Everything Drugs: I have been started on wellbutrin (bupropion ...
Wellbutrin or bupropion has several side effects some of which include nausea, dry mouth, cough, constipation, sweating, joint pain, blurred vision, strange taste or dizziness. In most cases, these symptoms subside with time. However, the dry mouth can be treated by ample drinking water or sucking ... I was just started on captopril and have developed... Is apcalis a good medication for impotence? My boyfriend has been on an anti-depressant for ma. ...
Depression, cessation of smoking and taking wellbutrin? | Quit ...
The story with Wellbutrin is that it was developed as an antidepressant but they noticed it helped people stop smoking. So they started selling the same stuff as a stop smoking med under the name Zyban. But your physician can still ...
zoloft and wellbutrin binge eating
This is an example binge eating and zoloft wellbutrin The areas where the company two side effects from are medicine of being to the sure one and effective one York said of the medicine tardive dyskinesia. of the sugar developed zoloft ...
wellbutrin xl for severe depression
This is an example severe depression xl wellbutrin for The areas where the company two side effects from are medicine of being to the sure one and effective one York said of the medicine tardive dyskinesia. of the sugar developed ...
wellbutrin for depression and anxiety
This is an example and anxiety for wellbutrin depression The areas where the company two side effects from are medicine of being to the sure one and effective one York said of the medicine tardive dyskinesia. of the sugar developed ...
wellbutrin to stop smoking or depression
... picture Truth is it developed the hostility induced by. It is when or smoking wellbutrin to depression stop he closed about that After these the transparence to the problem autorespect scientist would ever support question. ...
wellbutrin and zoloft together
Street mind interviewed Robert the pharmacist in their which wellbutrin and zoloft together declared that they contracted the wellbutrin and zoloft together of these drugs to sell drugs which. of the sugar developed shyness to be called ...
weight loss antidepressant wellbutrin
Street mind interviewed Robert the pharmacist in their which weight loss antidepressant wellbutrin declared that they contracted the weight loss antidepressant wellbutrin of these drugs to sell drugs which. of the sugar developed ...
zoloft and wellbutrin xl
Street mind interviewed Robert the pharmacist in their which zoloft and wellbutrin xl declared that they contracted the zoloft and wellbutrin xl of these drugs to sell drugs which. of the sugar developed shyness to be called or was ...
Which antidepressant would help the most?
when i was 12, I was given ablify for 4 months and welbutrin for a month--against my wishes I might addI didnt feel that anything was wrong with me; however, my parents and the doctors didI have not taken either since(i am now 17)but I am concerned that they could've caused some kind of developmental impediment, like for example, as a man i know that testosterone enlarges everything in you--liver, lungs, penis, etc.however, I wonder if hte medicine couldve counteracted or stunted pubertal growth in any way.more importantly, as an adolescent, my brain is still (supposed to) grow and develophowever, I am afraid that my intellectual ceiling is somehow lower because of the medicine, or any other adverse effects.for example, i notice that when I dont plan out what I want to say and try to improvise--as in I have a point in mind that i want to make but I do not yet know how to expand upon it--i get into troubledeadends and lapses in thoughtadditionally, my speech isnt the most mellifluous and uninterrupted rhetoric out thereany ideas?
can abilify and wellbutrin stunt brain/pubertal development or otherwise be detrimental to normal functions?
I've tried all of the standard antidepressant types, ssri, snri, wellbutrin, even maoi. Now I'm on an amphetamine, the only prescription that can get me motivated and feeling good enough to be productive. But I'm still not ME. Abusing dextromethorphan was the only thing that made me feel like I had a soul again. The day after first taking it, I had a good long cry for the first time in years. I only later connected this to the drug. I won't get into the details of the rest of the dxm use, but suffice it to say that a permanent tolerance developed and I won't be taking it any more.Psychiatrists and therapists don't have a clue what they are doing. I don't want to be a zombie on an ssri, or speedy on amphetamines. These definitely do help with the debilitating aspects of depression, but they don't help me feel like myself. Does anybody have any ideas on how to get my soul back?God, as soon as people see any drug mentioned they focus on that. What drug are you even talking about??? I've been off drugs... you know, before I was ever on them. That's not the problem, I can assure you.Buspirone was actually just added to the dextroamphetamine. We'll see how that goes, but why do you recommend it?Think about the happy things? Go fuck yourself. You obviously haven't the slightest notion what I am talking about. And if you read my question, you would realize that.
Depression: I just want to FEEL again, have emotional responses again. I want to be able to CRY again. HELP?
I have a 30-day supply of Xanax with 60 low-dosage pills.My doctor prescribed this in conjunction with Wellbutrin for depression and anxiety. It's helped immensely but I'm afraid of developing a dependency on it. So far, I've tried to only take it when I really think I need it, but I know there are going to be stressful days when I'm going to want to take more than one. What do you think?I just started taking it, so I'm not feeling any of the addictive symptoms yet. I'm just worried about developing them.I do see a therapist in conjunction with medication.
I'm worried about getting addicted to Xanax?
Hi there, I'm a 18 year old guy seeing a psychologist for social anxiety, here's some background: I like to think i've developed a good professional level relationship with my psychologist and through the employment of cognitive behavioural therapy i've made some good progress: but I'm feeling that it would be a smart move to try out a medication known as Bupropion aka Wellbutrin. ( clinical studies have shown dopamine shortage may cause social anxiety, wellbutrin raises dopamine, and to back up my personal case: parkinson's symptoms run in my family therefore my dopamine genes could be subpar)What this boils down to is this: Can I ask him to put me on the medication, despite the fact that he is a psychologist (is there a good chance he can talk to a psychiatrist or get me in to see one he works with? do psychologists work alongside psychiatrists?) or would I probably get the boot from him.again, I ask cause i can't afford to offend him because he's a family friend and and through him my appointments are payed for via a government drug addiction program { he works with this program i guess} & side note : (i was a drug addict 2 years ago), therefore i can't afford any other psych and even if i had the option, I'd rather not change my psych cause he's a good one.I want to thank whoever answers,much appreciated!also , your personal opinions on CBT with and without medication will be appreciated, and if you could explain the common psychologist opinion on this issue that would be great, just for my understanding and so that I'm not sounding offensive/ ignorant to the practise if i choose to bring it up.
Psychologist and Social Anxiety: to ask for medication (wellbutrin)?
Last year I have been off and on Cipralex- Escitalopram for minor depression anxiety which to some extent did remove my anxiety and Dep but completly ruiened my Libido. Then I discontinued Escitalopram with a hope to restore my libido. While my libido still didn't come back and I developed Fibro Mygalia along with same level of Dep and Anxiety as always.I met doctor today and he has advised me some blood tests for thyriod etc and prescribed Cymbalta. 1. While I believe that cymbalta can remove my dep and anxiety and body pain , can it restore my lost libido? If not can I add wellbutrin to restore sexual side effects? 2. I am used to having couple of drinks about 2-3 times a week. Do I have to quit alcohol cumpulsarily? if not then what precautions I must take?My concern is that even after leaving the Escitalopram for almost 8 months , my libido is still not back. Now when I start Cymbalta this chances of restoring libido may further reduce. So can wellbutrin be added? If not is their any stand alone medicine for restoring libido which is lost as side effect of SSRI
Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Loss of libido, Alcohol?
Want to preface this by saying I have no liver problems, seizure history, or manic episodes(1).Have read that the effects from all 3 drugs I am on currently, have some advisory warnings related to seizure threshold when combined with wellbutrin(XL 150mg once per day) to be exact. Psychiatrist gave it to me to for 2 reasons 1: quit smoking as the adderall turned me into the marlboro man, so to speak. 2: Adderall seems to have decreased my sex drive(only blatant variable). I can't give up Adderall, because I am doing amazing on it ADHD wise and depression wise, as I am now jacked in, absorbing whatever I have to, instead of getting off track every 30 seconds. My Psychiatrist is obviously aware of everything I am on because she prescribed them to me. My question is: To what certainty can I ascertain that I won't develop seizures? I could do a percentile increase with each variable and see exactly where I would be. So my underlying question would be: Would you take the chance considering the pros and cons?Pros: All pro's are dependent on "if" the drug actually works for me. 1 quit smoking. 2: More intense-frequent orgasms. 3. Trying to get off Benzodiazepines(Xanax) for anxiety and panic attacks. 4. An overall, constant sense of well-being.Cons: Again, how I react to the drug 1. Seizures. 2. Serotonin Syndrome when in combination with an SSRI(Celexa). 3. Death from allergic reaction( not really a concern as I am not allergic to anything I have came across). 4. Any other complications, of which I am not aware. I am not worried about any other side effect (excluding allergic reaction/death) which comes with the territory[hell, nuts can kill somebody,("that's what she said")], because I am accustomed to suicidal thoughts, anxiety, etc.(1) Previously was diagnosed as bipolar, which was incorrect,because of comorbid personality defects associated with untreated ADHD, thus leading to my depression and anxiety, which stemmed from where I was at in my life conflicted with the image I have of myself. I went to the psychiatric hospital after a sudden cessation of my opiate abuse, hydrocodone, to be exact, which can lead to a plethora of acute mood swings, anger, etc. Have learned my lesson with opiates, to be sure.
Adding wellbutrin to celexa, adderall, and xanax.?
At 12-13 I was on Prozac. I believe it lasted 6-12 months. Then I got off Prozac and got on Clonidine patch and a few months after I developed long-term apathy. I still have it now at 20. I feel nothing. I have no motivation. I can't get out of bed. I am a nobody. I was on Clonidine a few months and then on Wellbutrin which didn't help my apathy but for some reason caused me to SMILE WHEN I'M NOT HAPPY. What's up with that? Wellbutrin didn't help but I doubt it caused it. Around the time of Clonidine that I developed the apathy disorder. It may have been Prozac but seems more like Clonidine. I also heard 1 or 2 people who had Clonidine cause the same thing but it wore off for them, I think. Why not me? And what is going on? Help will be very appreciated.
What could have caused my long-term Apathy Syndrome?
I am in a big pickle right now. My insurance was denied and I had to make an "appeal" to see if I can get it back because I had made a mistake and forgot to send in a form when they were doing an audit at my fiances job.So, now I am out of health insurance for the next 30 days or more, and there is even a possibility I may not get it back. I have to wait and see if they will approve it. I have been dealing with on-off episodes of severe depression for as long as I can remember since childhood. I was passed around to different Dr.s etc and I was never diagnosed with anything concrete. One would say this, one would say that, I went from medication to medication, and never was never sent to a neurologist to see if I have an actual affective disorder etc. I have been hospitalized 3x for suicide attempts. The first time I was 13years old, I was in a comatose like state for 3 days. I was lucky to live after that.When I was 18 and moved away from home, things got better in a lot of ways, but also more and different issues have been arising. Since about age 18 or so now that I look back I see different patterns in my depression making me think possibly I have developed bipolar disorder.Now I am a new Mom of a 3 month old son. I came down with severe Postpartum depression. My family Dr. put me on Wellbutrin XL, and right after this, my insurance was denied. It seemed like it was working, but now I have episodes of extreme aggitation to the point I feel like I am a volcano about to explode. My whole body tenses from the anger, I feel it in my neck, head....It seems like my mood swings are worse. I get so mad that I sometimes feel the urge to slice my wrists or swallow a bottle of pills. It takes everything in my being to stay as composed as I can and push out these thoughts. I am starting to get scared. My fiance is scared, he says he has noticed I am just getting worse.I don't know what to do because I have no health insurance and I NEED to get help. I need to be able to care for my son and work to help support him. We are going through a hard enough time as it is in this economy, I have lost so many of my investments etc....everything is a struggle up hill it seems, and now dealing with this and a new family make is so much harder. I have a supportive family and fiance, but I need professional help. I don't know HOW to ween myself off this Wellbutrin or what to do when I run out? They are too expensive for me to afford without insurance. I just want to get better. I know I have a serious problem and I want to be better for my son. I dont know what to do, and I am so scared or losing my son ever since my family Dr. said that CPS can take him away if I don't get better; (she said that they can say you are unfit as a parent even if you are caring for him and there is no abuse, but just for the simple fact you have postpartum depression or other mental illness makes you a danger? ) I try not to think of this. I dont know if she is trying to scare me or what...I just try to focus on being more postive. I am looking for online forums for help and still searching for free therapy but have had no luck with anything in my area.
How to deal with mental illness when you have no insurance or money for medications?
I am 4 months pregnant, and at this time of year I usually need to take Wellbutrin for seasonal depression for a period of about 3-4 months. I have always battled depression from a young child, and now have developed seasonal depression on top of that when I moved from L.A. to San Francisco Bay Area. (the winter weather here gives me the blues & stinks if you ask me!)I am currently not taking any medications and have not for years except around the holiday seasons for the last couple of years. I am looking for other womens experiences with this RX while pregnant and or nursing. I have heard this drug is pretty safe, and will be going to see my Dr., but its nice to hear things first hand from folks who have been there-done that!
Looking for feedback from women who took Wellbutrin while pregnant or nursing? What was your experience?
i was diagnosed with depression about two years ago. im almost 3 months pregnant. i went to my first prenatal appt last month and my OBGYN told me he doesnt want me to take my anti-depressants. at first i was fine with that because the excitement of my pregnancy had me on a "high," but my childs father left me, got married to someone else and then told me he doesnt want anything to do with me or our baby, so now OBVIOUSLY my depression is back full swing. i cant stop thinking about how much this hurts, no matter what i do, i keep crying and feeling so sad. i take Zoloft for my depression and i read up on the effects and they said that"For mothers who have taken SSRIs during their pregnancy, there appears to be less than a 1% chance of infants developing persistent pulmonary hypertension. This is a potentially fatal condition that is associated with use of antidepressants that are similar to sertraline in the second half of pregnancy. However, women who discontinued medication therapy were five times more likely to have a depression relapse than those who continued their antidepressant. Untreated depression or depression relapse may have negative consequences for both the fetus and the mother. If you are pregnant, please discuss the risks and benefits of this medication use with your healthcare provider."i am starting to think i need to get my meds again because all this stress cant be good for the baby. what do u guys think? i'm pretty sure Wellbutrin is neutral to the baby but i took it last year for a while and it didnt really help my depression, only my smoking. (im not smoking at all right now btw). do u think it might help now? i need SOMETHING. talking to my therapist is not helping enough.i agree. wellbutrin did not work for me at all either,i just want whats best for the baby
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