Wellbutrin side effects - Social Anxiety Forum
I told my parents and they dont seem to be concerned with this, they said just keep going im sure it will go away eventually. So i want to stop taking them but every one will be mad if i quit another anti depressant. .... But i stuck with it, and the sides pretty much went away after a month. Unfortunately the weight loss side effect did not go away for me. I am skinny too. I am still on wellbutrin but i basically eat like a pig to maintain my weight. ...
Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
I am driving away everyone that cares about me, including my gf and I can't take much more of it. This and I am leaving for SE Asia in 1.5 weeks so I don't know if I'll have time to do anything before I go. Any advice for someone lost? TIA ... Not saying it will take that long with you, but there is the possibility. Our bodies are different in how we tolerate meds. What you seem to be experiencing as well are some start up side effects of Wellbutrin. ...
How long does Zoloft withdrawal last? | Antidepressant Medications
When will the withdrawal symptoms go away. Goofyfut says: January 16, 2011 at 00:01. It could last up to 3 months, depending on how long you took it. This is a Paxil page, but the withdrawals are exactly the same: __http://quitpaxil.info/ chatboard/index.php ... Luvox, Pamelor, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin and Zoloft has soared in recent years. . “It is the recognition of the withdrawal syndrome connected to many . _www.newstarget.com/020617.html – Similar pages ...
Can Wellbutrin make you more depressed? And will drinking while on ...
All drugs, pyscotropic or otherwise work because of side effects. If a particular side effect does what you want.then you have a drug. Try to stay on the Wellburtin for a while longer. Many times the unwanted side effects go away or ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
Side effects usually start happening right away. Some may last for a few weeks and go away, and some will continue until you stop using the medication. But don't really expect them, because many people have no or very little side ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
At first, it gave me a slight euphoric feeling, but that went away soon. Then it would just give me a nice get-up-and-go feeling. This was perfect, since I was depressed and didn't even want to get out of bed. So I took it first thing in the morning and it ... Sleeplessness is also a side effect you may not enjoy, since you already have insomnia. You'll get dry mouth and everything will taste like crap for a few weeks.It's been a few years so I can't remember the rest. ...
Anyone have this side effect with Cymbalta? | Antidepressant ...
Is this normal – if so, when will this go away Additional Details:I also tried taking NyQuil because it always knowcks me out – still no luck sleeping. Bob says: January 15, 2011 at 21:40. Anti's in general can effect sleep patterns. ... Can wellbutrin or cymbalta make your pupils dialate? My husband is on cymbalta and is a marijuanna user what are the side effects of using both? Can you start taking Lexapro 10mg while you are weaning off of Cymbalta 30mg? ...
Sleepy w/ Prozac. Should I take Provigil? | Antidepressant Medications
... how drug addiction can start. if you just started taking it within the last few weeks, it will take a bit for your body to adjust and sleepiness is a side effect. if it does not go away then talk to your doc about what you can do. ...
Zoloft / weight loss after zoloft / does zoloft decrease your ...
zoloft wellbutrin combination zoloft buddy icon effects of a zoloft overdose switching from zoloft to prozac zoloft dose zoloft onsubmit zoloft 25mg premature ejaculation and zoloft injectable zoloft zoloft side effects jaw is zoloft a moai .... stopping zoloft does zoloft and dysthymia does zoloft cause nutrient depletion increase zoloft bronchitis zoloft powered by phpbb zoloft intestinal pain bad days after increase zoloft drowsiness go away zoloft zoloft excedrin ...
Wellbutrin and sexual side effects ED?
please help i have severe depression AND anxiety. i also have chronic stomach pains that never seem to go away. i'm getting on a med tomorrow. i am looking for an SSRI. i do not want to gain weight. most antidepressants seem to slow down your metabolism. wellbutrin speeds up metabolism and i would go with that except it causes seizures in a lot of patients. what is a med that wont make me gain weight. a lot of physc meds also cause loss of libio i dont want that either. also i dont want my skin to break out. what is the best antidepressant with lowest side effects that will make u loose weight vs/ gain or do nothing at all. please helpbesides exercise asshole. i already do that.
please help! what is the best antidepressant for what i need?
I have been on Prozac 40mg for about 10 years now for anxiety/ severe depression. Recently, my Prozac hasn't been working as well as it used to, and my Dr. added Wellbutrin 100mg 2x a day, then after 2 weeks I'm supposed to increase it to100mg 3x a day. I just started it a few days ago, and the side effects are hard to deal with (headaches, stomach problems), but I keep reading that they will go away with time, and it is worth it to stick it out. Has anyone had success with this medicine combination?
Prozac and Wellbutrin: Good combination?
I went into this numb mode couldn't feel happy or sad, all the other depression symptoms too. but I felt a little spaced out those and my stress was very high. well since I started wellbutrin., stop taking I had very bad side effect. where it cause my anxiety to sky rocket out of control and made me feel like a robot. well now I feel disconnect from world not like I'm floating or out of my body, but everything seem weird I don't know how to explain it. Along with the numbness it makes me feel dead when I have a panic attack . I don't know if this well go away when the meds leave my body or it will stay with me forever. Could the depression and my crazy thinking just be causing this or did I develop these disorder or will if lift if I get rid of the depression and the anxiety treated. Also can depression make you feel this disconnect and I'm putting to much thought into it?
Is it depersonalization or derealization?
A month ago, I went into some mode, where my emotion's felt immobilized. I couldn't feel happy, sad, mad, love anything, but fear and anxiety. I thought it was me just having a panic attack and would past in a week. I suffer from depression and social anxiety from a young age, but I never treated it. A week came and went bye, still nothing. So I started to get real scared I check out my symptoms online and I came across Depersonalisation and Derealisation disorder. That really scared me I felt like numb and like a robot so I most have it. They even had a movie about it called Numb!! So I check out the movie and That really did it number to me. It made me think that I will never get over this and be stuck in this forever and I do suffer from one of those disorder. I felt helpless Then a wave of depression symptoms hit me. I didn't know what to do, so I called my local counseling center, they set me up with a crisis center counselor. I went in and told her about my problem she told me it just depression and I need help right away,so they sent me to a mental hospital, where she told me I get good treatment, a good psychiatrist and I would have counseling ever day. Non of that was true!!!!!! It was just take your pills and color all day or sleep. the psychiatrist would be put me down and call me a nutcase because the medication he was giving me was giving really bad side effects. I just felt hopeless, I just cried. those there was three people in my age group and by interacting with them I felt a little better. So I thought I need a life change. Will that been going real bad. So I finally found a good counselor when I got out, and went back at the counseling center for my social anxiety, but I just can't shake this feeling of a numb state. Doctor told me this is the first time I hit a Major depression, but I don't know if I can believe them. I just started taking Wellbutrin , but it has made me feel more like a zombie and increase my panic attacks and making me feel even more spaced out and unreal. I am really scared and can't think straight and don't know if I should still take it. Thanks for reading this.
Am I suffering from Depersonalisation or just depression?
First let me start by saying that I am extremely well-versed in the DSM and psychotropic pharmaceuticals.For the last few years I have been plagued by generalized anxiety and accompanying insomnia. I've gone to psychiatrist after psychiatrist, and they've always prescribed me some antidepressant or another, none of which ever work (and yes, I've obediently taken each for weeks or months at a time - plenty of time for their effects to kick in.) Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Remeron, Effexor, Remeron WITH Effexor (California rocket fuel, as they call it, and it gave me crazy side effects), then Seroquel as an anxiolytic, even Benadryl and Trazodone. I'm like a guinea pig for the pharmaceutical industry, but nothing does anything good.The only thing that's ever taken away my anxiety and let me function without a constant state of crippling fear is benzodiazepines. My dad just started giving his to me, and my grandma used to as well years ago. I am currently taking 1 mg of Klonopin twice a day, and for the first time in almost a year I can wake up without shaking and freaking out about every worry in my life.Problem is, no shrink seems to be willing to prescribe me Klonopin or any other Benzo! I guess because I'm 26, they figure I'm some junkie who'll go off and get high on them or sell them or something. I'd been self-medicating with alcohol until my dad started giving me these pills, and again, for the first time in months I don't need to drink. Also, maybe the shrinks think I'll abuse the meds because I experimented with recreational drugs in my late teens (eyeroll, who doesn't?) This sucks. The only thing that helps me live a normal life and no one will prescribe it to me. What do I do? Please advise.The anxiety predated my use of alcohol, and I never "abused" the alcohol, I merely drank just enough to relieve my anxiety - the effects of a single drink.
Crippling anxiety. Need medications. Doctors won't prescribe me the ones that work. Advice?
So.. Ive been taking Wellbutrin since the beginning of Jan. I've been obsessed with watching for side effects (weight gain, ect) and haven't had ANY bad side effects... the only thing that has changed for the worse (or maybe its not that bad, i cant decide) is my sex drive. I'm constantly thinking about sex. 24/7.. every second of every day... Its sometimes so overwhelming that someone will be talking to me, and I'll tune them out because i'm thinking about sex... What the hell is wrong with me ? Is this what its like to be a guy? lol It HAS to be the medication because its only been like this for like 2 weeks. Its kind of taking over my life.. I'm fantasizing about things that aren't normal! like for example.. my step brother!! there is nothing more exciting to me right now.. and im disturbed by that...i'm wondering if this will go away... its actually getting irritating .. being horny 24/7 is not too fun... I'm 26 btw, ppl have told me that women reach their peak around 30... am i starting early? ssheeesh...
Wellbutrin and increased sex drive?
My GP prescribed me Wellbutrin SR a couple of weeks ago. I told him I wanted to stop using tobacco and that I had anxiety and depression issues. I also said that I was scared to take any kind of drug let alone an antidepressant because of the side effects that I have read about here. He said that Wellbutrin will help me with all the issues so I reluctantly agreed to take it. He told me to take 150 mg for 7 days then 300 mg. Well, after six days the buzzed feeling in my head and the terrible dry (cotton mouth) was getting to me so I quit taking it. It has been a week since I quit and the cotton mouth has not went away! Is this permanent? Has this stuff messed me up permanently? Please, I need someones advice who has taken this drug. Also, after quitting taking it my anxiety and depression has gotten worse. I started taking St John's Wort because I heard it worked well but I am thinking about starting the Wellbutrin again but I am scared. I just don't know what to do! And don't tell me that I shouldn't have quit taking it without telling my Dr. I know that! An I really would like to hear from men on this issue. I feel that antidepressants work differently on men than women so I want a guys advice. Thank you!
Wellbutrin SR Users please respond?
My girlfriend has OCD and is a germaphobe. She is currently on Prozac, which she believes took away her sex drive. And her sex drive hasn't just been reduced. It's non-existent. She also says sex hurts her, so as a result of these three things she always tries to avoid sex at all costs.Oral sex is a very rare occurrence since she is germaphobe. When it does happen she has to brush her teeth and use mouthwash before AND after. Sex happens only after lots of pestering, which is only successful maybe once every two months.I've been with this girl for a while and I love everything about her, except this. If she had a normal sex drive I would think about marriage in the future, but this is ruining our relationship. I want to stay with her so much, and I've been putting up with this for over a year, but I can't be with her if it means never having sex again, or even a healthy sexual relationship.She is going to try switching to Wellbutrin because she heard it doesn't have sexual side effects, but we aren't sure if that will be successful and are nervous about making the switch because it might not work the right way.What should we do? I want more than anything to be happy with her but I have to have sex. Any suggestions?P.S. I have talked with her about it MANY times and hasn't gotten anywhere. Also, I have supported her a lot through this, but I don't think in her case the Prozac is a temporary thing. She has been on it for a while and she tried not taking it last summer and it was not good.
Girlfriend w/ OCD = sex problems?
I started taking 150mg a day of Wellbutrin to help with the erectile dysfunction that I get from taking 20mg of Lexapro and to help increase my motivation. So far it has increased my motivation and energy level, but it is also making me feel kind of dazed or dizzy to the point where im scared to drive sometimes. Will this side effect go away as I get used to it or no? Thanks in advance for your help.
Wellbutrin making me feel unbalanced?
I am 28 and have always had severe depression and anxiety. After my Grandpa passed away in 1994 i began to cry all the time, stay awake thinking about death and being afraid of dying. I became angry about everything and hated doing anything. I hated going to work, I was afraid of going to work, afraid of socializing with people. I finally went to a doctor in 2005 and was put on Celexa. I took it for 2 years and felt better but finally the crying spells came back and I realised I had gained over 30lbs. I went off the medication and the withdrawl was terrible, headaches, nausea, increased anxiety, intense fear, horrible dreams, etc. My doctor then tried me on wellbutrin and that was a nightmare. I managed to lose 7lbs in a week, but had terrible crying spells, wanted to die, had the shakes all day, intense fear and anxiety, flu like symptoms. The doctor told me to get off it immediately. For a week after i still had shakes and crying spells. So he switched me to Cymbalta, same bad effects. Crying spells are worse, i wake up in the morning with intense fear and shakiness. I went off that and have been on Sam-e, Fish oil, and a multi vitamin for 2 weeks now. I'm still scared about everything, i'm afraid of aging and dying, i'm scared because i'm single and can't find anyone. I cry every night and am more terrified than ever of going to work. I hate my job but i'm so broke cuz all these doctor visits and expensive medications. I have no health insurance and I can't afford to keep going to the doctor and all the meds make me gain weight and feel even worse. I'm still trying to lose the 30lbs I gained and after 3 months of working out and dieting i've still not lost a pound and gained back what i lost on the wellbutrin. I'm really scared and sad that there is nothing left i can take that doesn't have bad side effects. I don't want to be on drugs at all. Is there anything I can do to stop this anxiety and depression without medication. I'm not on anything except the natural stuff and i still feel shaky, anxious, and sad. I work as a surgical assistant and i cannot take meds that make me sick or i will shake and not be able to work. I work for an eagle eyed doctor who notices everything and I will get fired if I take anything that has bad side effects. Please help!I also would like to mention i still take klonopin and xanax but it doesn't seem to help. The xanax makes me tired and when i wake up after taking it i feel like i have a hangover. I've just started Klonopin and i don't notice much of a difference. I am on the smallest doses of each. I also find that the only think i enjoy doing is shopping, so rewarding myself with something i want only makes me happy for a day or so and my friends and family are calling me a hoarder cuz I have so much stuffI also was seeing a therapist for a year, it cost $75 bucks a week and the only one in my area with a sliding fee scale was 45 minutes away and i'm terrified of driving. I also don't want to gain weight, i used to be so thin and pretty and all the SSRI's and other antidepressants make you gain weight. Ive been to many doctors for my thyroid, hormones and metabolism, all agreed after many tests it was the antidepressants that caused me to gain weight. I'm going to be depressed if i take an antidepressant and gain weight. I work out very hard now, 5 days a week, plus jog and walk daily and 1500 calories a day, i still cant lose a pound and my trainer doesnt even understandI also was seeing a therapist for a year, it cost $75 bucks a week and the only one in my area with a sliding fee scale was 45 minutes away and i'm terrified of driving. I also don't want to gain weight, i used to be so thin and pretty and all the SSRI's and other antidepressants make you gain weight. Ive been to many doctors for my thyroid, hormones and metabolism, all agreed after many tests it was the antidepressants that caused me to gain weight. I'm going to be depressed if i take an antidepressant and gain weight. I work out very hard now, 5 days a week, plus jog and walk daily and 1500 calories a day, i still cant lose a pound and my trainer doesnt even understand
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