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How long does Wellbutrin take to kick in? | Antidepressant Medications
How long does Wellbutrin take to kick in? asked 09.01.2011 | tags : Bupropion, depression, few days. I have started 150mg Bupropion in tha a.m. for depression and to help quit smoking. Just wondering how long it took to work in other ...
Everything Drugs: I have been started on wellbutrin (bupropion ...
I have been started on wellbutrin (bupropion ) for my depression. Does this drug cause dry mouth? Wellbutrin or bupropion has several side effects some of which include nausea, dry mouth, cough, constipation, ...
Question about Wellbutrin SR/XL (Bupropion SR/XL ...
My insurance said that these forms of Wellbutrin are covered: bupropion (Wellbutrin) bupropion ext-release (Wellbutrin SR) bupropion ext-release 300 mg (Wellbutrin XL) Does that mean that the generic form of ...
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Wellbutrin is an antidepressant that increases dopamine. It takes 3-6 weeks to come up to a therapeutic level. Many physicians prescribe wellbutrin for ADD, but it does not really turn on the prefrontal cortex and therefore is an ...
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How long does wellbutrin/bupropion take to get out of my system?
I'm on 150mg, and ever since I started it I haven't touched weed or alcohol (which I had only on occasion before). Theres a party I'm going to in a.
Wellbutrin and depression?
I have been on different meds. and several years ago Lexapro was the one that worked best for me. The past few years it hasn't been doing as well anymore. If I don't take it I am very very low to almost non functioning, so I do need it. I tried to get off it and take natural remedies to no avail. But currently I am so depressed, I have only seen my family dr. for this, but am going to see a psychiatrist instead next week. My dr. always just upped the dose and now I am on the highest dose twice a day (20 mgs) and still no relief. I very unhappy with my dr. he hasn't suggested anything else but to up the dose. I think I should have the dose lowered and add a different med. like Wellbutrin. What I thought was just laziness and part of depression I thought I must live with may actually be side effects from the Lexapro, or just something that the medicine isn't helping. They are as follows:* Extreme tiredness, no motivation to do anything even cook and clean my house I barely get by (I am married w/3 kids), I've become so lazy I don't even like to wear make up or fix my hair anymore even when going out places, I constantly want to sleep I yawn all day, moody, irritable, snappy etc. but those are the biggest. I even told my dr. I feel like I've got pms everyday every month, he just upps my dose. Please offer suggestions that might help me when I go to see my psychiatrist next week, thank you.Thanks Zero if you see this, but I did try to go off the medicine and try the natural remedies, I tried 5-HTP and exercise, and vitamin B complex. But I felt so much more horrible without the medicine that I went back on it.
Lexapro isn't helping anymore, please ONLY clinical depression patients, Dr.s or pharmacists answer?
I recall remembering to take it but am not sure if I actually did. What are the side effects if you miss one dose?Thanks. I take 2 doses daily, just started a week ago. I already took my morning dose just can't remember if I took the night one. Thanks for your help!
Can't remember if I took my dose of wellbutrin?
Yeah, yeah, I know I should be asking a doctor or a pharmacist. BUT, I want to know about people's experiences.Has anyone had this combo and drank alcohol? Is it OK? Did you have any bad side effects?I want to drink but want to know what will happen if I do. What if I don't take any antidepressants for a few days?
ALCOHOL PRISTIQ and Wellbutrin: is it OK?
Okay so I think I have a little bit of insomnia. Im usually tired throughout the day even if I go to bed at a decent time and wake up at a decent time. I have trouble falling asleep and when I finally do I wake up at crazy hours of the night. My doctor prescribed me Trazadone and I also take Prozac and wellbutrin.The trazadone works great but when i take it the next day im super tired and sluggish. So what do I do?I take the wellbutrin and prozac everyday in the morning
I need to go to sleep but I cant?
I went to the county psychatrist because it was cheaper. After hearing that I had an episode of bipolar and did really well on my grades, he took away my ADHD medication, Vyvanse. He kept the lamictal and replaced the vyvanse it with wellbutrin. I hate that medication. Vyvanse s the only medication that cured my 4 years of alcoholism and cigarettes craving. It stopped me from having risky sex too. I am hyperfocused a lot though. It turns me into a very analyctical person and helps me learn everything rapidly.I'm very mad at him that he did this, but I'll give it a try.Kimmy and Jads do you guys have idea what you're talking about?Bipolar illness and ADHD is a lifetime disease. You can't stop the medications. The symptoms WILL return.As for you Kimmy, you ignorant tool. Do you have any idea what it's like for ADHD + a Bipolar person goes through during his peak sex drive period at all?
regular psych gave me ADHD med, county psych took it away what?!?
My brother wants off his meds. He says they make him feel like a zombie - he's actually being dramatic, because he can laugh, pout, guilt and get angry just like he used to.He was on Paxil and yes, he did use weed. His psychiatrist said that her field was unsure if Paxil caused bipolar in patients or brought out an already existing condition in full force. She also pointed out that the marijuana helped the effects heighten. He was really overdoing it.He stopped drinking two weeks ago. He used to drink heavily once a week, sometimes more - and would receive the lowest of lows for DAYS. And he was convinced his pills were not working. Once he stopped drinking for those two weeks, we saw an immediate change in him - sure, he was still depressed because of his previous hospitalization and consequential pills he had to take for the rest of his life, but there was a different air about him.Now, I read that people who are bipolar have been med-free - as long as they exercise, eat well, no alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine - meditate and think positive and work through their depressions and let the mania stages pass as they would; being sure to drink calming, soothing teas so that they would be able to sleep a full night's rest, to ensure no psychosis.Now, before Paxil and weed, he was fine. Like he had swings in mood - he was very depressed once he hit his teens and had to begin taking antidepressents and meds for general anxiety. But I think this was in general a mindset that was brought out from being moved from place to place. My brother needs a ground stone in life, he is one of those people that needs stability and routine - he was not getting that in his teens, so his depression and then anxiety developed to high levels (anxiety I think was caused by his depression, which kept him inside and isolated in his room, or around the house only - his mind got too unused to the outside and all its stimulation, so that when we did go outside, he freaked out).Anyway, he is 26 now. He was always a marijuana user, a mild one for a long time - he was fine with Effexor and all the other antidepressents, but then Paxil came - and only five, six months it took and he went into mania, hypermania than a psychoisis. It was his first one, the psychosis I mean, and the hypermania.My brother drank pepsi by the case, he loved it. Smoked cigs, too, heavily. And used marijuana when he had some. Then Paxil came. And suddenly, he's bipolar and in need of medication for life.I'm just saying, the doctor said people with bipolar react strongly to caffeine and alcohol and drugs like marijuana. He would, mind you, get weird with alcohol, mainly violent speech, but he never knew when to stop when he started drinking, so that was probably the case, plus he was dealing with teenage angst on those times. But that's just it, if he was bipolar for his whole life, as she said he must have been, then he would have reacted unfavourably to all those things. He never did! He slept well, too. Then, again Paxil was prescribed because Effexor was causing unfavourable symptoms (he was getting what he said felt like electric brain shocks that made him jerk and convulse painfully) and messed him all up.SO. He wants off his pills. He does not want to take Zyprexa or Wellbutrin. He wants to wean himself off, because he believes he is not bipolar, if he is, it is slight (it actually runs on both sides). If he has only had this happen once (mania, paranoia, psychosis) in his 26 years of life and because of Paxil and the oddly enough, OVERUSE of what he already did without this happening - marijuana - could he wean himself off and be back to normal?Just, if you saw him now and knew him from before, this man is someone different. They wretched something inside him and broke a part of him in that hospital. When my mom and I visited there was always a guard and they said he was dangerous. But he always hugged me and talked to us happily if a bit drugged up, and we visited both visiting times and stayed for all the time each visiting hours let us.Does a psychosis mean you will always have psychosis, no matter what? Can he get off his meds, slowly and completely - could he manage himself well? He said to my mom and I that the only things he sees as peaceful now is death, because the pills are making him feel dead inside. I just need an answer, please.
Bipolar and Psychosis, please help!?
I've been on Wellbutrin for a few months now, and at first it seemed to be doing really well (mainly because I was comparing it to what I was on before--Zoloft--and I got control of my appetite back, which I had lost during my time on Zoloft), but now I don't like it anymore. I have extreme changes in mood on a daily basis. They are triggered by normal things that would upset someone, but instead of experiencing something on a small scale, it's like my brain jumps whatever emotion I'm experiencing up times ten... So if I'm sad, I get insanely sad and depressed and distraught, or if I'm anxious, I get debilitatingly anxious and paranoid, and even if I'm angry, I get so frustrated and just shut up in my head... I feel like I don't have control of my emotions anymore, and I hate it! :(Am I right in assuming that the medicine is doing this? I know for a fact that I've never been this emotionally all over the map before, and it sucks a lot of energy (mentally and emotionally) out of me.I don't have bipolar disorder, my moods have never changed like this until I got on this medicine (and specifically after it got bumped up to 300mg/day). Not trying to argue with you, just letting you know...
Anti-depressant causing drastic mood swings?
I am using the patch, when I get really bad craving I chew the nicotine gum and I also take Wellbutrin (which is safe to use while pregnant). Every single time I see my boyfriend walk into the other room and close the door and I hear that window open I get the hugest craving for a cigarette.. the second I smell it I have to have one and there's nothing I can do to get my mind off of it. I may be able to distract myself for a few minutes but then I just have to smoke. It is all mental, I know this, but the anxiety is the worst. I was a heavy smoker before between a pack to a pack and a half a day and I have cut my habit in half since I found out a week ago which I am proud of but I want to quit ASAP and need some adivce as to what others have done to help quit other than the obvious or what I've been doing.. I need some radical ideas : ) Please and Thanx, I would be very grateful for any input!
I am 5 weeks pregnant and am having a really hard time quitting smoking, I've tried everything.. advice?
I attempted suicide back in 2004. I haven't been able to cry in the past 3 years. I have had 3 members of my family pass away over those last 3 years and, I have suffered through clinical Bipolar Depression, hard friendship issues, and my parent's divorce... to list a few. You'd think with all of this I would be able to cry, but I can't. I want to cry so much at times, but all I can get are watery eyes, and I can never manage to shed tears. At all of those family member's funerals, with everyone balling their eyes out... but I couldn't do anything but sit there feeling as awful as everyone else is, but I couldn't show it. I'm on medication, 400MG of Lamictal and 200MG Wellbutrin so my Bipolar depression is under control. I wasn't able to cry BEFORE I was ever put on meds...so it's not a side effect. When I get teary eyed, I keep trying to shed a tear...but it never happens. Look I'm a 17 year old guy, and I don't believe that BS that guys stop crying as they age. I don't hold back tears at all and I openly express my emotions, but I just can't manage to cry. Is there possibly a physical illness that maybe prevents me from doing so? I loved those members of my family VERY much...so it's not like they didn't mean enough to me for me to cry. And when I can't cry, I get angry about it...What's wrong with me?*I have been seeing a therapist for the past 7yrs. And see her on a biweekly basics.*I am seeing a psychiatrist. On a monthly med check basics. Or more often if needed.
Is there and illness that prevents me from crying? Why can't I cry?
I am on prednisone, albuterol, augmentin, and I take Wellbutrin. Out of nowhere I feel suicidally depressed and high, except not a good high. This is awful. I feel disconnected from the rest of the world and extremely sad... beyond sad. Does anyone have an idea as to what drug interactions may have caused this? I just looked in the mirror and my eyes are totally dilated. Like I said, I feel extremely scared and extremely depressed.
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