Friday, January 20, 2012

5 Principles for Herbal Weight Loss

herbal weight loss Principle #1

Break the fat storage cycle by making the right food choices and by practicing proper "food combining."

Fat is a concentrated source of calories with about twice as many calories (nine per gram) than are found in either carbohydrates or proteins. Fat-heavy meals also lack fiber, so you can eat hundreds of calories and never feel full. Even worse yet, when fat is eaten at the same time as simple carbohydrates, stored fat increases, blood fat levels rise, and the body's basic blood-sugar control mechanism is damaged. This "destructive" marriage of fats with carbohydrates Actually slows down your metabolism and causes you to gain weight.

To begin your herbal weight loss management program you must reduce your intake of all refined sugars and simple carbohydrates, especially avoiding the fat/carbohydrate combinations found in fried foods, cakes, cookies, sweet rolls, candy bars, and so on.

Vitamins Are Essential part of herbal weight loss Because They:

1. Aid in proper development of the body and mind

2. Optimize the function of nutrients from food and other vitamins

3. Facilitate the maintenance of bodily processes

Minerals Are Essential part of herbal weight loss Because They:

1. Are essential to development of blood, nerves, bones, teeth, and other tissues.

2. Restore an acid-based balance

3. Maintain proper bodily processes

Water Is Essential part of herbal weight loss Because It:

1. Provides a fundamental element in all body cells

2. Aids in the elimination of waste products

Expand your intake of whole grains, beans, lean proteins, and steamed or lightly grilled fresh vegetables. Season these foods with herbs to increase the range of flavors and textures and to reduce your desire for fats.

An effective approach to proper food combining is through a modified zone-style diet.

The Zone Diet for herbal weight loss

Dr. Barry Sears created the Zone Diet. The fundamental theory behind the Zone Diet is similar to that which Dr. Atkins uses to support his diet program: insulin production is greatly influenced by diet. The Zone Diet is less rigid in its point of view than the Atkins program in that Dr. Sears is more interested in creating an effective balance between carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake rather than restricting any one nutrient completely. According to this theory the balance between these three essential nutrients—carbohydrates 40 percent, proteins 30

Percent, and fats 30 percent—supports the body in producing optimal levels of insulin. With insulin at a stable level, what Dr.Sears calls "a therapeutic zone"—neither rising nor dropping too quickly—the dieter can avoid the most common negative side effects of excessive insulin: chronic fatigue and constant weight gain. Be careful of your protein food choices, though. Many protein foods contain excess fat (most meats, eggs, whole milk).

Moreover, some unbalanced protein/carbohydrate combinations may reduce the body's ability to release human growth hormone (HGH), a major fat-burning hormone.

The Zone Diet, when applied with a combination of thermogenic herbs and whole, unrefined foods (consisting primarily of vegetables, grains, beans, and low-fat dairy products), will guarantee that the body receives the proper ratio of the required amounts of low-fat protein at each meal, as well as a rich supply of essential fatty acids and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. This will help the dieter maintain insulin levels within a therapeutic zone and assist in utilizing excess body fat, thus helping to lose weight.

herbal weight loss Principle #2

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