Wellbutrin to help with SSRI withdrawl? - paxilprogress
Wellbutrin...it's initial effects are compared to hypomania...it's continue effects are usually not much of anything. Withdrawal is iffy. Some have no problem just stopping, others have a lot of trouble. ...
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Will I have withdrawal quitting wellbutrin after 4 months ...
I am thinking about coming off Wellbutrin and seeing how I feel. I feel like I am out of my "rut" even though I probably do need some sort.
How long does Zoloft withdrawal last? | Antidepressant Medications
anti-depressants news and information on NewsTarget. Lexapro, Luvox, Pamelor, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin and Zoloft has soared in recent years. . Withdrawal from Anti-Depressants – Is There A Way Out ...
Dr. Took Me Off Wellbutrin – The Depression Forums – A Depression ...
I was on for only 3 weeks, but had absolutely zero positive effects. The only changes Wellbutrin brought about were making me tired all day long, wi...
What is a good add-on to 300mg Lamictal and 150mg Wellbutrin ...
Questions Associated with Wellbutrin . I am going to have to come off Wellbutrin soon?
What is the difference between Effexor and Wellbutrin ...
I am switching to Wellbutrin after Effexor has been ineffective; my pharmicist said that they work on different receptors (serotonin and norepinephrin.
How long will my Wellbutrin withdrawal symptoms last ...
How long will my Wellbutrin withdrawal symptoms last? asked 03.12.2010 | tags : Bupropion, flue, headache. I've been on 75mg of Wellbutrin (Bupropion) for about 8 months. I understand this is the lowest dose that is usually prescribed. ...
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Seroquel and Wellbutrin during pregnancy?
Have taken Wellbutrin SR, 300mg per day for 8mo. Titrated off 1mo. ago. Feeling very fatigued, uninterested and not motived...wondering if in withdrawal still, will I need to go back on?
Took Wellbutrin sr,300mg a day.Stopped 1mo. ago, feeling tired, have no interest. Am I still in withdrawl?
Have taken Wellbutrin SR, 300mg per day for 8mo. Titrated off 1mo. ago. Feeling very fatigued, uninterested and not motived...wondering if in withdrawal still, will I need to go back on?
Took Wellbutrin sr,300mg a day.Stopped 1mo. ago, feeling tired, have not interest.Am I still in withdrawl?
I've been taking Wellbutrin 100 mg for about 10 days now. I was taking Zoloft 50 mg, and it worked okay for me besides the decreased sex drive and weight gain. I have headaches and nausea since I've been taking Wellbutrin. I know there are withdrawl symptoms from abruptly going off SRRI's, so I'm wondering if that is part of my problem besides starting a new medication. How much longer should I take this before calling my doctor?
Wellbutrin's side effects?
ok, so i have been on lexapro 20mg for well over a year... well this was prescribed by doctor #1.. well doctor #2 wants me off lexapro and on wellbutrin xl 150. the thing is i CAN NOT quit taking my lexapro, the withdrawl is simply too much for me to handle.does anyone know if vertigo is a side effect of withdrawing from an anti-anxiety such as lexapro? i have looked all over the internet and can't find much info.
I've been on celexa for a few years to cope with depression,I have weaned myself off with my doc's supervision,and have started on wellbutrin.My withdrawl symptoms though are so bad!! Brain Zaps(really bad and constantly),anxiety,headaches,etc.Does anyone know how long these symptoms should last for?It's been about a week now,and it's interupting everything I do.Pls help!! Also anything I can take to take the edge off?Thanks for your help.
Withdrawl symptoms from celexa?Brain Zaps?Help pls!!!?
Just recently I stopped taking opiates and started taking a medication called suboxone to alleviate the withdrawl and craving symptoms. This medication has worked great but I am mentally in the dumps. I was using opiates for about 3 years. I felt depressed before taking the opiates and when I took them I felt awesome. Euphoric. After stopping though I realized that I am very depressed. Even worse then before. Not suicidal or anything just helpless and always expect the worse. Part of using that long is that seratonin and or dopamine is now not being made naturally in your system. When you stop using you get super depressed because of a lack of both. I would like to find out from anyone in here that may have gone thru something similar or just has had a great experience with a certain med working for them what it was and how it helped them. I took Wellbutrin XL for 7 days. I could not sleep. I felt nothing from it because I stopped taking it because of the insomnia. ThxHey Guys,Thanks for all of the good info. I do understand that everyone is different and what may work for some does not for others. I just wanted to see what the consensus was. Gimp, I wish you the best man. As for my plan, I am going to spend the next 6 weeks working out and eating right as a start then try to start weening off of the suboxone if possible. During that time I want to start an antidepressant. Someone was talking about fish oil? That seems a bit weird but it's something to look at I guess. The only things I hate about the anti depressants are you usually gain weight from what I hear and your sex drive goes down. Screw that. Also you cannot drink on them at all? That's crazy. Thanks again though.
What medications have you personally taken that have worked for depression?
Side effects, withdrawl symptoms, helpful or not?Tnx in advance.
How do u feel about Wellbutrin XL ?
I want to go off it completely. I've been experiencing way too much agitation, insomnia, and anxiety. Should I go down to half for a few days and than off completely? Will I experience any serious withdrawl effects?(I can't ask my doctor right now because he is out of town for a few weeks)
On Wellbutrin SR, 150 mg, and i've been having problems with it...?
I love the fact theat the wellbutrin has no side affects, but I've been on it for 4 years now and I don't think it's working anymore. I tried effexor first and it helped but I had terrible side affects, and withdrawl symptoms when I switched to wellbutrin. Now the depression is back, but I am also having anxiety again too. Can anyone reccomend anything that helps with anxiety and depression but doesn't have too many side affects or withdrawls if you forget to take it? I'm pretty sensitive to meds. I took one pill of zoloft that my dr wanted me to try and I felt flu like symptoms, jaw clenching, I was restless, couldn't sleep, and I even felt like I was on speed or something. I'm NOT going to take another, I didn't like it at all. I need to find something that will help me but I'm scared to try different ones because I don't want to feel bad. Help, please.. thanks.
I have depression & anxiety. I'm on wellbutrin but it doesn't help the anxiety....?
I am considering getting on one of those to treat depression and to quit smoking. I've been dealing with depression ever since breaking up with my GF and quitting my job one year ago. I have also been trying to quit smoking now for 3 months- probably 40 attempts and I believe my already depressed state when combined with the withdrawl limits my chances of success. I've been really struggling with this. I do have a history of periodic depression and always escaped it by virtue of worthwhile activity instead of medication hence my reluctance to get on this medication. However I'm in such a rut this does seem like an escape route.1.) Will I suffer any withdrawal from this med. if I take the 150 mg. for three months? Is there a adjustment period?2.) what side effects did you have and how severe?3.) what would you say to a person like me that has always been opposed to medications when other remedys could work just as well or better w/o putting unatural chemicals in your body
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