does wellbutrin cause feelings of suicide
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How long does Zoloft withdrawal last? | Antidepressant Medications
Eli Lilly lied about Prozac, hid suicide evidence, charges Harvard .I've taken Prozac, Lexapro, Zoloft, Paxil, and am still on Effexor. . feeling lethargic, full of bad negative energy are all part of withdrawal. . _www.newstarget.com/ 003201.html – Similar pages ... Luvox, Pamelor, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin and Zoloft has soared in recent years. . “It is the recognition of the withdrawal syndrome connected to many . _www.newstarget.com/020617.html – Similar pages ...
Remission « If By Yes
I guess that I am supposed to want to try to wean myself off of the Wellbutrin, to “gain independence from medication” and all that jazz. But quite frankly, I'm terrified that the depression will come back if we meddle with things, so I'm relieved ... In fact, suicide kills more people worldwide than breast cancer or leukemia does. More people die of depression than die by accidental drowning. You are more likely to be killed by suicide than be killed by another person, ...
Teen Depression? Antidepressants? | Symptoms of Clinical Depression
Medicine may help and after a stint on them for 2 yrs proceeding a failed suicide attempt at 16, I was prescribed wellbutrin, lithium, and zyprexa while in the psych ward (which is mostly a joke I think…i left after 10 days by just ...
Does anyone have this combo...Strattera, Wellbutrin, Citolopram ...
Hi, I have that combo because strattera causes irritability, and Citolopram reduces the irritability, and the other Wellbutrin it is because strattera has another side effect like suicide thougts and all that, well wellbutrin is the ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
Anything over the amount your dr prescribed. Reply. Arubis says: January 6, 2011 at 18:07. Don't even think of it Andrew! Call the suicide hotline 1-800-784-2433, even if you just want to ask them that question about Wellbutrin. ...
Wellbutrin Woes
My psychiatrist should know—does she even read up on the side effects? She never told me that Wellbutrin can cause people to commit suicide. I started spazzing out when I found out… I took Wellbutrin for almost four years and complained ...
Learn about Wellbutrin SR Antidepressant | Best Ultrasound Review
... tiredness, sleeping too much, insomnia, and thoughts of death or suicide. It helps to treat depression greatly. Wellbutrin is a pharmaceutical prescription antidepressant, which directly affects the brain and other nerve cells. ...
wellbutrin loss libido
Also used for long periods Suicide is a serious wellbutrin loss libido with the ability to abuse of alcohol and drugs so sad that they cannot. wellbutrin loss libido is nothing wellbutrin loss libido with that pessimistic Feeling of ...
How to cope with this everlasting loneliness?
Hello.My name is Alec. I am 16. Right now I am taking lactimal and wellbutrin, for what I, as well as my family, have suspected to be for Bipolar disorder. But I can't be diagnosed with it since I am not 18. I have all the symptoms. Periods of enormous ecstasy, like I was a god. And then there were the periods of anger and hate. I came down from the happiness so hard, crashing. These were my only two moods. In between was vegetative boredom. I broke things, created much tension within my house, deprived my parents of sleep due to fits of rage and threats of suicide. Also my father is Bipolar. It culminated with him being arrested for taking out a shotgun and threatening to kill me, my mom, and my brother. I feel the medication is helping. Lately, I have no ecstasy feelings. But I think I finally feel what it's like to have a normal everyday happy feeling. Now I wake up with good intentions, not too good with a God complex, but a content feeling with a mentality for working. But I still have spikes where I fell the world come crashing down on me.About 40 minutes ago, I was having a bad, low episode, the first one in about a week. ( A vast improvement from every single day ) But I went radical and stupid and used a butcher knife to slice open my arm 3 times. I have it all bandaged up. I used strong band aids to seal the wounds back together, put gauze pads on with antibiotic cream, washed the wounds, and wrapped it up with medical tape. My question is, is there anything I can do during these low periods to prevent myself from going crazy? I try so hard, but it is if I am a different person in these states. I have different wants, I have a different personality, I have a different psyche. I am trying to get better. So fellow Bipolars, when I feel a low, depressive episode spike about to come, is there anything I can do to really block it? I have tried thinking good thoughts and so much more, but it comes so fast and strong and intense. I wanted to also say I am sorry for my parents. I love them so much yet they have to put up with me. I know I will make them happy one day when I will be better and successful.Thanks.
What to do when you have a depressive episode (bipolar)...?
I have been dealing with depression for about a year now, but it has significantly worsened do to recent situational factors. I have been on Lexapro, Elavil, Effexor, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Seroquel, Topamax, Xanax, Klonopin and Lamictal. I was hospitalized in May for a suicide attempt. Currently I am just on Lamictal, Seroquel and Xanax. However, I just started the Lamictal a few days ago and restarted the Seroquel after being off it for about two weeks. This is THE MOST overwhelming depression I have felt in my ENTIRE life. I've been experiencing it since last week. Normally I can keep it at bay until the nighttime. Today thought it's come early and I am SO scared of what I might do to myself eventually. Usually I'm too scared to kill myself but this... this I cannot do if it's going to keep up. I even went so far as to call my GP and get a refill for my Elavil, as I have some at home and figure that, plus a brand new bottle, and then another brand new bottle when I can get my second refill will do it. I don't think I could wait that long though and would have to do it with what I had and just add some other things. The pain has exceeded my coping ability and resources for coping. I think God honestly wants me dead, because I am being SHOVED in the direction of offing myself.I have never been so scared in my entire life.Whoops, sorry, I'm 20 years old.I do plan on calling my therapist tomorrow to get an emergency appointment, as I don't see her until the 8th of October.
I am genuinely afraid of myself?
Okay, I should probably tell you that I'm 12 years old. I have been hospitalized 3 times because of my mental disorder. I'm diagnosed with Severe depression and anxiety with psychosis. Which means, I have major depression issues and I see and hear things that aren't there. But aside from that, I think there might be something else wrong. I'm no expert but I just have a feeling. I'm extremely intelligent. I have an IQ of 145 and I'm in the 8th grade (I skipped 7th), and in all gifted classes. Since as long as I can remember I've been paranoid and having this weird obsession thinking other people can read my mind. No joke. I have been on medication for about 2 years now. Prozac 40mg once in the morning along with 200mg of Wellbutrin. Then at 3:00pm I take another 200mg of Wellbutrin. At night I take Saroquel 200mg. But just recently in the past year or so, I've had this weird urge to daydream. About a year ago a friend of mine got me into the video game Devil may cry. I played it and in a matter of hours I beat it. Played all of the Devil may crys including Devil may cry 4, and beat them. Then another friend of mine got me into the game Final Fantasy VII Crisis core. Then I watched the movie Advent children both the first addition and the completed addition. Well anyway, going on to the daydream problem, I daydream about being a character in both Devil may cry 4, and 3 and Final Fantasy VII. Although I've passed on the Final Fantasy, I mostly daydream about being at class when Nero shows up and then we fight, me being an angel and him being a demon. And everyone finds out that I'm an angel and when that happens everyone is in awe, so then me and nero after done fighting start talking and fall in love. Yes, I love Nero. Yes, I know, most teens daydream about boys. But what's really a problem is that I always go daydreaming to that, and it's not just at school, it's at school, after school, before going to bed and even while doing things. For about a year I've been wishing that could really happen. I've even considered suicide, but I'm getting therapy for that.So, I've been told it could be schizophrenia which is why they put me on Seroquel. Anyway, that would explain the hallucinations and the paranoia But what is the deal with the daydreaming, and wishing and hoping, sometimes even believing that I was an angel and that I could kill demons and that I could fight. But, I'm so confused! Please help!SORRY THIS IS SO LONG! BUT I WANTED TO GO INTO DETAIL! PLEASE HELP!
Mental Disorder? Do I have one?
I was on Effexor back in May and attempted suicide. I had been on Lexapro since November and my doctor said that from that point on he would not put me on another SNRI, and put me back on Lexapro.However, he recently switched my medication to 30mg of Cymbalta. When he told me he was prescribing it to me, I was a little confused because I thought Cymbalta was an SNRI but figured I had to have been mistaken. When I got home I googled it and sure enough, it was an SNRI.I've just about hit the one month mark of being on it and over the past week I have had a dramatic increase in my depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts/behavior. Is there a good chance that this is being caused by the Cymbalta since I had such an adverse reaction to the Effexor? I want to know if it's the medication or if I'm actually getting worse and worse. It scares me.I plan on discontinuing the Cymbalta tomorrow to see if I feel better. I have left-over Wellbutrin as a back up. I don't see my psychiatrist until October 8th. I'm afraid to call him because I don't want to be sent back to the psych ward. The suicidal thoughts are overwhelming, I know how I would do it, I actively researched the milligram dosage of medications it would take to kill me, and the despair is pretty much overwhelming. I don't think I could ever kill myself though. They're just thoughts at this point, strong thoughts, but still thoughts.
Has anyone seen an increase in their depression and/or suicidal thoughts while taking Cymbalta?
I was on Effexor awhile back and ended up attempting suicide while on it. I've also been on Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Elavil, ect. My doctor recommended a "different class of drugs", the SNRI's... and prescribed Cymbalta. But isn't Effexor also an SNRI?At Ms. K - Yes, he was the one that prescribed me the Effexor to start with and then after I attempted suicide was like "Well, obviously, we should stay away from that." So I'm really confused as to why I'm on Cymbalta now... :(And thank you! I'm trying!
How similar are Cymbalta and Effexor?
I'm 21 and been a alcoholic since 18. I have been on Wellbutrin 150mg and Prozac 20mg for 2 weeks now and I drink maybe 3 times a week on it and take half a log of xanax or a log of xanax while drinking and on my medication. What is wrong with me I'm insane when I'm drinking I don't care if I die the next day I wake up I feel so quilty about my drinking and how it makes me mean im afraid ima end up in jail or the psychward (again) I just can't handle drinking no more its beyond my force nothing makes me happy and I'm pretty sure I'm Bi-Polar. I tryed AA for months I don't like it they tell me I gotta help other alcoholics and I can't even help myself! My sponsor doesn't support taking medication and going to rehab. I have a assesment coming up for rehab this month I can't wait to go it will be the first time being sober since 12 (even just smoking pot and drinking every other weekend or robotripping popping random pills etc.) I thought all this was normal growing up but at 19 and a half I relized I have a problem I am going insane I think about suicide all the time everyday I wake up shaking and in a panic! I just want to be happy I can't go on like this! Is there any hope for me?? I drink alot too cuz I'm very lonely and my bf uses drugs and drinks and I can't seem to break away from him and everyone I know drinks I'm so confused I know I have a problem I want to stop and be happy and be stable mentally physically and spirtually any advice anyone else been through this?? How can I deal with this till I go to rehab. I'm scared I won't make it to rehab with the way I drink and black out its scary!! Thank you. No sarcastic or rude remarks please.
I can't stop abusing alcohol?
I am supposed to take 150mg Wellburtrin SR & I think 50mg Prozac everyday. Will it help with my depression, rapid mood swings, thoughts of death and suicide, my loss of will to live and even try, help me maintain healthy relationships and concentration? Or is it just another way for the Dr.'s to make money?
I'm prescribed Wellbutrin SR & Prozac?
I've been on Wellbutrin XL 300 mg (anti-depressant) for almost 6 months after suffering chronic depression for 5 years (triggered by the death of my mother and exacerbated by my terrible relationship with my father). The medications used to cause me irritability, anger, and impatience until recently. Friendship 1: This girl has been essentially my best friend throughout college. She has been blunt and rather sarcastic, cynical, and negative in recent times - and I guess my medication made me more irritable and impatient in regards to her attitude. I told her that I really don't appreciate her being so negative and critical of me all the time - in a very nice way. Ironically, she retreated and didn't want to talk much to me. She has not contacted me since and I have been best friends with her for THREE years. Granted, as I was going through my personality changes with my medication, I did keep her at a distance, but that's because she is good with helping out practically, not emotionally. And I didn't feel comfortable. She got kind of hurt about that but understood where I was coming from - but when I told her to stop being so critical of me all the time, she couldn't take that simple line of criticism from me - which makes no sense. She blocked me online.Friendship 2: My friend came in town, and she left her e-mail up on my computer. I happened to see some conversations of her with other people when she was talking crap about me. Yes I shouldn't have continued to pry just based on one thing I saw, but I couldn't help it - I am only human and if I see one bad thing spoken about me in front of me, especially on my computer, I couldn't help but look. I got so enraged at some of the things I found - she called me a ***** to one of her best friends, told the guy she is involved with everything I had told her about my personal life when I don't even like the guy and she knows it, basically did so many things that I couldn't believe and completely undermined our friendship.Well normally I would have gotten angry anyway but I would have discussed it with her as calmly as I could. But I did something so terribly out of character for me that I seriously attributed it to medications. I took all her stuff - suitcases and clothes and all, and threw it out of my apartment building, and locked my apartment and went to sleep. Some friend of hers had to pick her up in the middle of the night. She told me she is never going to trust me again.I know I shouldn't blame medication for my actions, but some of these anti-depressants have a very potent effect on the brain and have even driven some people to commit suicide. But both girls did not understand that one bit. Friend 1 has completely stopped talking to me without explanation, and Friend 2 told me she is never going to trust me again, and has not contacted me since. I don't even feel comfortable contacting her because her responses are very short and aloof, and I believe she has blocked me online too.I don't know what to do - Friend 1, I really don't think I should contact because she doesn't respond to me at all - unless I should explain thoroughly one more time about the medications - and Friend 2, well I feel like I didn't put my flags out enough about the medication either. Neither of these friends are good with emotional issues - and Friend 2 in particular was very all over the place and was often in her own world (even though she didn't need to be like that).Any advice on this situation would be greatly appreciated.Great answers so far... thanks guys, I really appreciate your support.im here - I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. It did cross my mind - it felt like a fog had indeed lifted and I am finally beginning to stand up for myself.Kate - I probably should have clarified that what I did to Friend 2, I DO take responsibility for, I don't blame it completely on the medication. But it was very out of character for me, so the medication was definitely a catalyst. And I made this very clear to her as well.But I do see your point in terms of problems being there before the friendship started. I do admit that with both of these friendships, I was too "sensitive" in their eyes, maybe more sensitive to biting sarcasm and destructive criticism than some people would be. But that's just who I am - and that's largely due to the traumatic changes I have been through.
Side effects of medication caused me to basically lose a friendship?
I'm severly depressed even though i try not to show it. I always tell my family I'm ok, but i always feel suicidal. I've been in therapy for years and had some clarity for a while. But recently my feelings have gotten worse. I'm bi-polar and i'm constantly going through cycles. Often times I can't sleep for days and it's really taking a toll on my health. I'm anorexic as it is and any food i eat i usually throw up. I always feel fat. I have a week before I start college and If i don't lose more weight I feel like I want to kill myself. I've even planned how I'd do it. I'd just od on Wellbutrin and klonopin. I even wrote a suicide note, I told my parents that I want everyone to think I had an aneurysm because I don't want my brother to be ashamed that his sister killed herself. I got into all the colleges I applied to including NYU but I can't feel happy anymore. Usually I just get so exhausted and lie on the couch all day. My mom even got so desperate that she told me that we could go shopping and i could by whatever I want. I love clothes but that couldn't even motivate me. I feel numb and I don't have interests in anything anymore. I used to be popular and have a lot of friends, but now I've distanced myself from them and I'm all alone. I just wish that the pain would end. I've constantly have had low self esteem and hated myself since I was 12, and I just feel like I can't cope anymore. I'm not a coward or bailing out I've tried everything to help heal my self and center my life but I feel like I' m never going to get better. I started cutting myself again. Just by my hip so that i can cover it up. I carved fat into my hip even though I know somewhere in my mind I'm not. I feel like i'm inferior to everyone else, and feel like everyone's more beautiful than me, even though people have told me I'm gorgeous. I just can't take this constant life of secret misery. I just wish that I had been successful in my many suicide attempts in the past. I have about 60 pills all together because I want to take enough that I'll die and not end up in a comma. My mom cries every night and tells me that she prays god will take my illness and give it to her. I know that they will suffer if i kill myself but i honestly can't take it anymore. Help me.
Help Me I Feel Suicidal?
I am on Lamictal, xanax and wellbutrin for bipolar. Lately I have been so angry that i have been breaking things. It is like all my anger from the past is coming out and I feel like I am having a nervous breakdown. I have also been feeling really depressed and thinking about suicide as well. I used to cut and haven't in over 6 years and I have had the old feelings returning of wanting to cut. I haven't done it but i am struggling. I do not want to tell my doctor as I cannot go back into the hospital. If I tell him will he admit me? or just do a med change?
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