Friday, January 6, 2012

Drop the Belly Fat: Make the commitment to lose weight this year

What are you planning to do to lose weight?  This year dropping the pounds is going to get done.  One area that has to be focused on is the eating.  What happens when you love the wrong kinds of food?  Fast food is everywhere and it just so happens that some burgers really taste good.  I guess there will just have to be more exercise.

Every year you get into the exercise routine and start working out and then you just stop after a while.  This year is going to be different.  This year it is going to become a part of your everyday habit.  Today start by doing something that is exercise.  Not doing a whole workout cold turkey but do something that requires a little bit of exercise.  Write down what you did.  Today I did a little bit of stretching and lifted a few dumbbells.  Not much of a workout but just something that says that it has begun.

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