What Happens When You Stop Wellbutrin? - The Depression Forums - A ...
I think i want to quit wellbutrin.... does quitting usually lwead to a relapse of depression?
Wellbutrin Research and Vendor Information
Taking more than the recommended dose of Wellbutrin will increase your risk of having a seizure. Do not stop taking Wellbutrin without notifying your doctor. Since Wellbutrin may cause sleeplessness at first, it is best not to take this ...
Wellbutrin & Drying Out - Any Way To Stop This - The Depression ...
I forgot to say in my earlier post than in addition to mild anxiety - i think that wellbutrin is causing me to have skin probloems. I've had dry ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I had to stop taking Wellbutrin because my mind was racing so fast I couldn't take it. I couldn't sleep either. If I would've stayed on it I think I would've shot myself. It's horrible. Reply. Freeman says: January 8, 2011 at 21:07 ...
DAWS reversal: Cholinergic NT mediated - Mind and Muscle Forums
I had to stop taking Wellbutrin 2-3 weeks ago because of an allergic reaction. When I stopped taking it, DAWS anhedonia came back on, but not the other symptoms. However, yesterday I took Azithromycin to treat a certain infection and to ...
What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin ...
What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin? asked 28.12.2010 | tags : Wellbutrin,. I have missed three doses and I wont be able to get my prescription refilled until tonight, so by then I will have missed 4. ...
Chantix, Zyban, Wellbutrin and Suicidal Thoughts
FDA is requiring new warnings on these drugs after reports of neuropsychiatric side-effects, including suicidal thoughts and extreme aggression. Learn more at www.usrecallnews.com . These drugs are often prescribed to help patients stop ...
Could Wellbutrin cause a woman to have a miscarriage or be unable ...
You should stop taking any medications such as Wellbutrin due to the risk of having a miscarriage. If you have specific fertility questions you should consult you physician. Could Wellbutrin cause a woman to have a miscarriage or be ...
Wellbutrin XL 150 and smoking cessation? | Uncategorized
I am trying to quit smoking. a few years ago &a...
Are there any hazardous effects when taking aderall inconsistently with prescribed wellbutrin and celexa?
I think I'm doing it for attention. Also I am badly depressed. I feel like I don't care enough to stop doing it. People just move away from me or stare. I'm going to therapy but I don't know what the hell. To say about it even my family is starting to get freaked out when I am around them. I'm on wellbutrin I think I have a personality disorder and am losing touch with reality.
I keep acting really creepy in public and scaring people?
I am serious. It can be anything! One word, picture, it does not matter. I either start crying out of the blue or even get this, start laughing right after.Hormones perhaps? Advice? FYI- I was on 300 milligrams of Wellbutrin a day but was told to lower it to 150 milligrams a day while pregnant by my doctor. It does not feel like "depression" setting in though. It is just extremely "moody." Cry, laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh....Anybody else? ( I am "teary" now as I type but could read something and laugh out of the blue?) Geez, I feel nuts.When my husband calls me, I am "tearing" up and can't explain it! It was hard for him to leave me this morning. Can hormones go this crazy at 5 weeks into a pregnancy? First pregnancy I did not get like this until my 3rd Trimester? * blows nose * Thank you!!!Thanks! What is odd is that I had just been diagnosed with Major Depression, I must of had it for two years without "knowing" it. I JUST started it 5 weeks ago and it kicked in quickly! Look what happened, I got pregnant during the 1st month on it. I can't come off of it either. My depression was very severe and it would hurt both the baby and I more if I stopped treatment. I have no choice.This "feels" more like PMS times 1,000, if that makes any sense. I wonder what will make me "tear" up next? LOL (seriously, this is an awful feeling!) Thanks again!!!!
Anybody else crying over everything in early pregnancy? I can't stop!?
I once took one of my friend's Wellbutrin antidepressant pills when I was dealing with grief and a health problem, and I already know it was a foolish thing to do, so please don't tsk-tsk. What I'm curious about is the makeup of the drug, and if it's similar to speed. It seriously made me feel like the Energizer Bunny, but not really in a way that I liked. I just had a tremendous amount of energy, and even after rigorous exercise couldn't shake it off. I literally couldn't sit still, and I had no appetite at all. My friend is taking it again, and says that it's not doing that to her at all, but I'm still concerned that over time it could have the same effect on her. Could it? I took it when I was 16 and only 105 pounds, so maybe it had a more intense effect, and I have a slightly overactive thyroid. She's 18 and not chubby but not skinny either - like a size 6-8 or so probably.What's in Wellbutrin? Is it similar in its chemical makeup to decongestants or speed / meth? I can't take Sudafed or any over the counter cold medications because they made me incredibly hyper and totally unable to sleep. I once took Sudafed and just couldn't stop talking and moving around - I was like a 4 year old on a sugar high. Wellbutrin felt like that but on a much less intense scale.
Does Wellbutrin have some of the same chemical components as speed or similar ingredients to decongestants?
3 day ago I started taking Wellbutrin sr 150mg once a day. It makes me so hungry. Even when I do eat, Im still hungry!! Even my stomach growl, not the gassy growl, but the hunger ones. I don't want to stop taking it because its only been three days, but I definitely don't want any weight gain, and I hate feeling hungry all the time!
wellbutrin making me hungry!?
please help me. I am a college student. I feel sleepy all day for several years. My brain is always not clear, difficult to think and concentrate. I feel that my brain is empty and my eyes tend to close. I also suffer from insomnia sometimes. But even with good sleep at night, all these symptoms still persist. This greatly affects my study and also these symptoms are very suffering. All these symptoms started several years ago several months after I entered college. I can't sleep well because the dorm was very noisy and everyone stayed up very late at night playing computer games. I was studying very hard and had to get enough sleep to concentrate on study. At that time, I was always worrying when my roommates would go to sleep at night so that I can fall asleep without interruption. Initially, I felt sleepy during the day like everyone else. But several months later, I started to feel very suffering, difficult to think and concentrate. Now, my bedroom is very quiet and I think that my night sleep is good. But I am still suffering from these symptom. I took Zoloft for about two years and also Wellbutrin and other medicines (I don't think I have depression and anxiety). But these medicines don't help. Doctors can't find any problems from sleep test and sleep latency test. I gradually stopped Zoloft and Wellbutrin 5 months ago but all the symptoms are still the same. My doctor can't find the cause for my daytime sleepiness and unclear brain but I am still suffering all day! What do you think the problem is? All advice is appreciated! Thank you in advance.
I feel sleepy all day. Looking for help?
I know thats not a question, but hear me out.The last i've had a friend was elementary school.It was... 4th grade.Since then (middle school), i've only had associates. You know, the kind of people you only talk to for classwork help.Then i'd go home and do my own homework.Then the kids would cheat off me the next day cause I was 'the smart one'.Not the 'super extrovert fun to be with' one, mind you.I never talked at all in high school, which i've spent 5.5 years of. Long story short, I switched to a private school and they have different credit standards so they put me in a lower grade.I wasn't aloud to have my friends call me at home in elementary school.Sometimes they still did.I never went to slumber parties or dances, because I wasn't aloud.I'm not aloud to go to the movies now, even though i'm 19.At every school, people leave the school for the year without hearing me talk. Not one single word.They think I have some sort of voice disability, but I freeze up and stop talking sometimes, unless its at home. Then the teachers ask my parents, and then there goes the teacher conferences, and CPS...I'm not aloud to go to a therapist anymore and my only therapist now is my mom 'praying' for me, even though she rarely does it.My mom's afraid of the medication I may go on, cause i've been on so many in middle school and high school (including wellbutrin and 50 others) and all of them made me feel... zombie-like. I could try to cross the living room and trip over my own feet, and sit there for a while without having the sense to get up quickly.I cant call them myself because I would feel so uneasy.I don't even call the pizza man anymore. D=So, I stay at home.I have crushes on people i've never met (like this vietnamese guy from a youtube video o_O), because, honestly, I haven't talked to a person my age in months. I haven't been back to school in months. So, that's why. I stay inside, and rarely go out to do errands like grocery shopping and to the bank.I see pictures in magazines and on TV and in my head I go through stories about how it'd be if I knew them. How nice they would be, if they'd be mean, the adventures we'd all have, and i'd even dream about them and such. Not in a bad way, but you know. Sometimes I even feel they're watching me, or in my living room or kitchen when I go out there to eat, which is rarely, 'cause I dont like leaving my room and I eat in my room too. =/I'm not good at being social in reality, which is why i'm not in school anymore, don't have a job, etc.God, I feel bad now. xDBut i'm only 19, right?I have to get better soon.I rarely go outside because I know people are there, and if I see one I bolt in the opposite direction. Like, I literally ditch the grocery cart and run.I don't really care what that person is thinking, it's probably "what the heck is wrong with that girl...".Its just that I don't want to be close with others.Not even in the same building.Not even to my 'rents.PS, sometimes the people I 'imagine' are with me or the people I see on tv or in magazines and such intimidate me. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder, though no one is there.Simple gurl - Your username says a lot. Atleast, you got your two points.
I only socialize in my head.?
I am now on Week 2. Saw my doctor today, I don't think he knows an awful lot about the drug. He seemed shocked that I was still smoking on it. I decided to go on Wellbutrin instead of Champix as Wellbutrin has an anti-depressant agent in it. People that I have talked to have been on Champix continued to smoke for a few weeks before quitting. Anyway, I got another two weeks worth (300 Mgs) and wonder when the receptors in my brain will make me lose the desire to stop smoking.If you have used Wellbutrin successfully, can you help me by explaining how it worked, and how long it took to really stop smoking without the cravings?Thank you in advance for your help...
How long do I have to be on Wellbutrin (300 Mgs) before I lose the desire to smoke?
im taking the generic. bupropion sr, 300 mg (150 mg 2x a day). its been a bit over a month since ive started and i like how ive been losing all this weight and it really helps with the depression (not the anxiety, but thats manageable). I dont care about the fact that its giving me mild acne, and the fact that i think its making me have hair loss. what i do care about is not getting enough sleep. it takes at least 2 hours every night to fall asleep. i'll have enough energy during the day, because my mind is active. but my body is exhausted, and i feel it. if that makes sense. my doctor offered sleeping pills, but i told her no. i dont want to have to take a pill to treat the side effects of another pill, and then another to treat the side effects of that. you know what i mean? so i'll try to handle this on my own. i bought some herbal sleeping pills that used to help me for occasional sleeplessness when i wasnt on wellbutrin. its basically just a valerian and hops pill. but i heard hops and antidepressants are not a good mixture so i stopped. i heard melatonin is also not good when youre taking antidepressants. so what over the counter stuff can i take?so benadryl is safe to take daily? and i take wellbutrin 2x a day. one when i wake up and one at night. not sure taking one if i wake up at 10am, and then the other at noon is a good idea.
i need help sleeping with wellbutrin?
ok i dont wanna. im not suicidal. but basically i get really suicidal when im off meds. i used to be. then i stopped taking them for about a month in the summer. and like it slowly builds up, then one day it just went back to how it was and after like 1-2 days like that i started taking them again. but basically i almost killed myself in that week. ok so the thing is that i feel as if it is the end of the world. its NOT a panic attack at all. but i just feel SO horrible. and my mind doesnt think straight. the total messed up thinking doesnt last more than 2 hours, then i feel slightly safe and better(after cutting, i used to do that,worked really hard to stop. then started a few weeks ago but not that often) i honestly think i have BPD. but the think is like when im in that state i KNOW that if lasted much more than 2 hours i would have. and i am about 85% sure if i hadnt been on meds for the most part of the last year i would haveand i have HORRIBLE impulse control when im around meds. idk why. but one time i just took a whole thing of sedetives. not trying to kill myself, didnt have any intentions AT ALL! i cant even say why i did it. but it was pretty bad, i fainted, then managed to get up and my mom got me and then i crashed and felt horrible and was like in/out of it for a day or two. and this summer i took 5 of my wellbutrin, i didnt even know they were strong. and i hullucinated then woke up on the floor and had to go to the hospital and spend the night cuz i react bad with too much and was having seizures and they said i almost died even though it is supposed to have no lethal dose! and they said 6 ppl had already died in the past few months. so my point is im impulsive, and become suicidal off meds even though i dont wanna kill myself, and i could find a way, whether its cutting some pills or a noose. so please dont say just take ur meds again. but do u think there is a high chance i might? like high enough it is a problem? cuz i dont want to but this honestly scares me sorry for so much writingim not suicidal tho. this is not one of those things where people say im killing myself theres nothing you can do to stop me! when i doubt any of them do. and im sure even ppl who know you wouldnt miss youok the maine thing that troubles me is like today, i feel kind of horrible, but i can think of all these great things and how im young and KNOW im going to feel better tomorrow and im gonna have a great weekend and life overall is good. but i honestly can not see it at all when im in these states. so that is what scares meIM NOT ON MEDS! ive been off for mb 3 weeks and i can feel myself getting worse
Do you think I might kill myself?
I've been smoking now for 15 years and over the years have tried to quit smoking. I tried the patch and gum several times. I tried chantix and after about two weeks on chantix i had to go off as it caused some issues with me. My doctor put me on wellbutrin as it is linked to successfully quit smoking, but i stopped using it when work became very stressful and so did my personal life. I do believe the wellbutrin worked well as i didnt have the urge to smoke but did it out of habit. My job right now has been so stressful and will be for the next few months til february. I tend to flip out when i dont smoke. My friends and co workers want me to quit but when i "flip out" for not having one they cant be around me. I do suffer from severe anxiety and depression and my shrink tells me to not even bother quitting til i get my depression and anxiety under control as that i'm just adding another stressor to my life, and that when i'm not so fragile anymore i can quit. But my primary doctor says to do it now cause of my family history of strokes and heart attacks. So i want to know like when you decided to quit smoking what went on through your head and how you battled it and did you wait til things calmed down in your life? Like i want to know all the what, when, where, why and how?
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