What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin ...
What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin? asked 28.12.2010 | tags : Wellbutrin,. I have missed three doses and I wont be able to get my prescription refilled until tonight, so by then I will have missed 4. ...
DAWS reversal: Cholinergic NT mediated - Mind and Muscle Forums
Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, and so, so much more. ... DAWS reversal is largely mediated by that med; if I missed a dose DAWS creeps back on over the next day. I had to stop taking Wellbutrin 2-3 weeks ago because of an allergic reaction. When I stopped taking it, DAWS anhedonia came back on, but not the other symptoms. ...
How long does Zoloft withdrawal last? | Antidepressant Medications
Your doctor should be recommending that you reduce your dosage by 25mg a day every week days if you need to stop taking it, if not more slowly than that. __http://crazymeds.org/. Reply. Mvanderbilt says: ... anti-depressants news and information on NewsTarget. Lexapro, Luvox, Pamelor, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin and Zoloft has soared in recent years. . Withdrawal from Anti-Depressants – Is There A Way Out ... Mail (will not be published). Website ...
What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin …
What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin ? asked 28.12.2010 | tags : Wellbutrin ,. The rest is here: What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin …
Wellbutrin Research and Vendor Information
Wellbutrin may be taken with food if stomach upset occurs. Take doses at regularly scheduled times each day. Do not take more or less medication than prescribed and follow your doctor's instructions carefully. Taking more than the recommended dose of Wellbutrin will increase your risk of having a seizure. Do not stop taking Wellbutrin without notifying your doctor. Since Wellbutrin may cause sleeplessness at first, it is best not to take this near bedtime. ...
Depression, cessation of smoking and taking wellbutrin? | Quit ...
my doctor has prescribed me wellbutrin (bupropion) to try to quit smoking. i have read it is for depression as well, my question is..if im not depressed and take this medicine will it make me all “crazy”..im just curious b/c i have read the ... Like any medication, you have to be aware of what it's doing to your body. I tried it to quit smoking. It did help me smoke less, but I had other negative side effects that made me have to stop taking it. It won't make you crazy. ...
wellbutrin hair loss? | Hair Care World 360 Blog
Has anyone experienced hair loss while taking wellbutrin? If so, did you stop taking it and the hair loss stopped? I just want to know from people who've.
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I had to stop taking Wellbutrin because my mind was racing so fast I couldn't take it. I couldn't sleep either. If I would've stayed on it I think I would've shot myself. It's horrible. Reply. Freeman says: January 8, 2011 at 21:07 ...
What Happens When You Stop Wellbutrin? - The Depression Forums - A ...
I have the same questions the above poster, Ocarina, has about what is going on that makes you want ot stop taking Wellbutrin. Discontinuing Wellbutrin requires the advice of a doctor and should never be stopped abruptly. ... Notify your doctor immediately if you experience psychological disturbances that are not characteristic for you or have suicidal thoughts. I think you may relapse if you suffer with depression, unless your doctor is going to put on another medication ...
I have a problem with organization and I can't stop a task until I finish.?
I'll try to make this short as possible but I think the information is relevant. Three months ago i had a health issue that obviously made me very anxious. I was put on 30 of cymbalta. Sometime in the middle of the treatment I found out that my health concern turned out to be nothing, so I stopped taking cymbalta after 23 days. I knew better than that, but my situational anxiety alleviated it's self so I thought I no longer neded the anti depression med. The next four days i went nutts. So I started taking it again. I started getting visual migraines which increased my anxiety so my dr. switched me to zoloft. On zoloft 50 mg then 100mg I felt awful like I was on chemo therapy or something. Dizziness blurred vision light headedness and crazy increase in anxiety and continued visual migraines. My dr wanted to try lexapro. I was growing rather frustrated with jumping from one to another cause all this started as a result of a situational depression that alleivated it's self. So I decided to taper off the zoloft for a month and see what would happen. No relief from the light headed feeling, blurred vision and headaches and visual migraines. None of these things I ever had before I started taking antidepressants. I'm now taking wellbutrin 150xl in the morning and have been taking it for about three weeks. Still get lightheaded and dizzy and have occasional blurred vision. I'm starting to think that I never needed these things from the start but now am afraid that I will never be able to get off of them. Does anyone have any suggestions or similar stories?
How do I know if I need Antidepressants?
Hi. Over the last 2 years, my "doctor" (she is a mental health nurse if you will) has handed me over pill after pill and they work for two weeks and then stop and I have to be taken off of them and put on something else. I have Severe anxiety disorder, Prolonged post traumatic stress disorder with depression and borderline personality disorder. We have tried:Zoloft 50mg = STOPPED WORKINGPaxil 50mg = SUICIDALProzac 60mg = SUGAR PILLCymbalta 60mg = ALMOST KILLED ME FROM SIDE EFFECTS AND WITHDRAWALS... EVILWellbutrin? = SUGAR PILLAbilify? = ALWAYS SICKKlonopin .5 MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILLAtivan .5MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILLBuspar ? = VERY SICKGeodon 60MG= NOT EVEN MADE FOR WHAT I HAVE. SICK... BAD WITHDRAWALSVistaril? = I DONT EVEN REMEMERand none of these were right for me. I NEVER want to be on ANY antidepressant ever again because of the withdrawals and everything else that has happened while on them (they let me know that they are dangerous) but I DO want to be on an an anti anxiety pill... the problem with that is... my doctor gives me the LOWEST doses all the time... and they obviously are not working for me because I need a higher dose because the disorders that I have ARE anxiety disorders... but instead, she changes pills all the time. I swear this woman HATES xanax... but I have tried everything else... how can I make her write me a prescription for Xanax like my mom and see if that works for me and let it be... or maybe put me back on one of the old anti anxiety pills and up the dose!?! If she is not willing to help, what can I do? ((yeah... I know where to get them illegally... but I want them to be my legit prescription... and I really do need the drugs due to my disorders... but you do what you gotta do)). Is she not doing her job right? Should I talk to someone about her? Thank you!!!Zoloft 50mg = STOPPED WORKING (anti depressant)Paxil 50mg = SUICIDAL (anti depressant) Prozac 60mg = SUGAR PILL (antidepressant... if you are bipolar when taking this drug it presents HORRIBLE side effects... which I did NOT have... it just didn't work)Cymbalta 60mg = ALMOST KILLED ME FROM SIDE EFFECTS AND WITHDRAWALS... EVIL (antidepressant)Wellbutrin? = SUGAR PILL (antidepressant)Abilify? = ALWAYS SICK (IF your antidepressant is not working to its full potential they add this to in hopes make it work to the fullest. If you are bipolar or schizophrenic you are put on high doses of this...)Klonopin .5 MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILL (anti anxiety)Ativan .5MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILL (anti anxiety) Buspar ? = VERY SICK (anti anxiety)Geodon 60MG= NOT EVEN MADE FOR WHAT I HAVE. SICK... BAD WITHDRAWALS (For Bipolar... they thought I was and it turned out that I am not... they only thought I was from having me fill out ONE piece of paper with 30 questions... NOT accurate!!!)My diagnosis is Prolonged Post traumatic stress, Borderline personality disorder and severe anxiety disorder... those come with depression... and it was diagnosed by the clinic's psychiatrist who told me that she no longer wanted to see me... and to get therapy. I do know that therapy is needed but there is no where here that will do it without insurance or tons of money so I can't do that. I have checked with everywhere! I have had bloodwork done but I know that it can be hard to catch sometimes if it is your thyroid... and when they checked it was okay... but my mom and grandma and other people in my family have hypothyroidism and depression. Good point!I am not bipolar. Abilify was added with an antidepressant. They tried Geodon a LONG time ago when they thought I was bipolar and they were wrong.I HAVE been prescribed antianxiety meds... they are all over the list I gave. The just aren't strong enough.Oh... and I know what the pills were for that I was on. I just couldn't remember the miligrams of some...she did try to put me on Seraquil.. xr though... but it was for sleep and nothing else... and i refuse to try that one or just the regular one because i am already MORBIDLY obese... and it does cause tons of weight gain... and, like I said, I refuse to ever take an antidepressant again so why would I EVER take an anti psychotic.... especially one made for schizophrenia and bipolar!?! thanks...???oh... and why would i want something WEAKER than ativan or klonopin when I stated here that it did not work because the doses were WAY too low???!!!???
HELP with my doctor and Xanax and/or other anti anxiety drugs?
My mother in law is on the stern side, very perfectionistic but I can deal with her and can usually try to show her the lighter side of things. Well, due to my father in laws recent health issue (not life threatening), shes been really stressed out and has altered her medication (Wellbutrin, Prozac and Ativan) by herself to deal with the stress. Yesterday, my daughter and I went to the ballet with her. I usually drive when we go places but she wanted to drive this time. She parked on the street and when she took off driving down the street she came within an inch of hitting her side mirror on another cars side mirror. As she drove down the street, she was dangerously close to the other cars parked on the street. She was slowly changing lanes cutting other cars off. I pointed this out to her blaming it on the 'crazy holiday drivers' hoping shed be more careful. She just kept insisting she saw them ,etc. When we got out of the ballet she was very disoriented as to what floor we were on in the theater and where we needed to go to get out. Driving home, she came to a full stop at a flashing yellow light. I pointed out to her she can go, its flashing and she said "Yellow means to proceed with caution". On our way to the store after this, she asked what lane she should be in to get to a certain store and I told her the left lane. We were in the right. She said she WAS in the left lane. I pointed out to her we were not and gently told her we needed to get over. When we were done at the store, we drove a block or two to look at a certain light display. When we were crossing over a busy street, I warned her she needed to go quickly b/c cars zoom over this hill and cant see if someone is crossing where we were. Exactly what I warned her about happened and I told her to 'gogogogogo, here comes a car' as she was crossing the street doing about 3 mph.. She screamed at me to stop telling her how to drive. And that 'this will NEVER happen again.' My daughter was in the back seat (6 yrs old) and couldve been killed. As we pulled into the driveway, we agreed that I will drive if we go anywhere from now on. But the way she screamed at me was completely out of line. I wanted to call her on it but didnt want to be disrespectful. I would like to call her to discuss this. Anyone have any suggestions on how to approach this?
Scary Mother in Law driver...help!?
Ive been taking it almost 3 weeks, last night I started to get this weird dizziness. If I move I feel what I can only describe as a flash feeling of dizziness followed by the usual dizziness until I stop moving or rest for a second. now its gotten worse, to the point where this always happens. I will not take the drug tomorrow, I will be ok stopping it, I haven't been on it that long.Is this dizziness serious? is there anything I can do or take to get rid of it?I go to the doctor on Wednesday. fyi.thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wellbutrin xl oral making me dizzy?
i'm currently taking 60 mg of Cymbalta, 150 mg of Wellbutrin, & 20 mg of Zyprexa. I want to get off the medication. I heard it'll take 30 days. Also, what happens if i stop cold turkey?
How long will it take for the medication to leave my body?
I posted a question recently about how to support my husband, who just recently finished a week of detox and has continued to remain sober (I am a woman, btw, despite my "photoguy" screen name). He always told me that his primary reason for drinking was to self-medicate his depression. However, I don't think that even he realized just how bad his depression is. Now that he is no longer drinking, though, we are both fully experiencing his depression for the first time. I have NEVER seen him like this before in the 15 years that we have been together. He just sits in a dark room, won't even turn on a light, and stares at the television. He is also HIGHLY irritable and moody. I have given him a million suggestions of other things he could be doing (working on the house, going to a movie, going bowling, taking the dogs for a walk, etc.), but he absolutely refuses to do anything other than sit on the couch. Also, he is obsessed with the notion that the foundation of our home is slipping and eventually the back of our house is going to "fall off." Since we cannot afford to have such a major repair done right now, he actually sites this as the main source of his depression. No matter how good of a day he may have, he says, he still has to come home to our crappy house. When I have suggested that he just focus on fixing minor things for the time being, like cracks in the walls or things like that, he gets extremely agitated and insists that he will never work on the house again because it doesn't matter since the foundation is going to slip eventually anyway. The man living with me right now is NOT my husband. My husband and I are best friends and have always enjoyed hanging out together. THIS man won't hardly look at me, let alone talk to me, and my general presence seems to annoy him. Everything I say to him is the wrong thing to say. He is bitter, angry, bored, and obviously feels hopeless. I have been researching depression on line and I know that it is a disease, so I am not taking his behavior towards me personally. I know he still loves me and that this isn't really him. He just started taking Wellbutrin last week and I know that it takes a few weeks for it to take effect, but while I am waiting, hoping, and praying for that to happen I have no idea how to talk to this man. I have told him I love him no matter what, that I believe in him and I know that his depression isn't his fault. It is like talking to a wall, though. He barely responds to me, if at all. Is there anything else I can say or do that might help him (and me) get through this?I am not fearful of him going back to drinking. He seems committed to sobriety or else, believe me, he would have started drinking again by now. And I'm not asking for suggestions on how to "cure" his depression or even get him help. He's getting help on his own. I guess am more interested in hearing from people who have suffered from depression themselves and hearing their suggestions about how to deal with my husband in his present state. When I try to carry on normal, everyday conversation he barely responds, but if I ask him direct questions about his treatment or how he's feeling he gets upset and says he doesn't want to talk about that stuff. He was always so open and communicative before, but now I feel shut out. If I try to give him space he complains that I "stay away from him", but if I try to spend time with him he seems almost annoyed by my presence. Again, we've been together for 15 years, have had a wonderful marriage and he has NEVER behaved this way before.I am not fearful of him going back to drinking. He seems committed to sobriety or else, believe me, he would have started drinking again by now. And I'm not asking for suggestions on how to "cure" his depression or even get him help. He's getting help on his own. I am more interested in hearing suggestions about how to deal with my husband in his PRESENT state. Again, I am optimistic about his meds and counseling ultimately helping him, but it takes time. Till then, what can I do? When I try to carry on normal, everyday conversation he barely responds, but if I ask him direct questions about his treatment or how he's feeling he gets upset and says he doesn't want to talk about that stuff. He was always so open and communicative before, but now I feel shut out. If I try to give him space he complains that I "stay away from him", but if I try to spend time with him he seems annoyed. Again, we've been together for 15 years, have had a wonderful marriage and he has NEVER behaved this wayAgain, I am optimistic about his meds and counseling ultimately helping him, but it takes time. Till then, what can I do?(Sorry for all the repetition. Yahoo! was kind of messing up on me.)
What can I say to my husband who is fully experiencing his depression now that he has stopped drinking?
I have missed three doses and I wont be able to get my prescription refilled until tonight, so by then I will have missed 4. Are there any major side effects from temporarily stopping?
What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin?
What will happen if I stop taking Wellbutrin SR 150mg? I've only been taking 2 a day for a week now, and cannot stand the daily headaches, dizziness and mental fog that comes with it. I was thinking of tapering down to one a day, today and tomorrow.
What will happen if I just stop taking Wellbutrin SR 150?
I have been fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, stress, etc. for years. Just in the past 4 or 5 years, I have been having trouble with leg cramps, especially at night. I noticed it more when I would drink caffeine. I used to have IBS really bad, about 6-7 or more years ago, but I believe that has been under control due to all of the depression medication that I have been on over the years. (Which is just about ALL of them).I had REALLY bad cramps after having my tubes tied in 1997. They were so bad, all the way into my legs and ankles. I had a tremendous amount of blood loss too. I had a hysterectomy in 2005, but the leg pains are still there.Anyways my pain has become so severe that I can barely handle it. I started nursing school in September and didn't make it through the first quarter. I had to withdraw because my grades were so low. I couldn't concentrate, couldn't remember what I studied and I couldn't concentrate during lecture. I am 32 years old and had to convince a doctor to put me on medication to help me concentrate. I had never taken medication for ADD/ADHD before, but I had all of the symptoms. I told the doctor I was failing and needed to act fast. He put me on a combination of 80mg of Straterra and 20 mg of Wellbutrin, The next 3 weeks were HELL!! I did just a little bit better in school, but I was a monster to be around and was wanting to kill myself. He lowered the straterra to 40mg and I stopped the Wellbutrin on my own. The symptoms were still there. He took me off of Straterra and put me on 10mg of Adderall. I had already flunked out of school, or was too far gone, so I just withdrew.I have continued the Adderall because I want to see if it helps my concentration. I want to return to school next year and I want to get this under control. I don't mind the Adderall, but I think I need a different dose. I don't know if it is too high or too low of a dose, but it gives me energy, but that's it. I find myself sitting for 8 hours at a time surfing the net. (Like I am now). Sometimes if I can get sidetracked into cleaning, I will clean the house from top to bottom. But it has made the procrasination side of me become much much worse!! I don't want to get anything done. So about my pain...it is horrid!!! From my lower back down, hurts. All the way into my toes. I can tolerate it through the day, barely, but at night it is extremely aggravating. I never sleep through the night and I have continuous muscle spasms. Actually a lot worse than a muscle spasm, but that is the only way I can describe it. Day and night my joints and muscles are stiff. I have these spasms that travel up and down my legs. I can even sit here wait, I know when it is going to happen. It will start in my knee, travel down my calve and go into my foot and out my toe. It even moves my toes. And when it is doing this, it is like I have dry heaves or something, the pain is so bad, I almost gag until it stops. It is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced. I have these painful twitches all over my body. Sometimes, they travel, sometimes it is in one place like needles going into my skin. And, my feet are always cold.I also have really bad dry skin on my ears and scalp. It is quite embarassing. I believe the Adderall makes the axiety worse and I scratch my scalp and ears a lot. I noticed I was having a lot of diarrea before I started the Adderall, but I think that is controlled by the Adderall now. It is so frustrating not being able to sleep. Caffeine intensifies the pain so much more. I have almost completely cut it out of my diet. I have always avoided pop since I had kidney stones in 1996, maybe one pop (diet or regular) per week, maybe not even that much.If I do have Fibromyalgia, ATLEAST I still have the energy to do things. I am still able to excersize right now. But until the Adderall, I was having to take a 2-3 hour nap every day. I read online where this is stress related. I notice that it is worse when I am stressed. Especially the dry skin. I don't know if I have it or not, but I would just love to find out and get some relief!!*BTW, I know this seems like a lot. I feel like a hypercondriac just typing it all, but it is the truth and I am just searching for answers!!! ~Thank you in advance for any help! =)LOL At the person who said "Get off all of that medication and see a psychiatrist". Maybe you should learn how to read. Adderall is the only medication I am taking. If I was NUTZ, I would be taking all of the meds that they have tried putting me on.
Do I have fibromyalgia?
I'm supposed to be on Lexapro, Wellbutrin and Ativan. I've been on them for about nine months now, but can't afford them anymore. This is day number three since I haven't taken anything. I've been getting lightheaded, dizzy and just generally feeling like crap. I'm not even sure if this is because I've stopped taking my meds, but that is the only thing I can think of. Has anyone else gone through this? If so, could you give me some suggestions on how to cope? I am also very scared about what is going to happen to me since I will not be on meds anymore. I don't want to fall back into my old pattern of life, depression and self mutilation.
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