Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
Lglarsen52 says: January 12, 2011 at 12:07. I take a combination of Wellbutrin & Lexapro & am very pleased with the results. One of the side effects of Wellbutrin is appetite suppression, so you probably will lose weight. ...
Has anyone lost weight on wellbutrin (bupropion) antidepressants ...
We'll see if I continue to lose or if this will be short lived. I am hoping it helps me get down to my ideal weight in about 10 more lbs. I have an 8 month old child and am still carrying a lil bit of the baby weight. Shinghei says: ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
Amphetamines, if you don't know, is like speed which would account for the hyperactivity, anxiety, irritability and loss of weight. I don't know if this a lot of hogwash, but I'm giving it another month or so to see if it will make a ...
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Weight Loss On Wellbutrin - The Depression Forums - A Depression ...
I'm glad to see that Wellbutrin is working for you. It does suppress your appetite resulting in weight loss. I'm on it for bipolar/depression and have been for some time. Very effective in improving your mood so you can do the things ...
I was just prescribed wellbutrin, seroquel, trazadone, and topamax ...
You probably wont lose a lot of weight because from my experience seroquel is not weight neutral and will cause you to gain weight, so will the trazadone. The wellbutrin and topamax will balance it out though and there should be no net ...
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Wellbutrin Problems. After a year?!? | Weight Loss Drugs
Your body can become acclimated to Wellbutrin and it will no longer be effective in controlling your symptoms. It is never wise to voluntarily increase the dosage of any medication, especially this type. While your doctor says he likes ...
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Need some help on this depersonalization?
I just got put on an anti depressnt called wellbutrin... and i was just wonderin if anyone has been on it be4 or is currently on it.. and if so how do u like it?? So far i have heard great things about it.. like it will help me to lose sum weight wich is a huge reason for me depression ...... If anyone can giv me any info on this drug thatd be greatly appreciated thanks
WELLBUTRIN??!! anyone? taken it?
Here is some background...I'm currently a 15 year old male, I will be 16 this Feb 2nd 2010.I am Caucasian, my nationality is Calabrese (Southern Italian of Reggio di Calabria)I have wavy dark hair, people mistake it as black when it is really dark brown. Kinda course texture, so i use a leave-in conditioner to leave it nice and smooth.I have brown eyesolive colored skin slightly fair skin in the winter, and more tan/olive in the summer.Plain and simple I'm an Italian, Guido etc. whatever!I used to be thinner but between the ages of 12-15 I have gained weight alot so I went from 100 pounds to now 180I'm not thrilled about my weight, I want to lose like 40-50 pounds, get ride of my love handles, my butt and thighs, belly more flat etc.I'm ashamed to take my shirt off when Im at the beach.I'd like to improve my muscle tone, but I'm happy with what I have. although I do have some stretch marks on my upper arms what can you do about those oh well, you cant see them when im wearing a shirt.I have a height of approx. 5 feet and 3 inches, or 63.6 inches.I want to be taller, my best friend who is like a little brother to me (13 yrs. turning 14 in March) is almost my height, he used to be shorter than me last year, he is growing like a weed, then again he is much thinner than i am. This is embarrassing and I don't want him to pas me up.Here are some steps that I have taken to help me lose weight;-drink more water-drink water w/ fiber supplement before going to bed-fat burning pills and carbohydrate burning pills in the morning to help control cravings and appetite.-I try to eat less or no desserts-sit up straight in-stead of hunch.-instead of drinking soda i drink more orange juice/ cranberry juice/water and sometimes diet soda.-before winter i rode my bike and/or walked for at least 3 miles around my neighborhood after school.-i don't do sports b/c i work and i have lost interest-the only sports i used to do is competitive swimmingHere is an important question...does exercise/weight loss help you to grow?I don't think I have had much of a growth spurt at all.So please give me some tips to improve my weight and heightAlso another important detail, not only is it difficult for me to lose weight b/c of my appetite which im trying to limit, I take prescribed medications by my doctor and psychiatrist for my newly formed depression which i have been suffering with for a year now. I have been on medications such as Lexapro & Seroquil which made me gain excessive weight from June 2009-present up to 50 pounds and I have told my doctor Im un-satisfied with the meds b/c of weight gain and they simply don't help me, so now I'm on Wellbutrin.This is a very personal and touchy subject please treat this with respect and sensitivity.
I need help improving my weight and height and physical appearance.?
***PLEASE DO NOT POST AN ANSWER UNLESS YOU HAVE READ THE WHOLE THING******PLEASE DO NOT POST AN ANSWER BASED SOLELY ON RELIGION. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT***I'm 17 years old and I have suffered from severe depression since I was 12.Along with the depression I have major anxiety issues. It's really hard for me to simply pick up the phone and call one of my friends. I can't even call my best friend without getting really nervous. And forget about school, I hated going because it made me so uncomfortable and I put up a fight every single day since like 8th grade, but I went anyway. Then last year (11th Grade) I just couldn't do it. I went for the first day and it made me so uncomfortable and nervous that I had to go to the hospital that night. The thought of having to go to school and deal with that feeling for an entire year was enough to make me want to commit suicide. Luckily my parents noticed my distress before I could do anything rash and took me to the hospital where I stayed for about two weeks until I was stable. I was home schooled for the rest of the year, and that's the plan for this year too.Last year the pain got to be too much and I overdosed. I spent nearly a week in intensive care and then 3 weeks in a psych hospital.When I was younger I was fat. Like really fat. I hated myself because of it. I came to the conclusion that I hated my life because I was fat and that if I became normal size everything would get better. When I turned 16 I decided that I was going to lose the weight. So I ate right and exercised everyday and 9 month later I was 6'0" and weighed 175 pounds. I weighed less and looked normal but nothing else changed. I still feel horrible all the time.I see a therapist once a week and a psychologist every other week or once a month depending on the situation. I've been on dozens of different medications and I'm currently on several different medications including anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxiety drugs. I've been on medications including: Abilify, Seroquil, Xanax, Lithium, Lamictal, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbolta, Effexor, Wellbutrin, The EMSAM Patch, Topamax, Risperdal, Adivan and Klonopin among others that I can't remember. I've tried countless combination's and nothing seems to work.For a while I would just stay home by myself every day. My doctor told me being active and social would make me feel better so I tried it. I reconnected with my old friends and we hung out several times. Instead of making me feel better it made me feel worse. It's so frustrating to see other people enjoying things and life in general when I just don't. We did things that should've made me happy, but they didn't. I just didn't enjoy anything. And I pretty much never do.I guess what I'm saying is, I've done everything I can to make myself feel better but I don't. If I did commit suicide, it wouldn't be to escape the pain, it would be to escape the endless lack of enjoyment. I hate that I'm never happy. I hate my life in general.People say "Hang in there. Things will get better." Then they list all the things about life that make it worth living. None of these things really appeal to me. It makes me wonder if they're truly happy or if they're caught up in their own delusions and are really just going through the motions and denying the fact that they're unhappy to me, and most importantly, themselves. Maybe they're just scared to look at the world the way it is. Maybe I'm the one that see's things clearly and everyone else has a distorted view of reality.I guess I have two questions. The first is: Do you think that life is really worth living or is that just an idea brainwashed into the people, by society? And the second one is: Are you truly happy, or are you just ignorantly going through the motions of life, waiting for death to come?
Is life worth living AND are you truly happy?
I was taking Wellbutrin XL then switched to Zoloft for about 2 years. About 4 months ago I lost my job. So I lowered my dosage like the doc said to get myself off of them, I ran out about a month ago. One day last week I was on the computer and seen a story about St. John's Wort helping people with depression. I really needed something, I was crying everyday. So I bought some. I've been taking it for about 4 days but today I feel "more" bloated than normal. Can I take water pills while takeing this. The article also said that it cleans out you liver (i think) so anything else that you take is flushed out. I'm also trying to lose weight the natural way. The article also said that could help with mild depression. Any information will be helpful. Thanks
St. John's Wort w/ water pills?
I started taking the generic form of wellbutrin a year ago, and I have had a horrible time trying to lose weight. It seems no matter what I do, My weight will not budge. Has anyone else experienced this and achieved weight loss?
How did you lose weight while on anti-depressants?
i just went to the doctors to start medication for my ADD, and i'm a little shocked that he prescribed me wellbutrin. that's an anti-depressant, and i use to take anti-depressants, but they only made my ADD more severe. is wellbutrin different? should i depend on this drug? btw, the other anti-depressant i use to take was abilify and it made me gain about 15lbs in 2 months until i stopped taking them. my weight dropped naturally back when i stopped taking abilify. i don't want to gain weight with no medication, does wellbutrin make you gain or lose weight? i hear it makes you lose weight, but i'm just double checking. nobody likes gaining weight so, does anyone have any experience with this drug and major side-effects? i'm 5ft4 115lbs and adding weight makes me look strange to myself, but the main thing, will wellbutrin help me concentrate and finally pay attention and stop impulsivity?
is wellbutrin suitable for ADD?
Ok, I'm 14 years old and am overweight. My doctor put me on Wellbutrin SR, and i heard that it can cause weight loss. I really want to lose weight and i think a combination of taking the meds, eating right, and exercise will help me lose weight a little faster. Anyway, my questions to you are:1. Have you taken Wellbutrin SR?2. Did it work for you?3. Did you lose weight?4. How long have you been taking it?5. What other side effects did it cause?6. Overall, are you satisfied with it? Anyone's input is appreciated, I just need information. The stuff on the medical websites is helpful, but i want to hear about people's experiences with it. Please feel free to tell me any additional info you have about it.
Has anyone ever taken Wellbutrin SR? PLEASE ANSWER.?
I am 28 and have always had severe depression and anxiety. After my Grandpa passed away in 1994 i began to cry all the time, stay awake thinking about death and being afraid of dying. I became angry about everything and hated doing anything. I hated going to work, I was afraid of going to work, afraid of socializing with people. I finally went to a doctor in 2005 and was put on Celexa. I took it for 2 years and felt better but finally the crying spells came back and I realised I had gained over 30lbs. I went off the medication and the withdrawl was terrible, headaches, nausea, increased anxiety, intense fear, horrible dreams, etc. My doctor then tried me on wellbutrin and that was a nightmare. I managed to lose 7lbs in a week, but had terrible crying spells, wanted to die, had the shakes all day, intense fear and anxiety, flu like symptoms. The doctor told me to get off it immediately. For a week after i still had shakes and crying spells. So he switched me to Cymbalta, same bad effects. Crying spells are worse, i wake up in the morning with intense fear and shakiness. I went off that and have been on Sam-e, Fish oil, and a multi vitamin for 2 weeks now. I'm still scared about everything, i'm afraid of aging and dying, i'm scared because i'm single and can't find anyone. I cry every night and am more terrified than ever of going to work. I hate my job but i'm so broke cuz all these doctor visits and expensive medications. I have no health insurance and I can't afford to keep going to the doctor and all the meds make me gain weight and feel even worse. I'm still trying to lose the 30lbs I gained and after 3 months of working out and dieting i've still not lost a pound and gained back what i lost on the wellbutrin. I'm really scared and sad that there is nothing left i can take that doesn't have bad side effects. I don't want to be on drugs at all. Is there anything I can do to stop this anxiety and depression without medication. I'm not on anything except the natural stuff and i still feel shaky, anxious, and sad. I work as a surgical assistant and i cannot take meds that make me sick or i will shake and not be able to work. I work for an eagle eyed doctor who notices everything and I will get fired if I take anything that has bad side effects. Please help!I also would like to mention i still take klonopin and xanax but it doesn't seem to help. The xanax makes me tired and when i wake up after taking it i feel like i have a hangover. I've just started Klonopin and i don't notice much of a difference. I am on the smallest doses of each. I also find that the only think i enjoy doing is shopping, so rewarding myself with something i want only makes me happy for a day or so and my friends and family are calling me a hoarder cuz I have so much stuffI also was seeing a therapist for a year, it cost $75 bucks a week and the only one in my area with a sliding fee scale was 45 minutes away and i'm terrified of driving. I also don't want to gain weight, i used to be so thin and pretty and all the SSRI's and other antidepressants make you gain weight. Ive been to many doctors for my thyroid, hormones and metabolism, all agreed after many tests it was the antidepressants that caused me to gain weight. I'm going to be depressed if i take an antidepressant and gain weight. I work out very hard now, 5 days a week, plus jog and walk daily and 1500 calories a day, i still cant lose a pound and my trainer doesnt even understandI also was seeing a therapist for a year, it cost $75 bucks a week and the only one in my area with a sliding fee scale was 45 minutes away and i'm terrified of driving. I also don't want to gain weight, i used to be so thin and pretty and all the SSRI's and other antidepressants make you gain weight. Ive been to many doctors for my thyroid, hormones and metabolism, all agreed after many tests it was the antidepressants that caused me to gain weight. I'm going to be depressed if i take an antidepressant and gain weight. I work out very hard now, 5 days a week, plus jog and walk daily and 1500 calories a day, i still cant lose a pound and my trainer doesnt even understand
I am very depressed and have tried all the medications, is there a way to treat this without drugs?
And honestly...Paxil worked like a dream...with the terrible effect of me ballooning up to 200 pounds ( I'm 5'3) and having no sex drive. Other than that..it was a DREAM. Are there any better alternatives? I have anxiety as well..but I rather have anxiety than depression any day. I have heard Wellbutrin and a few other anti-depressants make you feel hyper and you lose weight.I don't know if they will work on me because I have ADHD. I have taken phentermine..which is supposed to be like legal speed..and I CRASH and fall asleep. I have the opposite effect. This means a lot too since I am not the type of person who can get much sleep to begin with.Suggestions? I don't want to be fat and depressed forever. I feel like every since takin Paxil I cannot lose this weight.Margie. I seem to have exactly what you have..or similar. The docs told me I have small ovarian cysts. Diabetes also runs in my family. As far as insulin goes...I feel like I eat and I am hungry all the time...and get lightheaded if I do not eat. I have been like this since I was a child though. But esp. lately. I'm depressed because I am 183 and only 5'4..and I need to be down to 165 by Xmas break..and then more. I am trying to stick to 1,200 calories for now. But I barely can keep myself within 2,000 per day. Thanks so much for replying.
Depressed...have tried Paxil..etc..?
I was taking lexepro for depression .I gained 25 lbs(making me more depressed) I switched to wellbutrin (generic) 3 weeks ago.Its the middle of week 3 and I feel like I had 5 redbulls!! Very awake and mind going 100 miles an hour...So my questions are...1.is this normal and will it tone down after i have been on it awhile?(i take 150mg twice a day)2.Will i lose weight from wellbutrin?3.Will my libido be increased?
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