Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
Got a soft diagnosis from a drop-in MD around 4 months ago for depression, and was prescribed 20mg prozac and trazodone for sleep. I have been suffer...
1St Week - Wellbutrin Xl - The Depression Forums - A Depression ...
I am now 57 years old, and have been on Wellbutrin XL for nearly a week, i increased to 300mg after 4 days at 150mg. So far, my depression seems worse, i have NO energy, and my sex drive is LESS than before I began taking it. ...
Wellbutrin XL 150 and smoking cessation? | Uncategorized
The only difference is that Zyban is indicated for smoking cessation and Wellbutrin XL for depression. When Zyban came out on the market many insurance companies did not cover it because of its "cosmetic" use. ... Panic attacks and in some super severe cases MAJOR depression. if you are having these effects, my opinion is to discontinue use and look at some other alternatives. You may want to look at a product that is prescription called Chantix. it has been shown to have ...
Alternative Medicine Depression Anxiety | Healthy People = Better ...
Weintraub also reflects on her own experience with severe depression, from which she recovered through immersing herself in a daily yoga routine. Yoga for Depression is the first yoga book devoted exclusively to the treatment of these ... I take Wellbutrin XL for anxiety and depression. I have no concerns with it, and its helped alot The thing is I do not want to be dependent on antidepressants. Are their any alternative medicine products that are all natural and help ...
wellbutrin xl for severe depression
This is an example severe depression xl wellbutrin for The areas where the company two side effects from are medicine of being to the sure one and effective one York said of the medicine tardive dyskinesia. of the sugar developed ...
Question about Wellbutrin SR/XL (Bupropion SR/XL ...
My insurance said that these forms of Wellbutrin are covered: bupropion (Wellbutrin) bupropion ext-release (Wellbutrin SR) bupropion ext-release 300 mg (Wellbutrin XL) Does that mean that the generic form of Wellbutrin SR is the same as ...
What is the general approach to treating depression
... may be effective in treating patients with severe depression that are treatment resistant. Other options include bupropion (Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL, Zyban), which has action on dopamine (another neurotransmitter). ...
Fda Approves Wellbutrin Xl(r) (bupropion Hcl Extended-release ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Wellbutrin XL(R) for the prevention of seasonal major depressive episodes in patients with a diagnosis of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition affecting about 6 percent ...
FDA Approvals: Wellbutrin XL and Lotrel
On June 12, the FDA approved a new indication for bupropion HCl extended-release tablets ( Wellbutrin XL, made by GlaxoSmithKline), allowing their use for the prevention of major depressive episodes in adult patients with a history of ...
Depression/Medicaid Questions?
I have been taking Wellbutrin xl for 6 months now. It helped at first, but pooped out on me in a BIG way. Im back to sleeping all the time, mising appointments, locking myself up in my apartment, not answering my phone or returning phone calls. I have no motivation, and I dont want to be touched or have sex at all. These are the things that I was doing during my many severe bouts of depression. Where is the energy and refreshed feeling that I keep hearing about? After doing soem research on the internet I came across some information that stated that although in theory Wellbutrin sr and xl are supposed to be exactly the same, according to majority of people who tried both, the sr version worked much better than the xl. I was switched to the sr version today, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it works better. Im getting desperate. I think it has to do with the fact that the sr is released over 12 hours as opposed to the xl 24 hours. more in blood stream at one time.
Has anyone taken both Wellbutrin sr and Wellbutrin xl? Which one was better?
Hi, I take Wellbutrin xl 150 mgs. daily and Lamictal 50 mgs. In a recent blood workup my doctor found a problem with my liver enzymes and I have been asked to stop my medicaton as my problem was not that severe and my liver comes first.I have mild ADHD with anxiety and depression.There are not really any other meds for me as they all damage the liver.Have you ever had to just discontinue and how did you cope?Thank you so so much for any advice:))Thank you all so far! I do have 3 doctors working on this and all have decided the meds have to go. I don't take any herbals, but do take Ambien for sleep, they've decided that's fine to continue. Lisa--my weight dropped at first, but bounced back to normal. And Wellbutrin's good, that why I'm intimidated by giving it up.
I'm gonna have to give up my Wellbutrin :(?
Ive found myself quite depressed for a couple of months now, I had battled depression for many years after about 10 years of just dealing with it I started taking Zoloft, It gave me severe dry mouth and a very low sex drive but it worked on my depression after being on it for 2 years it lost its effectivness so I weened off it and was better, that was in '04 now here I am back to where I started. I was thinking of starting Wellbutrin XL and want to know what your experiences are while on it... I know medically what its supposed to do but how has it effected YOU. Weighloss, sex drive, depression, anxiety, OCD was it better worst?
Wellbutrin?? What was you experience?
So Since I am taking my son to get diagnosed as ADHD I have noticed in my research, that I meet almost all the criteria for having adult ADD, including the fact that I know I was ADHD as a child, my parents just chose not to get a proper diagnosis. I see a therapist who diagnosed me with severe depression, and she said that I am not ADD, I am the opposite. My dirty little secret is that alot of times I have to take stimulant meds like pseudophed to get anything done, otherwise I feel like I cant concentrate. I have never told a doctor about any of this because I feel like no one will take me seriously, and they will just think that I am a hypo-chondriac. I am currently on Wellbutrin xl, and I firmly believe that the only reason this med is working so well is because its treating both conditions, so it was kind of a fluke, but a good one. So, should I let my therapist and dr. know whats really going on, or should I just drop it since I am on a good medication anyway?Seriously. read the entire question before answering. I AM SEEING A THERAPIST. My question states that. Duh!
ADD? On top of depression, but will any doc take me seriously?
So, I've been diagnosd with severe depression. Go figure, with what's happened throughout my childhood and etcetera! Anyway, I'm on Wellbutrin XL and it seems to help. Note, I said seems to help. Every once in a while, I get really bad spells during which I become physically ill and become emotionally unstable. Sometimes, I do things I'm against. For instance, cutting. I don't do it for attention (because I keep it my secret, along with many others...) and I don't do it because I want to end my life. I do it because I feel it releases the inner pain, letting it escape. It soothes me. I think of myself as insane for cutting! I mean, this isn't like me... At all! I used to be against cutting! I would have never done this kind of thing before I became depressed. Is it possible the medication is making the depression worse, by any chance?
Depression Medication In Need Of A Change?
I have had depression for many years and recently decided to see a specialist. She surprised me by stating that I most probably have ADD. I never thought of myself as having ADD but now that I read more about the symptoms they seem to fit me to a T. Which is a relief because I have always felt like a huge loser who can't get things done no matter how hard I try. My question is: how effective is Wellbutrin XL for treating ADD (I am taking 150mg twice daily)? Also, how long does it take for me to feel any different? Is the change noticeble or something very subtle? What are some of the side effects? I have noticed that my appetite has decreased dramatically (to the point where I know I have to eat but just can't bring myself to do it), slight headaches and severe dizziness. Also my legs got kind of rubbery. I have been taking it for about a week. How long will it take for me to notice something? I hope this helps me.
Adult ADD, Depression and Wellbutrin?
I tried Wellbutrin several years ago and combined it with Prozac. It was just plain Wellbutrin 75 mg, the yellow pill. Later my doctor only wanted to keep me on one med so he discontinued the Wellbutrin. Later I tried it again, Wellbutrin SR, and when taken alone it caused extreme anxiety so I stopped taking it. A few years ago I tried the 150 XL and it caused severe itching but my mood improved tremendously when combined with Lexapro. I discontinued use and my depression got a lot worse. Now I have started it back up again but just take it every 3 days to see if my body will build a tolerance to it and then gradually increase the medicine until I am taking it every day. So far, I have had very mild skin irritation and I have been taking it for about 11 days. Another question related related to the Wellbutrin: Has anyone tried Wellbutrin and not had itching the second time or your body built up a tolerance to it? Thanks.
For people who take Wellbutrin, how long does it take before you start feeling better?
I have had three grand mal seizures in my lifetime, starting two years ago, and the last was a year ago. The first occurred when I was taking Wellbutrin XL 150 mg., but no anti-epileptic medication. The second and third occurred while I was not on Wellbutrin, but was on anti-seizure meds (Dilantin and Keppra, respectively.) The problem is, I have severe, horrible, almost disabling depression, and Wellbutrin is the only anti-depressant that works for me. I have tried tricyclics, all of the SSRIs and even Effexor (of which I currently am on the maximum recommended daily dose.) I take Depakote XR now, and have not had a seizure since I started taking it. My question is: Would it be safe to start Wellbutrin again? My psychiatrist wrote me a prescription, but I am consulting my neurologist first. I know there are some very educated people on here, so what do you think? It makes a huge difference, sometimes between staying in bed all day, depressed, and getting up and living life.
Wellbutrin XL and seizures? I know it's contraindicated, but....?
I've been on Wellbutrin XL for two weeks now for depression. The insomia started to get worse about a week into taking it. At first, I really didn't mind cause I had problems with sleep before I started taking it, but now it's just unbearable. Before I starting taking Wellbutrin, there were at most two/three nights a week where I had trouble falling asleep and wake up feeling even more tired. Since last week, I've been having problems falling asleep AND staying asleep and it has gradually gotten worse every night. I wouldn't mind the trouble of having difficulty to fall asleep and stay asleep, as long as I get some sleep in... but I haven't gotten any sleep AT ALL for the past two days! And the days before that, I probably had 3-5 hours of sleep a night.I'd lay in bed right now, but it's no use... I can't fall asleep even though I want to and I'll just end up tossing around in bed anyhow.Should I contact my doctor about this or wait a few days to see if it goes away?
Severe insomnia. How long should I wait to contact doctor?
I am living in the UK for work and my depression has become severe (I just scored a '39' on the BDI and similarly high on social anxiety), and so I do believe I need to be immediately medicated. Because the NHS system means that it could be months before I see a psychiatric specialist, however, the prescriptions are written by general physicians who are not properly trained in mental health. They are happy to dole out SSRIs, but that's about it. I've been on Effexor, Lexapro, and Prozac (not for very long). With all of these, I experienced weight gain, fatigue, flat affect, and anorgasmia. I was prescribed Wellbutrin XL before moving to the UK, and although I didn't experience these negative side effects, I wasn't on it long enough to determine if it worked (only a few weeks). Because Wellbutrin is not approved as an antidepressant in the UK, however, they will not prescribe it here for that purpose. They're very strict about off-label usage and can lose their license, apparently...Christina W--that's all fine and good, the conspiracy theories, but how does it help those of us who genuinely need medication?
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