Question about Wellbutrin SR/XL (Bupropion SR/XL ...
It's like the last person said, SR is sustained release and has to be taken twice a day, while XL is extended release and is only taken once a day. The thing about the XL is that only the 300mg pills have gone generic. ...
If you get put on a lose dose of Wellbutrin XL, can you stay at ...
I was put on a lose dose of Wellbutrin XL but was scared to increase the dose due to developing a tic. I don't want the tic to be worse if increased. I have Tourette's but this was a new tic from the medication. Is there a way to stay ...
Are sertraline (zoloft) or bupropion, extended release (wellbutrin ...
Are sertraline (zoloft) or bupropion, extended release (wellbutrin xl) CURRENTLY available GENERIC in the USA? asked 09.01.2011 | tags : Bupropion,. Zoloft yes. Wellbutrin no. Kim870 says: January 9, 2011 at 18:40 ...
Can I take codeine if I am on wellbutrin xl 150mg ...
You shouldn't drink and take Wellbutrin XL. It lowers your threshold for seizure activity. I have taken them together before with no problem but only for a week. Call your doctor and make sure he knows and approves. ...
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What side effects did you experience while taking Wellbutrin XL?
How long did it take for the side effects to stop Additional Details:I haven't decided if I was going to take it or not. My psychiatrist recommended I take it for SAD because it's getting out of control.
Yaz Birth Control Missed Pills
How Will Smoking Affect Me While I'M Taking Birth Control Pills? I am taking Tri-Sprintec right now, since that's all my... Is It Normal for Wellbutrin to Take Several Hours to Kick In? Hi. I take Wellbutrin 300 XL for Adult ADD, and. ...
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Has anyone had a negative experience with the generic Wellbutrin ...
my insurance has forced me to take the generic wellbutrin xl, bupropion, and i have noticed it isnt working like it used to. Has anyone else seen a similar reaction to switching to the generic.
Is it alright to take two wellbutrin xl 150mg pills instead of one 300mg pill?
I'm really worried. I was diagnosed with Major Depression 3 or 4 years ago (its biological, not situational). I've wanted to get off my meds for a while now...I'm on 300mg Wellbutrin XL and 20 mg Prozac. I have less than a week left of my pills. I tried to contact my psychiatrist to see if she could give me one of those starter packs so that I can wean myself off...but she's not available until JULY!! And I have NO refills left! I have finals in two weeks (rights before my graduation for my associates), and can't really risk a bad depression. But she won't prescribe me anything more until she sees me! What the hell am I going to do? I went on the cancellation list...but there's no guarantee I'll see her. Should I just stop taking them altogether and see what happens? Any suggestions?
No meds left! What should I do?
My doctor wants me to increase my medicine, Wellbutrin XL, from 150mg to 300mg. But I mail-order my prescriptions and the new 300mg pills haven't arrived yet. Is it safe to take two 150mg?
Can I take two 150mg pills to equal 300mg? (more info)?
What is the difference between Wellbutrin XL and Wellburtin XR? For the first time ever I started taking pills for depression. I took Wellbutrin XL 150 mg for 30 days and the psychiatrist gave me another prescription yesterday. Today I noticed the paper said Wellbutrin XR 150 mg. What is the difference? Am I going to experience withdrawal? Or is it just a spelling mistake? Please help.As I am looking at the paper right now it definitely says Wellbutrin XR
Difference between Wellbutrin XL and Wellburtin XR?
I am in outpatient treatment for depression. I had taken a pretty hard hit mentally and emotionally and was trusting the psychiatrist assigined to me. He had put me on Wellbutrin XL 450 mg once a day taken orally first thing in the morning.Three weeks he changed the prescription, but the only change was from XL to SR. He said nothing about dosing changes. After continuing to be miserable with memory and perception problems, deep depression in the mornings etc, I found that the 3 150 mg pills he had prescribed were to be taken no closer than 6 hours apart.Two reasons: Taking them closer increases the risk of seizure, but more importantly, the SR tablet is designed to fully metabolize out of ones body in 12 hours. After speaking to the doctor today he still refuses to change the dosing instructions.Am I missing something here? Will you guys give me some feedback? Any experience in this? I feel like I've been getting up every morning with no anti-depressants in me.
What is the effect of taking all of your daily Wellbutrin SR at once?
I was on 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL (the generic form, actually) for about 25 days. The last pill I took was 34 hours ago. Before that, the last pill I took was 2 days before that.I am in the wine business, and I need to taste different types of wines on a regular basis. I was told to avoid alcohol when taking Wellbutrin, so I have. But now my doctor thinks I should switch to an SSRI, which I will begin next week. He told me to discontinue the Wellbutrin.My question is this: tonight I have to go to a wine-tasting event for work. Would it be safe for me to drink some wine? How long will it take for the Wellbutrin to be out of my system?
How long does it take for Wellbutrin to leave your system?
HiiI am on wellbutrin XL 150, and i always take my pill at 10:30am, along with my birth control. but today i was so busy with christmas shopping and working on my final projects for school, i took a 2nd pill at around 3pm. I am just wondering, how is going to affect me tomorrow once i start taking my normal dose again??thxby the way, i forgot to mention that i FORGOT i took my pill at 10:30 and then took the other one at 3, only realizing it now
Wellbutrin question..?
I was taking Wellbutrin XL then switched to Zoloft for about 2 years. About 4 months ago I lost my job. So I lowered my dosage like the doc said to get myself off of them, I ran out about a month ago. One day last week I was on the computer and seen a story about St. John's Wort helping people with depression. I really needed something, I was crying everyday. So I bought some. I've been taking it for about 4 days but today I feel "more" bloated than normal. Can I take water pills while takeing this. The article also said that it cleans out you liver (i think) so anything else that you take is flushed out. I'm also trying to lose weight the natural way. The article also said that could help with mild depression. Any information will be helpful. Thanks
St. John's Wort w/ water pills?
I'm on Effexor XR 75 MG and Wellbutrin XL 300MG for depression and anxiety/panic disorder. I've been on Effexor since August 2008 and Wellbutrin since December 2008. Would anything be effected if I started taking a birth control pill?
Birth control and antidepressants?
I've been on wellbutrin for 6 weeks now (currently 300mg xl) and haven't noticed anything at all.Before that I was on lexapro for a few weeks.I didn't take my pill today and I want to try some prozac I was prescribed a while ago but never took.I'm not going to call my doctor because I'm tired of that whole bullssht making lots of money from therapy and stuff that doesn't help me AT ALL., so don't tell me to do that.I'm going to try it anyway unless someone can demonstrate that I WILL get a seizure and get more fucked up than I already am.I'm never going to see a doctor again, no matter what happens, unless I find a medicine that works and I need to just see them for a minute to get refills.
Can I stop wellbutrin cold turkey then take prozac today?
i found a couple welbutrin pills hidden in a thingy in my moved out sisters room. they say WELLBUTRIN XL 300 on them. what do they do cuz i wanna know if i can get a sweet high from them. also, do you know if they will like kill me if i take them while smoking weed or drinking?dont be an anti drug lame a$$thanks
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