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Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
What you seem to be experiencing as well are some start up side effects of Wellbutrin. This should subside over time. But sense your psychologist has given you the diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder, your doctor will prescribe you an ...
Effexor / what receptors does effexor affect / effexor treatment ...
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Sexual side-effects of Lexapro - Social Anxiety Forum
I was put on Wellbutrin XL 300mg to help with the sexual side effects and essentially making the combo an SNRI. It helped me but I was on a much lower dose of Lexapro than yourself. Did you try a lower dose for a good month to month and ...
Are there any pharmacies in the Twin Cities area that carry ...
They are both considered generic equivalents to Wellbutrin XL but Budeprion appears to be associated with more side effects and lower efficacy in some people (I am one of them). Pharmacies will substitute Budeprion because it is cheaper ...
1St Week - Wellbutrin Xl - The Depression Forums - A Depression ...
I suffer from dysthymia and have been too bothered by different side-effects of most medications to stay on many of them. I've been on Nardil fo...
Question about Wellbutrin SR/XL (Bupropion SR/XL ...
My insurance said that these forms of Wellbutrin are covered: bupropion (Wellbutrin) bupropion ext-release (Wellbutrin SR) bupropion ext-release 300 mg (Wellbutrin XL) Does that mean that the generic form of Wellbutrin SR is the same as the generic form of ... Questions Associated with Bupropion. How long till you feel the effects of welbutrin? If you quit taking Xanax how long does it take to get out of your system? What are the side affects? ...
Wellbutrin XL 150 and smoking cessation? | Uncategorized
You can get generic Wellbutrin SR and 99 out of 100 insurance companies will cover that. As far as experiencing side affects you dealt with that is something that these drugs have. Panic attacks and in some super severe cases MAJOR ...
If you get put on a lose dose of Wellbutrin XL, can you stay at ...
If you're experiencing good results from the low dose, you can stay there. Otherwise, they'll want to increase your dosage. If you're having a severe side effect like a tic, you're better off trying a different medication. ...
Yasmin BC, wellbutrin, depression?
Prozac : made me convulsePaxil: dittoZoloft : worked OK for about 3 years & the levels were to highLexapro: I WON'T take b/c it makes you gain weightCymbalta: made me sweat & gave me weird dreamsSeroquel( not an anti depressant but DON'T ask)celexa: more convulsionsSerzone: made me throw upStrattera (not an anti depressant I know but made me chillsWellbutrin ; more axniety than beforeAm I screwed? Right now I am on a high dose of Xanax XR (3mg 2x a day) & 30 mg of BuSpar twice a day.Oh don't get me wrong I go to a REAL shrink lol. dr's in the past prescribed all that other crap which is why they are no longer my DR'sdepression is not ALL in the mind or I wouldn't have felt this way for 18 years (when I was 12)Thanks for asking my "diagnonsense" before saying I'm Bipolar. FYI I have BORDERLINE PERSONALITY/HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER & EDNOS!
Anti depressants. I have literally tried them all & they give me side effects . Are there alternatives?
Ok so i was diagnosed with bipolar 3 yrs ago,but is until now that i realize i have a serious illness and after 3 visits to rehab.I find it hard to find the right pills and now im taking Adderall xr,lithium,wellbutrin xr and norsvac for blood pressure.But my lithium isnt working anymore and i need to change it,wha are the withdrawals of lithium and whast another good stabilizer the only side effects im worried about is weight,acne and etc lolAnd lately ive been reading "sometimes i act crazy" a book about bpd and i really identify myself with like everything and its making me feel bad that all this time my doc told me i had bipolar and what if i really dont! ;( im 18 and ive been trhou a lot and i dont care but i just wanna have it controled,what are the diff between those two??? and what should i do,go to another doctor and get a diagnosis or what? please help me i tried talking to my mom but she think im just spoiled and crazy literally. :( thank youI take Adderall for adhd which is very good,i dont feel bad on it,like right now i dont have any bad side effects with the ones im taking,only tremor but sometimes not always,and yes i do hurt myself i used to cut and now whenever im angry at someone or myself i hit myself and punch my face and all that type of stuff, :( i think i like to do it because when im done i feel like i deserved it.
2 questions! i need help bad,whats the best mood stabalizer and whats the diff between bipolar and bpd?
Currently i am on 150mg Wellbutrin XR, the only side effect i got from this medicine is Sever constipation. I have to take anti- constipation medicines and natural stuff to go every night. I also had constipation due to Effexor XR. I am going to ask my doc to put me on Strattera next time. I never got constipation from SSRIs(Prozac and Celexa) My question is,Why this medicines cause constipation ? what is the content in it that causes this side effect ? Will Strattera cause constipation considering i had constipation from Wellbutrin and Effexor-XR ? Thanks for your consideration and reply.
Constipation from antidepressants...?
i have been on effexor xr for over 2 years and the side effects are awful..i asked my doctor take me off of it..instead she is taking me off of it but replacing it with wellbutrin..i dont want to take any medications any more..is just stopping the anti depressants after im winged off effexor safe?
Is stopping anti-depressants safe?
i was on effexor xr 275mg for a few months till my insurance quit. that was hell to come off of! now i have my insurance back and told my doctor i never wanted to have withdrawls like that again so she put me on 10 mg of prozac and they make me tired all day and i know when i go back to see her she will up it to 20 mg. my question is i want to stop smoking so im gonna ask her to try me on wellbutrin is this a good idea? ive never had a sezuier but am scared because thats one of the side effects and im a single mom of 2 young kids. any advice??whats the price of wellbutrin? i know if you go to walmart you can get prozac for 4$ does wellbutrin have generic or is it expensive? just incase i lose insurance again. and also does wellbutrin have bad withdrawls like effexor xr
whats the difference between prozac and wellbutrin?
I'm a 24 yr old married student (poor). I was Diagnosed@ age 9, and started some holistic stuff (nausea). Zoloft and Klonipin @15 (5'5'' 130 lbs) caused 20 lbs gain in 4 mo. Effexor @16, mildly effective @ max dose for 4 years but still gaining weight (180 lb) able to lose weight only thru unhealthy diet, gained it all when I returned to normal active lifestyle/healthy eating. Switched to Celexa when Effex was causing headache/fainting.Lost libido, and gained weight (190 lbs). Cymbalta at 22, same as Celex. Wellbutrin at 23, lost 45 lbs, sex drive normal, less depression but anxiety worsened. Effexor XR at 24, total anorgasmia and gained 20 lbs in 3 mo., symptoms stayed. Tried methyldopa w/ no results 6 wks. Currently, I take only the klonipin to sleep or stop panic attacks. 6 months of therapy was a waste of $. I need a large list of drugs w/ side effects- or personal suggestions. expensive drugs/therapies are not an option right now, and this isn't an issue of lifestyle or dietMy lifestyle isn't the problem. I'm active and eat healthy. I have great relationships with my family and friends. I can't imagine what I could change
which antidepressant is right for me? Depression/Anxiety/Libido?
Thanks! Here are my questions. Answer as many as you know the answers to. SerenaI'd like the technical answers when possible:If I'm irritable, angry, have insomnia, less hugnry and more sex drive on Wellbutrin, would adding lexapro, which made me really tired, hungry and no sex drive cancel the bad side effects out? How much of each? Or a different ssri? I have depression and some anxiety in the form of a little ocd and irritability.What usually happens to people if they take an ssri with a ssni like cymbalta or effexor xr?What is the difference between mood stabilizers and anxiety medications? What are the benefits and disadvantages of them? Does Zoloft make most people gain weight? I heard it's the worst for sexual side effects. IS that true?Does Cymbalta and Effexor XR make most people gain weight?Why do some people have side effects from a med but not others on the same med? Please don't just say that everyone's different. Technically, how do antidepressants make you gain weight? Does it change your metabolism?Can I add something to help with sexual side effects?Why do psychiatrists prescibe ssri's first to people before wellbutrin and snri's?What would happen to my side effects from effexor XR if I increased my dose? Would they increase? For example, I'm tired and have no energy on it. Would it get worse usually?Why do antidepressants tend to make people tired and have less energy when that's one of the side effects of depresstion they're trying to help?Why does the same ssri affect peopel differently? Why do meds in the same family of antidepressants, such as ssri's affect me differently (each one) when they all are supposed to help the same chemical, such as seratonin?Why does WElbutrin help some people but not work for me? What is the equivelent of 10 mg lexapro to prozac?What is the equivalent of 37.5 mg of effexor xr to cymbalta?
Medication antidepressant questions. I'm confused.?
Thanks! Here are my questions. Answer as many as you know the answers to. SerenaI'd like the technical answers when possible:If I'm irritable, angry, have insomnia, less hugnry and more sex drive on Wellbutrin, would adding lexapro, which made me really tired, hungry and no sex drive cancel the bad side effects out? How much of each? Or a different ssri? I have depression and some anxiety in the form of a little ocd and irritability.What usually happens to people if they take an ssri with a ssni like cymbalta or effexor xr?What is the difference between mood stabilizers and anxiety medications? What are the benefits and disadvantages of them? Does Zoloft make most people gain weight? I heard it's the worst for sexual side effects. IS that true?Does Cymbalta and Effexor XR make most people gain weight?Why do some people have side effects from a med but not others on the same med? Please don't just say that everyone's different. Technically, how do antidepressants make you gain weight? Does it change your metabolism?Can I add something to help with sexual side effects?Why do psychiatrists prescibe ssri's first to people before wellbutrin and snri's?What would happen to my side effects from effexor XR if I increased my dose? Would they increase? For example, I'm tired and have no energy on it. Would it get worse usually?Why do antidepressants tend to make people tired and have less energy when that's one of the side effects of depresstion they're trying to help?Why does the same ssri affect peopel differently? Why do meds in the same family of antidepressants, such as ssri's affect me differently (each one) when they all are supposed to help the same chemical, such as seratonin?Why does WElbutrin help some people but not work for me? What is the equivelent of 10 mg lexapro to prozac?What is the equivalent of 37.5 mg of effexor xr to cymbalta?
Can you answer any of these antidepressant questions?
Thanks! Here are my questions. IAnswer as many as you know the answers to. SerenaI'd like the technical answers when possible:If I'm irritable, angry, have insomnia, less hugnry and more sex drive on Wellbutrin, would adding lexapro, which made me really tired, hungry and no sex drive cancel the bad side effects out? How much of each? Or a different ssri? I have depression and some anxiety in the form of a little ocd and irritability.What usually happens to people if they take an ssri with a ssni like cymbalta or effexor xr?What is the difference between mood stabilizers and anxiety medications? What are the benefits and disadvantages of them? Does Zoloft make most people gain weight? I heard it's the worst for sexual side effects. IS that true?Does Cymbalta and Effexor XR make most people gain weight?Why do some people have side effects from a med but not others on the same med? Please don't just say that everyone's different. I hav depression + anx
My psychiatrist thinks I'm dumb for asking these questions. Can you answer any?
Before last December, my anxiety wasn't all that bad but since then I have been in an almost constant freak-out of one kind or another! My PMS/PMT is so bad that I just want to die!I can't sleep because of the anxiety/guilt attacks that get triggered by DREAMS!I am currently on Wellbutrin XL & Effexor XR. They worked well for a while but now, they are keeping the depression at bay most of the time but the Anxiety is getting so bad that I just want to die.I need to figure out a game plan before I go in and see the doctor because I have no insurance & need to have the applications for aid from the manufacturers with me or else I can't afford the medication.I have no problem printing up/bringing with applications for multiple drugs & letting the doc decide But my MAIN concern about SSRI med's is that they tend to make women TOTALLY NUMB from the "Neck Down" if you catch my drift. I've only recently really come into my sexulaity & I don't want to give it up so soon!
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