If you get put on a lose dose of Wellbutrin XL, can you stay at ...
I was put on a lose dose of Wellbutrin XL but was scared to increase the dose due to developing a tic. I don't want the tic to be worse if increased. I have Tourette's but this was a new tic from the medication. Is there a way to stay ...
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Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
There are many different medications for depression and anxiety, which is what Wellbutrin is often given for. You may need the dosage adjusted up or down, or try another medication. You will need to keep in close touch with your doctor ...
Wellbutrin dosage
Hi everyone Anyone take more than 150mg of SR in a single dose? Thanks.
New To The Wellbutrin Room - The Depression Forums - A Depression ...
When does one usually go up in dosage for Wellbutrin (I will be on the generic)? 1 week? 2? Would love to have some of my friends chime in with their thoughts on this med. I hope this is the one I can live with. ...
Wellbutrin XL 150 and smoking cessation? | Uncategorized
Doctors started prescribing Wellbutrin SR because it was the same dose and form as the Zyban. Wellbutrin XL is a once a day dose and Wellbutrin SR (Zyban) is a twice daily dose. For smoking cessation, the twice daily dose is indicated ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
After my first son was born, I was put on Wellbutrin for postpartum. My dr started me out on a lower dosage and gradually upped the dose. I can't really remember any side effect, other than always being thirsty (dry mouth). ...
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Wellbutrin side effects and dosage?
On the 150 mg, my psychiatrist felt I was not as confident and as uninhibited in speech as I was on the 300 mg. I would be more zoned out during conversation, feel more overwhelmed, and not be able to keep up sometimes with what people were saying. But the 300 mg has made me feel more anxious and irritable. Also, the 300 requires higher dosages of sedating medication like Klonopin and trazodone to help me sleep due to the insomnia, which is making me feel terribly drowsy during the day. The psychiatrist told me ultimately it's my choice, but she felt that the 300 would be the best. However I am not able to cope with the drowsiness that I have to deal with in terms of the medications I take at night. And I'm taking very miniscule dosages too - like 0.125 mg of Klonopin one day and 6.25 mg of trazodone the next.
What dosage of Wellbutrin should I be on?
I've been taking Wellbutrin XL [350 mg] everyday for about 9 months, and month by month it's been getting harder to fall asleep. I started taking Ritalin [120 mg i think] maybe 2 months ago. Since I started the Ritalin it takes about 45 minutes to fall asleep. No matter what I do I just can't. Go. To. Sleep. But I need the Ritalin 'cause I have severe adhd, and I need the Wellbutrin for my depression. But school starts VERY soon and I can't keep falling asleep at 5 in the morning and waking up 5 hours later. [Throughout summer that's what it's been.] It's been so bad that I can't even take my correct dosage of the Ritalin [I'm supposed to take one when I get up and one at around 1:30-ish] because it makes me stay up. Like, I'll be tired, but I won't be able to sleep. I always thought I had a little insomnia but after reading about it, it really does seem like I have it because of my er, conditions and my meds. I might switch the Ritalin to something else, but until then, what should I do to fall asleep earlier?i lack sanity and i'm still getting it. &to the other kid, orly?!?!?! I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT TALKING TO MY DOCTOR! what a wonderful splendorific answer. I've already talked to him, he doesn't know what to do.are you guys honestly telling me to take medicine for a sideaffect of another medicine? -facepalm-
My meds are giving me Insomnia. I need help.?
I have been taking generic wellbutrin for two months now. My doctor has me on a dosage of 300 mg - one pill in the morning, one in the evening. Lately I have been feeling unusually irritable and sensitive, and I am wondering whether it is because I have skipped a few doses this week. The times I take the doses are often inconsistent, too...could the irritability be a side effect of this? Please help!!
can skipping a dose of antidepressants make me irritable?
I've been using some pills recreationally lately. I"ll say right now that I don't want to hear your shit about how wrong that is or anything like that. I'm fully aware of what I'm doing and I don't care, so please leave me alone.Anyway, they seem to have almost no effect on me! whats with that?I took 60mg of focalin with almost no effect! I started with 20mg orally then half hour later as it had little effect, I got another 20mg via insufflation in addition to another 20mg orally, bringing me to 60. I felt almost no effect. Since this stuff is basically Ritalin, I really should've felt something by then.Also I took 1.5 vicoden tablets (not sure of dosage) orally in addition to half a tablet insufflated. I got pretty much no effect. My friend did the exact same thing the night before and got a very intense effect.It's worth saying that I do know the pills are legit. They are the real tablets, not a placebo or an alternate pill or anything of that nature.I started taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg daily about 6 weeks ago, could that be causing this somehow?
am I immune to psychoactives or something?? could this be cause by wellbutrin?
I am on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg and have trouble falling asleep even though I am super tired at the end of the day from all the activity I do. Klonopin has caused weight gain although I have had the best results, and I also hear it has high addictive potential (even though I am only taking 0.25 mg so maybe it's not an issue at this low dosage) as a benzodiazepine. Trazodone caused weight loss but not too much, but I ended up feeling more depressed during the day. I even tried a melatonin supplement but over time it ended up slowing me down a lot during the day and I felt depressed too.So is there a way I can deal with the insomnia that the Wellbutrin can bring about? is it possible for me to be able to sleep without some medication? if not, is there a non-addictive drug out there that is ok for long-term usage and doesn't cause weight gain?
any sedative or hypnotic drug I can use to help me sleep?
About one week out of the month I snort Wellbutrin. I snort about 800 mg and then a 2 to 3 hours later I snort 700 mg. I didn't start out taking these dosages I gradually worked up to it over a period of about 3 months. When I first started doing this the effects were mixed as sometimes I would get a amazing stimulating high and others it felt as if I was doomed and going to die..I have not had a seizure from snorting the drug. Anyways what my question is what are the long term effects of abusing wellbutrin on the body and specifically what organ would it be affecting? I'm hoping a medical professional would be able to give me a in depth answer to this, or someone working within the health care system...thanks
Wellbutrin Abuse Question?
I have been on 300 mg of Wellbutrin for about 3 months for depression, and i dont feel like its working as well as something could, so i did some research and reading and found that add medication can sometimes also be used to treat depression/anxiety/weight loss. A friend of mine is on the Wellbutrin as well and has the same symptoms as me, and i am desperate to try anything that might work. (My doctor is also sending me to get tested for add) Anyways... my friend gave me 5 mg dexedrine tablets to try. The first day i took one..didnt feel anything, almost 2 hours later took another one, still nothing...then 4 hours later took one and sort of felt more energized and happy. I've taken in for about 5 days now and havent noticed anything. I was wondering that since i'm on 300 mg of wellbutrin that maybe my tolerance for dexedrine could be higher and maybe i should try a higher dose? this morning i took 2x10mg dexedrine and havent felt anything. Most reviews i've read is that they have felt energized and happy and motivated. but i dont feel any good or bad effects.i feel nothing. I just want to try a dose so that i can see what it will do for me. I've been feeling a little bit more positive but that might just be because i have it in my head that that is what it's supposed to do for you. Could someone please answer or give me some feedback? (please dont talk about the fact that i shouldnt be taking something that isnt prescribed for me) Thank you!
Who is on Wellbutrin and Dexedrine? tips? dosage?
What were you taking it for? Dosage? Bad and good effects?
If you've taken or are currently on Wellbutrin XL , what are your experiences with it?
I've been on Wellbutrin for almost 2 months now. I was on Wellbutrin SR 100 mg for about 2 weeks, and had no trouble sleeping with that. But then I switched to Wellbutrin XL 150 mg, which worked much better for me, but now I have insomnia. Four days ago they upped my dosage to 300 mg, and I really need to think about some form of sleep aid. I took melatonin supplements after switching to XL but I've become more and more slowed down and drowsy over time, counteracting the energy-raising effects of Wellbutrin, so I don't want to keep taking it. I don't want to take Ambien. And I don't want to take anything with addictive potential. Any suggestions?Without some form of sleep aid, I really can't sleep. I do a lot of work during the day and am absolutely exhausted at the end of the day and I still won't be able to sleep - so far melatonin has saved me but I need to switch to something else.
I'm on Wellbutrin... what should I do to help me sleep?
I was on Lexapro and it did not work (in fact it made things a lot worse) so I went on Wellbutrin. It helped me tremendously (very rarely was depressed). I've been on it 4 months but for the past few weeks I have gotten extremely depressed, and not for any particular reason. They were considering upping my dosage but the problem is that it gives me high blood pressure. Tonight I was so depressed while out with my friends that I left early. Walking back, every noise and bright light just made me cringe, I walked as fast as I could until I got to my apartment and started crying. Why does every noise or bright light make me scared / frustrated and feel like I want to hide? I just am sitting in my room with my lights off, I feel so empty. Why would my medication suddenly not be working?
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