I am going to have to come off Wellbutrin soon? | Antidepressant ...
I am going to have to come off Wellbutrin soon? asked 06.01.2011 | tags : Wellbutrin, asprin, drug insurance, insurance program. My drug insurance program has decided that they will no longer pay for brand name prescriptions. ...
Remission « If By Yes
all i can say is, if and when you wean from the wellbutrin…. do so as slowly as possible. when i came off it, i just stopped it because i was allergic to it (or something in it i guess)…. and man was that a TRIP!!! not one you would ...
I am going to have to come off Wellbutrin soon? | Antidepressant …
So what I wound up doing after the first of the year is pay $400 for my Wellbutrin prescription. Here is the original post: I am going to have to come off Wellbutrin soon? | Antidepressant …
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I was taking paxil cr and wellbutrin for bad panic attacks. However, I gained a ton of weight because of the paxil cr. My Dr. has taken me off the paxil cr and has me only taking the wellbutrin, and I am finding myself feeling ... I didn't realize it but at lunch with a couple of girlfriends they asked me what was wrong and how come I couldn't seem to sit still. I had done some research before taking it and did notice that it can actually cause anxiety in some people. ...
If you get put on a lose dose of Wellbutrin XL, can you stay at ...
If you're experiencing good results from the low dose, you can stay there. Otherwise, they'll want to increase your dosage. If you're having a severe side effect like a tic, you're better off trying a different medication. ...
Whats the difference between cocaine and wellbutrin ...
Then you come down and are depressed. It's also illegal, and not something to indulge in if you want to keep out of jail. Wellbutrin is a lousy antidepressant that does nothing. It is legal though, and you don't get high off of it, ...
Wellbutrin kill my libido and my .... - Social Anxiety Forum
@Under17 yes maybe some supplements can help but a this point maybe i get off Wellbutrin and take some cialis, i'm not big fan of multiple meds or supplements. Anyway the only AD's doesn't affect my libido were Remeron (increased! strange ... Wellbutrin was shown in studies to be a norepinephrine releaser and wasn't in fact a dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It was also shown that dopamine mediated behaviors were not seen with wellbutrin users which come from ...
Wellbutrin to help with SSRI withdrawl? - paxilprogress
So my p-doc first put me on BuSpar for my "anxiety", and then Wellbutrin to combat my "depression". Has anyone had experience with either of these drugs, including weaning off/going through the same hell that we're goign through with SSRI ... Time is the only thing that cures that and it does not come in pill form. Are you seeing a talk therapist who actually works on your issues? Have you tried Cognitive Behavorial Therapy? There are so many other options - please don't ...
Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
Now I just need to wait for the call, which should come tomorrow. Is there a recommended AD med for someone with depression and anxiety? Hello Biker111, I'm not a doctor but I can tell you want I take and what has worked for some others ...
Adding wellbutrin to celexa, adderall, and xanax.?
I am currently on Wellbutrin and have been consistently for almost 2 years now (I was on and off it for a little). I've come to the realization that while my depression is under control, my anxiety has skipped up dramatically. Tomorrow, I plan on going to see my doctor to see what I can do. My doctor isn't the best at listening to everything I have to say so here is my dilemma. The anxiety started after I began taking the Wellbutrin. It makes my heart race quite a bit. Do I stop the Wellbutrin slowly, even though when I miss a dose, I can tell because of how irritated and nervous I get (even more so when on the medication).Or do I switch to a light anti-anxiety medication? I don't want it to get incredibly fatigued by a drug, nor do I want any negative sexual side effects because no matter what, that will totally make me anxious/depressed! Any drug suggestions would be great. Thank you!
Anxiety medication side effects?
I am in a big pickle right now. My insurance was denied and I had to make an "appeal" to see if I can get it back because I had made a mistake and forgot to send in a form when they were doing an audit at my fiances job.So, now I am out of health insurance for the next 30 days or more, and there is even a possibility I may not get it back. I have to wait and see if they will approve it. I have been dealing with on-off episodes of severe depression for as long as I can remember since childhood. I was passed around to different Dr.s etc and I was never diagnosed with anything concrete. One would say this, one would say that, I went from medication to medication, and never was never sent to a neurologist to see if I have an actual affective disorder etc. I have been hospitalized 3x for suicide attempts. The first time I was 13years old, I was in a comatose like state for 3 days. I was lucky to live after that.When I was 18 and moved away from home, things got better in a lot of ways, but also more and different issues have been arising. Since about age 18 or so now that I look back I see different patterns in my depression making me think possibly I have developed bipolar disorder.Now I am a new Mom of a 3 month old son. I came down with severe Postpartum depression. My family Dr. put me on Wellbutrin XL, and right after this, my insurance was denied. It seemed like it was working, but now I have episodes of extreme aggitation to the point I feel like I am a volcano about to explode. My whole body tenses from the anger, I feel it in my neck, head....It seems like my mood swings are worse. I get so mad that I sometimes feel the urge to slice my wrists or swallow a bottle of pills. It takes everything in my being to stay as composed as I can and push out these thoughts. I am starting to get scared. My fiance is scared, he says he has noticed I am just getting worse.I don't know what to do because I have no health insurance and I NEED to get help. I need to be able to care for my son and work to help support him. We are going through a hard enough time as it is in this economy, I have lost so many of my investments etc....everything is a struggle up hill it seems, and now dealing with this and a new family make is so much harder. I have a supportive family and fiance, but I need professional help. I don't know HOW to ween myself off this Wellbutrin or what to do when I run out? They are too expensive for me to afford without insurance. I just want to get better. I know I have a serious problem and I want to be better for my son. I dont know what to do, and I am so scared or losing my son ever since my family Dr. said that CPS can take him away if I don't get better; (she said that they can say you are unfit as a parent even if you are caring for him and there is no abuse, but just for the simple fact you have postpartum depression or other mental illness makes you a danger? ) I try not to think of this. I dont know if she is trying to scare me or what...I just try to focus on being more postive. I am looking for online forums for help and still searching for free therapy but have had no luck with anything in my area.
How to deal with mental illness when you have no insurance or money for medications?
I have had a weight issue all my life. I started taking percocets 6 years ago and lost about 80 pounds. I came off of them in January of this year and have gained about 45 pounds since then. I am taking Wellbutrin and i find that I am converting back to the way i used to eat and think about food before my pill habits. What can i do and is this normal? is there any kind of medication that I can take to help me with my desire to eat and enjoy the peasure that food gives me? I hate being this way!
How do you stop food cravings?
This is a cry for help..something serious. I need the best help as possible. I feel isolated, depressed, (had bipolar and borderline personality disorder since I was 12) and very very angry sometimes. Sometimes, I walk around, ready to fight with anyone who even looks at me funny. I know a lot of people hav this problem but now its like I want to be on top, in control. I want to kill, no one listens to me when I cry for help..no friends, no one. No one cares..my family ignores my problems and gets mad everytime I tell them how I feel, so I keep it inside. Not only am I about to off myself but I am not going down without taking a ton of people with me..it won't be randoms, I haven't been pushed to that point yet. Maybe I will go back to my old high school....no one listens, just ignores..its not like that for everyone..and I know life isn't fair but its easy for other people who have never felt the way I feel to say that. This happens too much, too often. I hate people. My good mood goes away instantly, every time I go outside. I hate a lot of things. And its not a joke or some teenage BS, its serious..I could feel the next Columbine or Virginia Tech Massacre coming on. I hope to stop that...but I can't hold this in anymore. There is no release, no music helps, no attention..nothing..I have serious mental problems. I am on Celexa right now..obviously itts not working. I took Depakote, Wellbutrin, Abilify, Zoloft, almost everything possible..nothing has worked so far. I can't hide inside my home..that's not life but once I go outside, I can't handle it. Its wierd...no one will know how this crazy crap feels unless they experienced it and I mean truly, truly. This is everyday for me..and I don't think I can go on..people don't effing care and this is my last chance. And don't DON'T you dare mention religion..it doesn't work ok? I won't do it cuz its pointless and it doesn't work for me..I'm sorry, it just doesn't. No proof, whatever. I know perfectly happy Atheists, I'm just Agnostic though. So help? Please?Captain W-h-ore, watch the fck out..its people like you I am planning to murder. :) shove itAnd I said don't mention God. Fcuk that.Thanks Jewel and the person below her..since you guys have an idea and feel some of the pain, makes it abit easier. And I will call that suicide number. And I am going to try to force myself to go out more..Thank you everyone..there are a ton of great suggestions here. And Sarah, here's my youtube account as well. Www.youtube.com/EthanFrankMarshall . And I'm on my sidekick, I hope it allows me to add you.
I am going to snap very soon..Seriously, I'm desperate, I need help..help me.?
I constantly feel like something I have done in my life is going to kill me, and I constantly feel like I am going to die soon from something. I am afraid that I have taken too much medication in my life and it is going to catch up to me. I have taken over about twenty different drugs that are for psychiatric problems in the past. Not to mention I have taken about twenty for medical problems in the past. I didn't take all of these at the same time, and I took most of them a decent time apart. I am so afraid I may have done damage tomy brain. However about four months ago I had multiple tests on my heart and a scan of my brain to see if everything was okay. Nothing came back positive for problems. I got off of my anti-depressant about a month ago and the withdrawals have almost completely stopped. Can anyone shed some light on what's going on with me and if I am going to die soon? If I am going to die soon I would like to see all of my family and friends and tell them goodbye and that I love them.Drugs I have been on that I can think of:1. Sereoquil (A few times)2. Vistaril (For a couple of months)3. Paxil (Three years)4. Wellbutrin (Once)5. Prozac (two weeks)6. Depakote (Three months)7. Gabitril (Four months)8. Phenobarbitol (Four times)9. Ativan (three weeks)10. Klonopin (four months)11. Zyprexa (three months)12. Propanalol (three months)13. Verapamil (one month)14. Aspirin (a few times)15. Tylenol (periodically for pain)16. Marijuana (Few times)17. Embalming fluid (once)18. Omeprazol (month)19. Pepto Bismal (periodically)20. Mylanta (periodically)21. Torodal (once)22. Vicodin (two weeks)23. Folic Acid (six months)24. Benedryll (periodically)25. Claritin (week)26. Zyrtec (few times)27. Dymatap (few times)28. Ibuprofen (periodically)29. Abilify (a few times)30. Trazadone (few times)31. Alcohol (twice)32. Nicotine (three years)33. Uni-daily vitamenThat's about all I can think of for now. I would just like to say the only things I am taking now are over the counter tylenol and perscription omeprazol. Do you think doing all these medications over my life time would have a physical detrimental impact on my health.
How do I cope with feelings of impending doom?
When I was 15 I got upset about something really stupid now that I can look back. I took about 1300 milligrams of wellbutrin. If i remember correctly they were 100 mil. each. it was either 1300 or 3100. I think I took 31 of them.So after being in icu for 2days totally unaware of my existence I woke up and spent a few more days in the hospital answering major questions as to why I did it and if Id ever do it again ect ect.I got released without being called "mental" I guess everyone assumed I just did it for attention.Well now Im 21, expecting my first baby girl in 22 days. Ive been thinking a lot lately about the past and how my future looks bright. All the emotions, heartache, and just crazy things Ive done in the past is just getting to me and I guess its natural that Im thinking this way in hopes my daughter wont be like me in those ways.Ive also been thinking a lot about post partum and how I might deal with that considering Ive been on anti depressants in the past. different ones. umm ive also been diagnosed adhd. I will admit that almost 3 years ago I basically decided to get off all meds and quit cold turkey. Yes I got back on meds after I overdosed. BTW the docter who was treating me discharged me when I overdosed ( he didnt want to see me anymore...)SO Ive been medication free since I was 18/19.My major question is what kind of effect do you think the overdose had on my brain? It had to effect me somehow physically right? I mean I was out of it for 2 days (hallucinating and having seizures)And what should I do when it comes to post partum? get back on meds?Thank you for all the help!!!!!!!!~mommy 2 b
I purposely overdosed on wellbutrin 6 years ago, what could the effects be from doing that?
I'm not sure how to explain this as to help you guess what exactly is going on with my mind. I'm already assuming that most of these answers are coming from people in college studying psychology. But if they're answers coming from somebody that's had or thinks the exact same thing, then maybe they'd have some more insight then I have myself.Originally, I started thinking out of the blue that there was this big joke against me. Like all of my friends had formed this one joke and weren't telling me. I guess it would be important to note that in 7th and 8th grade one of my best friends started to constantly make fun of me because I had no idea what any sex terms meant. So he'd always ask me some kind of slang sex term, I'd try to formulate an answer, get it wrong, and he'd make fun of me. He constantly made fun of me. It got pretty bad until eventually I'm not sure how we stopped hanging around each other, I think because highschool started. Thank god.Anyways I'm 21 now. And this started about two years ago. I was completely happy, getting great grades for the first time in my life, had a plethora of friends and having a blast. Then I have no idea what happend. I was at this party, getting stoned a lot around this time too, and I just couldn't connect with anyone. I started thinking they were making fun of me. Well, not making fun of me, but like there was something I didn't know that they all did. So, things progressed to where I'd get stoned with my pals and when one of em talked in a weird voice I'd start to think that he was talking realllly gay, not with a lisp but just in a weird gay baby voice can't explain it better than that. I in turn thought that he thought I was gay. This kid is straight, I'm not sure why I ever thought this, but I did. It was at that time that I went to see a therapist. I was told that I have anxiety, and he put me on celexa, and we continued to have therapist meetings or whatever and I can't say any good came from those meetings. He just said here are some breathing techniques, here are some mantras to say about yourself and talked about nothing. It was not helpful for me and a lot of the time I felt uncomfortable around this guy. He was way spiritual and just not my kind of person.I ended up going off of the celexa over the summer w/out telling anyone but my parents. Some people started asking me if I was alright. I felt like I was. That summer I hung out with barely anyone the entire time, and when I did, I felt so disconnected.It's about a year later. I'm on Wellbutrin now, after my mother advised me to take it. I think it's helped a bit. I'm feeling more connected lately. However, sometimes in some classes in college here, the small classes with say 30 people, I feel very uneasy. I'm not sure why. I just feel like these people don't like me and they know nothing about me. Typing it, it sounds like maybe there's still some depression despite taking Wellbutrin. I tried dating because I really want to care for someone and have that care shared back. I just have a problem connecting with people. I see a pattern where I may come off as too clingy, yet, it's how I am and how I see a relationship as being. Having your own things, but still being together and talking a lot. Just what I see. Anyways, I have no idea what's going on and if anyone has anything to say I'd appreciate it.lol thank you
what's going on with me?
Okay, So my doctor is very mad at my previous doctor, (Dr. Filova, Mount Sani). They gave me an injection of Haldol because the stupid doctor said it helps with adhd hyperactivity. However, this has worsened my aggressiveness, anxiety, and depression. My doctor told me this is responsible for my lack of interest in acitvites and my new smoking addiction. I just called her telling her and reported her to the FDA for malpractice. I really hope she gets her lisence suspened. My question is how long does it last in your system? I got it about three weeks ago. My doctor as a consequence increased my Vyvanse to 100mg wayyyyyyyyyy beyond FDA recomendation and still does not work as good as it should. He had to increase my trazadon to 200mg because of my depression.My lord! doctors can be really stupid, I just hope she pays the consequence as I am the one who is now suffering with a full blown depression again. I left her very nasty messages, because it has made me restless and just very moody every day. If it was not for the vyvanse, I would be pacing down and forth the halls. Sorry if I sound mad, but it is just depression and adhd can disable someone especially if it is very severe in my case. And especially if halperidol only worsens the symptoms. Now I have to go smoke a pack, because this drug makes me so restless. Uhh...I am going to ask my doctor for wellbutrin because I have to kick the smoking habit. However, I did notice that vyvanse reduced how much I smoke, makes me much clamer, controls my mood, helps my focus, but wears off much faster because of the freakin halperidol injection. I really hope this is the last week it is on my system. My dad was the one who told me not to get the injection, but with my adhd I did not listen to him and just followed the stupid doctor's advise. I mean come on people, 100mg of Vyvanse not doing anything!! I got opinions form different doctors, three in fact, and told me my doctor should have neverr halperidol or any antiphyctoic to a depressed patients as it worsens depression and brings out sucidial tendences!!! To prevent me going off the deepend I am going to ask my doctor to start me on wellbutrin, and increase my lamictal. Do you think this is a good idea?Ohh and I have to see a therapist my doctor said. He is just very consered how about the permanet effects this drug has done to my system. Anyways her name is Dr. Filova and practices in Mount Sani, New York, New york to prevent any other patients to see her, because she has worsened my depression and adhd.Also I may seem very mad because I am, but depression is very serious. I have no interest in activties, and so on. I am just grateful to go that it has not made my sucidial. If it did I would see her in court.For example when i woke up this morining, I didnt want to go to work, didnt want to excersize or even eat. So I smoked. I took my lamictal and Vyvanse and 2 hours later I was motivated again, feeling better, less anxios, less restless, less hyperactive, and more focused. However, these drugs are not working that well because of the reakin halperidol. Uhh...misery.Exactly I should call an attorney. I am contemplating.
Diagnosed with depression and ADHD, need help?
I apoligize abouthow long this is, I just want to give some background. Okay, I've had a history of depression on and off since junior high. I've been on several medications, but havent been on anything for the last 5 years or so and seemed to be doing just fine. Until I got pregnant and started having a lot of problems with my bf. He is the father of my baby and our first who is 7. We've been together for almost 9 years and have or good and bad phases. We had split up for a couple months and got back together all full of love and so happy together when we decided to try for another. Of course the day after I conceived I found out he had been sleeping around, not just once, but 3 different girls in a month's time. We spilt up for a few months decided when I was about 3 months along to have him move in with me in my new place. I dont' think he's cheating, because I check up on him on a regular basis. We live in a small town and I know all the places he frequents. I'll drive by to check to see whose there or call the bar to see if he's there. But he's always with his friends drinking. He's become a massive alcoholic and can only go about 2-3 days without getting drunk. Of course this causes all kinds of stress in our relationship as well as his relationship with our 7year old daughter. Along with that stress we are having trouble paying the bills with his big bar tabs. And i work at a very stressful job where I am in charge of a multi billion dollar account in the telecommunications industry. Between the money, the job and the bf. I'm going crazy. I've been on Wellbutrin for about 2 months now. But my depression is getting worse. I cry all the time. I feel so helpless and lonely. I just wish I could get drunk and have a night out myself. I spend all my time after work with our 7 year old daughter trying to do fun things. Going for walks, the park, the library. But inbetween I'm in the bathroom bawling my eyes out or in the bedroom calling him leaving him desperate messages. I try to keep all this from my daughter, but I know she's not stupid. She tries to make me feel better. Now, I'm getting worried... I've lost all excitement about the baby coming. I want the baby out so I can feel like myself. So I can go out for some much needed me time. I'm starting to worry about not having the love for this baby. I used to think all day about what she would look like, or how much she would be like her sister. All the fun things that babies bring. Now I just don't feel it at all. I just want my body back, I want to get a good nights sleep. I want to get drunk. I know some depression is normal, it's the hormones... But I wonder if my feelings will change when the baby comes. If it's more hormones than depression at this time. I know I will be a good mother and do what is right, but I want to feel that special feeling again. Be excited for this new life coming. I just feel so BLAH! Has anyone had an experience with depression similar to mine? What was the outcome? How long did it take you to get back to being yourself after the baby came?Jeff H. You're sick. That's not the type of F'ed up answer I'm looking for. Is school out already?
38 weeks depression getting worse and worse?
ok.... this is my first time opening up about this. For starters i was raised in a very bad family but i love them... Negative guidance, Mom left when i was young i have never seen her since i was 3 now I'm 19. Dad dropped me off whenever he could with whoever untill i was about 12. At 12 i pretty much hung out on the streets with the wrong croud, got into trouble and ended up in a foster home. They were an amazing family and for the first time i felt Some security, welcome, wanted somewhere. i was there only for a short period, got out on good behavior and moved back in with dad, but we barely communicated it felt wierd, i felt uncomfortable talking to him, he never said i love you and i never said it either. I connected with my best friends family and they were good to me. When i was 18 I got 2 jobs which i still have, met my current girlfriend and we got an apartment together. I feel so wierd sometimes i get so depressed, i feel tired, my head hurts i get blurry, and i dont feel like doing anything. When i get this way i try to hide it from my girlfreind becausei do not want to drag her down with me. i am in a bad mood and take it out on her but i do not mean to i cannot stand it. its crazy, its so hard i just want to snap out of it. there is a place in my county called mental health, i have been there for this problem within the last 6 months, the counselors dont seem to really care u kinda get the vibe they are only there for a paycheck. The actual doctor prescribed me wellbutrin, i had a horrible allergic reaction to it then he prescribed me somethin else, which made me only want to eat and sit around all day it made me so lazy, so i opted to stop taking any meds for 2 reasons, i did not want to come dependant on these after the stories i have read online about what happens when people stop taking them, and 2 i did not want to become a lazy person that felt like a zombie all of the time. I really want help so bad i need to do something i have no idea what to do mental health is the only place i know of that treats this kind of thing, and i cant stand that place. i want to go to a doctor that really acts like he cares and understands me and knows how to help. My girlfriend is so amazing she has been here for me through everything, mood swing, deep depression, everything, i love her more than life itself she is so good to me and so perfect i do not want to lose her but i feel like i am close. Once in a while i will feel happy, just over all happy and this is how i want to feel all of the time, i am so outgoing and i feel GREAT. Will my problems ever just go away over time?? That is what im hoping. i really do want to avoid meds. Can some one please please guide me in the right way i really want my life to be normal, Thank u to all who read this so much u r appreciated!
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