Wellbutrin XL? | Weight Loss Drugs
They just recently tried to take my husband off his Wellbutrin and even though the doctor said he could go cold turkey because it leaves then system more quickly it affected him so bad that almost landed him in the hospital. ...
Are there any pharmacies in the Twin Cities area that carry ...
They are both considered generic equivalents to Wellbutrin XL but Budeprion appears to be associated with more side effects and lower efficacy in some people (I am one of them). Pharmacies will substitute Budeprion because it is cheaper ...
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Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I have been on Wellbutrin XL for over 7 years. I will stay on it for life as long as it keeps working. It is the first antidepressant that has never stopped working for me in my life. I have been on numerous and they have all stopped ...
Please help! Experience with generic Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I started Wellbutrin XL 150 mg three weeks ago for depression and anxiety, and yesterday my doctor increased the dosage to 300 mg. The pharmacist had to dispense the Teva brand Budeprion XL 300 mg because my insurance would not cover ...
I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 300 for depression and anxiety ...
I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 300 for the past 9months for depression, but I also suffer from anxiety. My doctor says that the Wellbutrin XL 300 should work for my anxiety but I do not believe it is working. ...
I took wellbutrin xl 6bvyears ago and experienced weight loss but ...
I took Wellbutrin XL 6bvyears ago and experienced weight loss but no other side effects. I recently started again. At the same time, I had the ke...
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Is Bupropion HCL XL 300mg. tabanc the same as Bupropion XL 300 mg ...
January 6, 2011 at 14:07. No, they are not the same. Also, I thought you might want to read this. _http://_www.icis.com/Articles/2008/03/10/9105794/budeprion-xl-300-and-wellbutrin-xl-300-controversy-over-disparity-in-effects.html ...
Possible reasons why Wellbutrin isn't working anymore?
I was currently prescribed adipex for weight loss and wellbutrin xl for depression. Has anyone taken those together? And are my chances of decreased appetite higher?
Combining adipex and wellbutrin?
Ok, ok. I'm aware of how dangerous Anorexia Nervosa is so please refrain from giving me that lecture. Here is a little background information. I've been on and off "anorexic" since I was 13(now 18). I'm actually a normal weight at the moment(125lbs) and I am 5'9. I don't binge and purge, I simply just do not eat. I have bipolar disorder type 2, a general anxiety disorder and ADHD as well. I am currently taking(and abusing) Adderall, Wellbutrin XL for depression, Lamictal for mood swings and Ambien for insomnia. I started taking a multipack of vitamins and minerals containing 21 vitamins and minerals, enzymes, Concentrated Vegetable Enzymes, Omega-3 and Omega-6, and oils. Are these vitamins going to do any good for me regarding hair loss, poor nail beds and other negative things following Anorexia?I appreciate your replies, without any annoying ranting about how "stupid" I am. I'm going to continue taking the vitamins and I will update you all on my condition sometime soon. I honestly hate doing this to myself but I've had enough experience with behavioral hospitals, drug rehabilitation, substance abuse therapy and counseling that I am too stubborn to for it to work.
A question about Anorexia and multivitamins?
Ok here's the deal:I went on Zoloft at the beginning of September to help with freshmen year college anxiety. It worked wonders for my social anxiety, but it did lead to a 15+ pound weight gain. This weight gain was NOT the "freshmen 15." I am extremely obsessive about my weight and refuse to eat the junk they serve here. I don't eat any meat besides fish, and my biggest meal of the day consists of tuna on salad with a lot of veggies and low fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing. I went to my doctor with my concerns and she said that the Zoloft probably messed with my metabolism.So she put me on Wellbutrin XL (generic). I have been on 300 mg for about four weeks now. Despite exercising for an hour each day and eating healthily, I feel as though I have lost absolutely nothing. I am scared to weigh myself because whenever I do now, I go into another fit of depression! I do not have the appetite suppressant feeling that a lot of people talk about on Wellbutrin. I do however feel as though I am extremely alert and focused and get a lot more done in the day, which is probably a good sign of my metabolism returning to normal?I have also been suffering from a compulsive "eating disorder not otherwise specified," chew & spit for about a year and a half. If you don't know, it's exactly what it sounds like, when I am stressed or sad I will chew a bunch of sweets or forbidden foods up and then spit them out. Gross I know. I have read that doing this can raise insulin levels and make it very difficult to lose weight (although I actually lost weight when I wasn't on any anti-depressants). Since being on Wellbutrin I have been able to start weening off of this disgusting behavior, but do still mess up sometimes.My question is, if I fully quit this eating disorder behavior, continue to diet and exercise, but still take Wellbutrin (I feel like it's helping), will I eventually be able to lose this weight? I feel like I should have seen results by now, but maybe I have to be more patient...I have heard that Wellbutrin is not supposed to cause weight GAIN but will it actually allow me to LOSE if I keep working at it? I couldn't lose on Zoloft no matter how hard I tried.Thanks for any answers.
Wellbutrin XL weight loss/eating disorder?
I've been on the generic version of Wellbutrin XL for about 2 weeks now (to treat depression). This is the first time I've tried antidepressants (after my counselor suggested it, after 10 months of counseling) and I chose it because my sister said it worked well for her and also because of the supposed benefits of increased energy, possible weight loss, lack of diminishment on the libido, etc. I've yet to notice a difference in my mood, but my understanding is that this can take up to 4 weeks or so to begin to notice.The first couple days I noticed I was very irritable, but found that this resolved when I reduced my caffeine intake. But I've been having headaches for the past week now and I have to take an Ibuprofen everyday to help with this.I'm wondering if this side effect will probably go away after my body becomes acclimated to the drug?I would also like to know if I should begin to notice a difference soon?
I've been taking Wellbutrin XL (generic) for 2 weeks now. Have headaches. Will this side effect go away soon?
First, please don't answer if you are not a Doctor or other health provider. Holistic is fine also.Conditions:5' 10" - 320 pound male (While I know the weight is a huge factor, please do not hound on it. That has been explored at nauseum)Poor Circulation – Limbs and other body parts will go to sleep quickly if compressed. Couldn’t sit Indian style for 2 minutes to save my life.Chronic Shortness of Breath under physical strain. Chest pains can occur occasionally under the same stressors.High Blood Pressure - Only become a problem 6 months agoCholesterol - Problem whole adult life. Have dropped it from 300 to 191 in the last 6 months on medication.Type II Diabetic - Non-insulin, but heading there fast. – Diagnosed 2 Years ago – With Metformin, sugar hovered around 125 until about 3 months ago. Now it fluctuates through the 200s. See new meds below. They are helping, but not allot.Bi-Polar - Have been under medical and psychological care for years. Medicines not helping like they used to. Possible additional neurological disorder. I base this on ticks, twitches and other neurological deficits I experience. My Father had M.S. Died 3 years ago at 62 years of age. He finally threw in the towel and let a UTI take him. He was sick with it for about 30 years. My father's youngest brother has M.S. also and is still alive, but in poor physical shape do to the disease. Unlike my father, he has resisted treatment. My father’s was relapsing remitting M.S. and his I believe his brother’s was secondary progressive.I had a brain MRI done 12 months and no lesions were found. I have avoided the LP due to having one 20 years ago and it being an experience that I do not wish to repeat. The Dr. butchered it so badly I ended up in the hospital. Also, my dad’s and uncle’s was inconclusive, but they obviously had the diseaseCurrent Symptoms:Binge EatingInsomniaLoss of Memory and Cognitive Function – Minor to Moderate depending on the task.I am a college educated adult. Was once at the top of my field and now cannot hold a job. See below.HeadachesPain in Legs and occasional swelling – Especially at night.Manic and depressed on a regular basis. – Usually manic at night and depressed during day, which leads to the insomnia. Sleeping pills help, but make me hung-over in the morning. I do not like taking them. Take an occasional Ambien.Ability to interact with others outside of immediate family varied. Usually will respond to most folks in an upbeat and cheery manor. I’ve been in sales and customer service for 20 years. But, when pressured, I resort to depressed, withdrawn and angry. Has caused me not to be able to hold down a full time job for more than a couple of months at a time. I am not ever violent, but I become very agitated and argumentative to the point where others do not want to work with me.Other info: I avoid alcohol except at an occasional party. I rarely drink to excess. Maybe two or three times a year. I have not and have never done illegal drugs. I have an addictive personality and have always known where illegal drugs would take me. Mentioning that, I have always been a big risk taker. Money, pain and the like. I have limited physical exercise, due to shortness of breath and poor circulation. I enjoy working out, it just hurts to much.To see me on the street, you would not suspect most of this stuff, except of course the obesity.Med List: Lamictal - 300mg once daily - Taken for 4 years at variable doses.Wellbutrin XL - 150mg once daily - Taken off and on for about 5 years.Prozac - 60mg - once daily - Taken for 1 year.Lorezapam - 0.5mg - once daily - Taken for 1 yearSimvastatin - 40mg – once daily – Taken for 6 monthsMetoprolol - 100mg - once daily -Taken for 6 monthsMetformin - 1000mg twice daily - Taken for 2 years at this doseActos - 15mg - Just started last week.Glipizide - 10mg - once dailyHerbalsCinnamon - 3000mg dailyWalgreens Diabetic Vitamin Pack - Two many items to list. Taken daily. I know this is a ton of information, but I need someone to look at the whole picture. My Drs just treat symptoms and never seen to get to the root of the problem. They are excellent Drs; one Harvard Educated, but like my father I just think they don’t know what to do with me.Also, please no lectures about putting this stuff on an unsecured site. I could care less who reads this. I want to get better. I want to be productive again.
Do you have any ideas for me?
i've been on wellbutrin xl 150 mg for almost two months. In the begining it completely cut my appetite but not so much anymore..I'm just curious is this a side effect that slowly fades away? Anybody else have experience with weight loss/gain ? i still love wellbutrin so im just curious thanks so much
Is Weight Loss a temporary side effect while taking Wellbutrin XL?
Ok, recently I've been experiencing some anxiety, rapid heart beat etc. which I thought was really weird considering that my doctor just put me on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg about 2 months ago and it seems that it's only gotten worse since then. I looked on the wellbutirn website and these side effects were listed....weight loss, loss of appetite, dry mouth, skin rash, sweating, ringing in the ears, shakiness, stomach pain, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, trouble sleeping, muscle pain, nausea, fast heartbeat, sore throat, and urinating more often and I have had pretty much every one of those symptoms other than weight loss and skin rash. I am well aware that I need to talk with my doctor but obviously I can't do that until Monday. I'm scared not to take the medicine because the last time I went a day without it, I felt like my heart was just going to come out of my chest until I took it, my pharmacist said you aren't supposed to just stop taking it. So bascially I'm just wondering what I ....should do until I can talk to my doctor on Monday and has anyone else had this problem with Wellbutrin? What have you taken that actually worked for you? Thanks!You know that makes so much sense! I haven't had any seizures but had read that it could cause them...but you mentioned that about the caffeine and Thursday night I had a caramel frappucinno from Starbucks and that was the first caffeine I have had in like 5 months and my symptoms have been so much worse since then! I am definitely not going to take it anymore and will be making a dr. appt first thing monday morning. I have some xanax and I decided that I would just take one of those instead of my wellbutrin tonight and I already am feeling so much more calm, my heart isn't beating anywhere near as fast and I only took it about an hour ago. My doctor is definitely going to have to figure something else out for me.I'm not self medicating, I was prescribed the xanax for panic attacks. And like I said the starbucks that I had thursday night was the first caffeine I have had in 5 months! I rarely ever drink caffeine and usually avoid it at all costs, that's not a problem for me.
Question about Wellbutrin XL?
I was on Wellbutrin XL 2 years ago and was loosing steady amount of weight. I went off it due to the expense and a year later went on the generic. I started gaining wieght as steadily as I lost it. I decided to go brand name dispite the expense to loose the wieght I gained. To my surprise It is making it impossible for me loose wieght no matter how well I eat and exersize. I intake 1200 cal a day, and I exersize at least 30mins. daily. No matter what I do I cannot loose weight. And now I have to go back on the generic so I'll probably gain even more. It's not a good idea to get off the meds cuase when I did I my depression came back right away. The meds actually do the job that's needed, but I can't loose wieght and it's frustrating becuase I try really hard. I need to loose 30lbs to be at a healthy weight. My family has history of heart attacks from being overweight, and I don't want to be one of them. Can the doc perscribe me something to aid in wieght loss while on my meds
Is there something a doc could perscribe me to help me loose the weight i'm gaining from antidepressants?
I'm bipolar 2 and on several meds like wellbutrin XL, Effexor XR, Abilify and lamictal and I'm really overweight...it's all in my stomach, very bloated I look pregnant. I've tried everything from exercise, dieting, and working with my personal trainer but nothing seems to be working. So I asked my doctor to put me on topamax because I heard some amazing results on weight loss. I have a few questions...1.) Does topamax speed up the metabolism or just curb the appetite?2.) How many mgs's are ppl on when they usually start to lose weight? My dr said 200 mgs is okay to go up to but I think that's kinda high since I heard it's (aka: dopamax)3.) When will I notice a difference?
Topamax for weight loss w/bipolar disorder?
Okay, was prescribed Bupropion HCI (SR) this time around, but I usually take Wellbutrin XL the pharmacist told me they're both taken twice a day, and they're basically the same. But, was just wondering if those who have taken the generic saw any differences, and if there was any weight loss accompanied with SR.
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