it in the morning. I was also concerned about any potential side effects on the heart.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Prozac or Norityptaline for anxiety and depression?
I have been taking wellbutrin for 2 weeks now. I was weined of citalorpam because it caused major restless legs. I went to my dr the other day and told him the wellbutrin was making me go crazy...dizzy, light headed, nausea, irritable and way more anxiety. He gave me effexor which i used to take a long time ago to try and counter act the way it makes me feal. The reason for going off the effexor was the sexual side effects so this is supposed to make me feal better but im not.Im not sure when i can get into my dr again and I really want to just stop the wellbutrin any advice?I hate this fealing its not normal.
wellbutrin makes me feal jittery should I go off it?
I am SO FRUSTRATED with how much weight I've gained since I started Seroquel a few years ago. I am diagnosed with hypomania and am currently on 600 mg Seroquel and 250 mg Wellbutrin since I had a terrible depressive episode after my last manic episode over a year ago. I was originally misdiagnosed with major depression and prescribed Celexa, but I am quite sure I experienced mania before going on Celexa. But even on Seroquel, with the Celexa I kept going manic. But now I feel like the Seroquel is making me depressed, but I don't think my psychiatrist will approve me to even gradually go off Seroquel. I would like to try naturopathic treatment, because I am concerned about side effects and long term effects from pharmaceuticals.Unfortunately I can't just up and say I want an new psychiatrist. In my city you are considered lucky to see a psychiatrist at all, and you can't pick and choose. The first time I told my GP I wanted a referral to a psychiatrist he actually laughed at me and said I was looking at at least 6 months to a year wait list. The next time I went back with a list of psychiatrists who were taking new patients, which I got from my worker at the Canadian Mental Health Association, and even though I was crying before he even came into the office, he still hummed and hawed, and finally in desperation I told him I felt like I wasn't getting the help I needed, and then he got his butt in gear and within 15 minutes I had an appointment with my psychiatrist. Unfortunately i have had a hard time with her, and feel like she doesn't really give a sh!t about me as a person.Oh, and the other thing that p!sses me off is that she runs her practice out of her home, is not centrally located, and lives near the outskirts of the city, which means it takes me over an hour by bus to get there. And then she sips on juice or tea or whatever she wants, but is rude enough to not offer any to her patients, which I think is extremely rude. If she won't offer any to her patients, she shouldn't be drinking it in front of them, as far as I'm concerned. She's just tucked away in her nice, safe, rich neighbourhood and and is totally disconnected from the realities of mental illness and poverty.Jerry, just to be totally clear, I have a diagnosis of hypomania from a psychiatrist.
Anyone with bipolar successfully go off of Seroquel and/or go med free?
I attempted suicide back in 2004. I haven't been able to cry in the past 3 years. I have had 3 members of my family pass away over those last 3 years and, I have suffered through clinical Bipolar Depression, hard friendship issues, and my parent's divorce... to list a few. You'd think with all of this I would be able to cry, but I can't. I want to cry so much at times, but all I can get are watery eyes, and I can never manage to shed tears. At all of those family member's funerals, with everyone balling their eyes out... but I couldn't do anything but sit there feeling as awful as everyone else is, but I couldn't show it. I'm on medication, 400MG of Lamictal and 200MG Wellbutrin so my Bipolar depression is under control. I wasn't able to cry BEFORE I was ever put on meds...so it's not a side effect. When I get teary eyed, I keep trying to shed a tear...but it never happens. Look I'm a 17 year old guy, and I don't believe that BS that guys stop crying as they age. I don't hold back tears at all and I openly express my emotions, but I just can't manage to cry. Is there possibly a physical illness that maybe prevents me from doing so? I loved those members of my family VERY much...so it's not like they didn't mean enough to me for me to cry. And when I can't cry, I get angry about it...What's wrong with me?*I have been seeing a therapist for the past 7yrs. And see her on a biweekly basics.*I am seeing a psychiatrist. On a monthly med check basics. Or more often if needed.
Is there and illness that prevents me from crying? Why can't I cry?
I am trying to quit smoking. A few years ago my Dr. wrote me a script for Zyban and it worked quite well and quickly (in about two or three days i had no real desire to smoke). Unfortunatley the Zyban caused panic attacks, etc so i had to stop taking it.Fast forward a few years (about a week and a half ago actually). I am still trying to quit. I figured I'd bite the bullet and try Zyban again. Unfortunately, it is not covered by my insurance company anymore. My Dr. instead gave me a script for Wellbutrin XL 150. He said to take one every other day (remembering the issues I had with the Zyban). I did this for a week and it did not seem to be working. I fealt no side effects (which is good i guess) but I was still smoking like a chimney (maybe even more). I am now taking it daily (for the last 5 days now). I am starting to feel the side affects of the med now but have not noticed any less desire to smoke. I am smoking just as much. I am wondering if I should give it another couple of days or is 150 not enough (I believe with the Zyban the daily dosage was 300). Any thoughts?P.S. I also take 20mg of cipralex (Lexapro) a day. I hope that this is not affecting the Wellbutrin performance. I don't think it should as they target different chemicals in the brain, but who knows...
Wellbutrin XL 150 and smoking cessation?
I am at the end of trying many antidepressants. I am now trying Wellbutrin SR 150 mg 2x/day as a final effort to help me feel lessbleak and hopeless. I have been on wellbutrin sr 150mg 2x/day (generic) and wonder if others have tried this medication at this dose and 4 weeks is just not enough time for it to take effect?I have tried many depression medications without much success.Lexapro- (max dose for a month and a half)Zoloft- (max dose for a month and a half)Effexor- (max dose for two months)Paxil- for a very short periodAmitriptylineNortriptylineprozac (max dose for a two months)Pristiq max dose, felt pretty good but started to worry about side effects of increased cholesterol as with many of these medications is a consideration. Any advice or experiences is greatly appreciated
I have been on Wellbutrin SR for four weeks should I feel better at this point?
Hi,Over the last several months I have been receiving treatment for depression and/or borderline personality disorder [no official decision has been made]. This treatment has involved the use of antidepressants [among other things] however I have not really been responding to them. In fact, I can honestly say none of them have done anything for me. So far I have been put on [in the following order]:Prozac [20mg then 40mg]Citalopram [Don't remember the dosage]Mirtazapine [15mg then 30mg]Wellbutrin XL [150mg then 300mg]I've also been given Seroquel, Clonazepam and Olanzapine in combination with a few of themI have taken each for at least a month before being switched.I am currently taking Wellbutrin and Olanzapine.I can honestly say I have gotten nothing out of any of these medications other than a dent in my bank account. I have been on Wellbutrin and Olanzapine for a month and a half now and I have no idea why these things don't work for me. I have read of others who have had 'life changing' experiences from the use of any one of these drugs and I don't get anything. I don't even suffer any of the alleged side effects they commonly cause.So I am at a loss. There is no denying I have been depressed for many years and it has gotten much worse over the last year [hence seeking treatment]. I am not getting any help from these medications and any therapy I have received has been less than helpful. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow where I know he is going to ask about how the current medication is working and my answer is obviously going to be that it is not.Does anyone have any idea where he might go next? Theres a good chance he'll opt for a new medication, I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas what it might be. Or if not, where else he might turn.Any advice/input would be appreciated.Thank You.
Antidepressants - What are the options?
I have aspergers and am in college, I went to go see a clinical psychologist without my parent's knowledge under her insurance and got some academic accommodations for school/some counseling. I was on Lexapro in the 3rd grade and was weaned off of that many years ago after being on it for just a few years. Now, as a 20 year old guy, I find my libido has been destroyed by Zoloft! I want this back! Of all things...The last time I saw my doctor, I told her that the benefits outweigh the side effect of the med. It helps me with being more social, relaxed and focused at school. I am calmer without my T level being so high as it is at my age. I had a fight with my mother a month or so ago before the med and I believe it was due to anxieties (I am a biochemistry major) and having a single parent home (the stresses that come with that) and maybe my darned high T level (testosterone). Apparently testosterone isn't affected by this med, but my libido is! It was so high and I kind of enjoyed that part of life. Might as well enjoy it while it is so high!?Here's the costs: It literally costs $6.11/mo for the med (with insurance) and it would only be $73/year to keep having my parent buy the med (but me not taking it). I would take 1 week to wean myself off of it at 25 mg/day. Then go without after that. I just don't want to waste my parent's money. Then there's the $20 copays every 6 months to see the doctor and lie about the med. I just don't want it anymore. Where I live, I also get Seasonal Affective Disorder in the winter. The med helps with this. But I still feel the SAD a little bit. And I hardly have any friends, I do the same routine still. All I feel is numbness in my ***.I hate lying. This morning I got up and got ready for the day and almost had a change of mind. I'm not sure what to do, but think today I'll take 25 mg anyway.* 5 minutes ago* - 4 days left to answer.Additional DetailsI'm pretty sure I felt trembling in my spinal cord after starting to take it a month ago. That was my 'side effect' to start the med. I don't know. I didn't that the med sucked so much and had such side effects. It's a strong SSRI. I talked to the doctor about my 'self pleasuring' practices and she we agreed that it doesn't matter because I'm not sexually active with a partner. She said we could consider quitting it if I become sexually active. She said that she could prescribe Wellbutrin to counteract the med, but I said no due to the added costs ($). Now I change my mind. She said that we could START to consider getting off the med after six months. Why, I don't know.
I want to wean myself off of Zoloft (I have been on it for a month) and am taking 50mg/day?
So this isn't a question against medication for psychological disorders, but rather a question concerning my own history with them. About 4 years ago I started taking Lexapro with mixed results. My doctor soon upped my dosage and then added in Wellbutrin XL for some reason. Later when I switched doctors my new doctor told me to take Celexa instead of Lexapro, get rid of the Wellbutrin altogether (as it did nothing), and then added in Risperdal. That night I took the Risperdal I fell asleep at the dinner table. Soon afterward I switched from Risperdal to Seroquel, added in Ativan, and switched back to Lexapro. Then I switched to Seroquel XR, Klonopin, and stayed on Lexapro. I eventually had to get off Seroquel due to major side effects, and also because it didn't do anything but make me sleepy. I finally had some luck when I stopped taking Lexapro altogether and switched to Zoloft, but it didn't last very long. I also got Xanax and removed the Klonopin at this time. Soon I started taking Adderall with the Zoloft and just got very, very tired for some reason, and then switched to Vyvanse with my Zoloft, which I honestly had the best results with until I was napping 2-3 2 hour naps a day, in addition to my 10 hours at night. Now I am being put on Concerta with my Zoloft, and am just wondering: will this process ever end???
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