Wellbutrin to help with SSRI withdrawl? - paxilprogress
Buspar, for most, does nothing for anxiety..the good news is that it's not known for a withdrawal scenario, so a drug that does nothing is easy to stop. Wellbutrin...it's initial effects are compared to hypomania...it's continue effects ...
Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
What you seem to be experiencing as well are some start up side effects of Wellbutrin. This should subside over time. But sense your psychologist has given you the diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder, your doctor will prescribe you an ... That will definitely help lower the anxiety. If I were you, I would try to make an emergency appointment with the psychiatrist. Tell them about the new diagnosis (anxiety) and say that is important that you see him right away. ...
Wellbutrin & Anxiety - Natural Remedies - The Depression Forums ...
I find that exercise does help a tiny bit, but there are times when either my schedule or bad weather doesnt allow this. Are there any herbal remedies (or any other suggestions) that anybody has found workd well to combat this ... If you even call your doctors nurse and ask her to ask the doctor about prescribing an anti-anxiety medication, it can probably even save you a trip going in to see the doctor as he should know that wellbutrin does or is known to cause increased ...
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zoloft with wellbutrin: accutane questionnairecandida lamisil abilify for anxiety children (http://blog.bitcomet... /ei1Jbt Source:
Wellbutrin, Klonopin, Lamictal Together? - The Depression Forums ...
How have they felt on it? Any side effects? Does the Klonopin make you really sleepy? Are you able to function throughout the day on it? Will the Wellbutrin most likely increase my anxiety? Do you have any suggestions? ... It helps tremedously with my anxiety. I take it when its high. Wellbutrin will cause some anxiety in you but will subside some once its in your system and has reached a therapuetic effects. The clonazepam will help to keep the anxiety at a minimum. ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I would also like to know if any newer antidepressants, like Cymbalta, help anxiety without weight gain. Sorry to be so long winded, but I am experiencing the same reactions to Wellbutrin as yourself so I can empathize. ... Ive been taking wellbutrin and effexor together for years and Ive found it works well for me but Im pretty messed up to be honest with you, depression and anxiety. I have never heard of wellbutrin making anyone irritable, it does the opposite for me. ...
How long does Zoloft withdrawal last? | Antidepressant Medications
On the contrary, it's the storyline of a Zoloft commercial – yes, Zoloft, . doctor can provide a treatment to help control nicotine withdrawal symptoms. . _www.newstarget.com/010315.html – Similar pages. National Paxil Protest invites antidepressant drugs victims to . ... Luvox, Pamelor, Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin and Zoloft has soared in recent years. . “It is the recognition of the withdrawal syndrome connected to many . _www.newstarget.com/020617.html – Similar pages ...
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Everything Drugs: I have been started on wellbutrin (bupropion ...
I have been started on wellbutrin (bupropion ) for my depression. Does this drug cause dry mouth? Wellbutrin or bupropion has several side effects some of which include nausea, dry mouth, cough, constipation, sweating, joint pain, ...
how can I find a significant other in college?
So, I have been taking Wellbutrin XL for a few months and recently (about three weeks ago) got my dosage upped from 300mg daily to 450mg daily. The 300mg worked well for a while, but then I was diagnosed with severe anxiety (instead of major depression- apparently the anxiety is causing the depression because I have had NO CLUE what's wrong with me lol). The Wellbutrin helps with the depression but does nothing for my anxiety or OCD, and the 450mg dose caused me to have pretty bad insomnia (but hey, I felt good during the day!). With the Wellbutrin I feel better and don't want to eat everything I see all the time, like I did with Paxil (it caused me to gain 120 lbs... please, no fat comments, or comments about how stupid I am. I am a certified personal trainer and am used to being half this size, and I know about diet/exercise and do both daily).OK, so then today I had my follow-up with my doc, and he's changed me to Wellbutrin 300mg daily and then added Citalopram 10mg daily. Now... I have taken Paxil in the past and it helped my mood some, but caused me to gain an absurd amount of weight, and that caused me to stop taking it altogether. Paxil and Citalopram are both SSRIs, and I am terrified of trying the new med. I got off Paxil November 2009 (a little over a year ago) and have just started to take off the weight I put on... so far I have only lost 1/4th of it, after a year of dedicated trying.I have read, and was told by my doc, that Citalopram is not associated with weight gain, and is often prescribed to patients with eating disorders because of this. I'm still scared to even try it because of my experience with Paxil.Anyone on these two meds, similar doses? Advice? What's your experience?Please help, I'm so scared to even try Citalopram.
Citalopram and Wellbutrin?
Im having a really hard time right now. Most of my adult life I have been on medication, I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar, pmd (I think that's it premenstral sindrome) and even lately been told I MAY have adult add. I have taken zoloft (took it for a year felt ok other then no sex drive and slightly unmotivated the big thing for me was I gained soooo much weight! I took wellbutrin and it seemed to help but the last time I took I kept getting really angry. So now you have a little history here is what I am experiencing. Most day's I feel ok, im always and I mean alway's tired no matter how much I sleep, sometimes maybe once every two weeks I just feel like crying. I don't feel like I enjoy anything, Im not motivated to do thing's and I ALWAY'S forget thing's you can tell me something and ten mins later i most likely forgot. I am a pretty happy person I don't feel depressed and I feel like my anxiety has gone away. I just keep going back and forth if I should get back on some meds for this or not. I could talk to my dr but she will just do what ever i think is best. So I wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions. I think my major problem is I am over weight and not happy with my self but I have ZERO motivation to actually do something about it. I think how i need to every day but I just don't.
Should I take medication or not? depression/anxiety/add?
I'm 17, I'm being treated for Bipolar Disorder- which at first I didn't mind, I believe it fuels my creativity. But now I'm angry all the time, I feel constantly irritated. I just feel like my nerves are shot for no reason. I'm so sick and tired of being pissed off 24/7.I've switched medications so many times I still feel like the only right medication they have found for anything is the adderal. Mental illinesess like Bipolar and Anxiety run high in my family and both my mother and granmother take Valium or Klonopin. But since I'm so young and prescription drugs similar to those are known to be addictive, my doctor is against prescribing anything related and his belief is that they do not cure BUT mask the disorder.I feel like I have no where to turn and I honestly don't know much about anxiety disorders or if that if has anything to do with why I'm angry constantly, I just hate being this way and I feel like it's hurting the ones I love around me because I just snap, I feel like my nerves are shot. So my question really I guess is if anyone knows anything that could help with this, or a way I can get my doctor (since I only see him once every two months- he's "very busy") to take me seriously on how bad this is affecting me and the people I care about?The medications I've been on are;*Prozac*Depakote*Seroquel*Wellbutrin*Risperdal*CelexaAt the moment I'm taking;*Wellbutrin*Adderal*Birth control
Help Please, I feel I am on the wrong medication & my disorder is not being treated properly!?
I'm 17, I'm being treated for Bipolar Disorder- which at first I didn't mind, I believe it fuels my creativity. But now I'm angry all the time, I feel constantly irritated. I just feel like my nerves are shot for no reason. I'm so sick and tired of being pissed off 24/7. I've switched medications so many times I still feel like the only right medication they have found for anything is the adderal. Mental illinesess like Bipolar and Anxiety run high in my family and both my mother and granmother take Valium or Klonopin. But since I'm so young and prescription drugs similar to those are known to be addictive, my doctor is against prescribing anything related and his belief is that they do not cure BUT mask the disorder. I feel like I have no where to turn and I honestly don't know much about anxiety disorders or if that if has anything to do with why I'm angry constantly, I just hate being this way and I feel like it's hurting the ones I love around me because I just snap, I feel like my nerves are shot. So my question really I guess is if anyone knows anything that could help with this, or a way I can get my doctor (since I only see him once every two months- he's "very busy") to take me seriously on how bad this is affecting me and the people I care about?The medications I've been on are;*Prozac*Depakote*Seroquel*Wellbutrin*Risperdal*CelexaAt the moment I'm taking;*Wellbutrin*Adderal*Birth control
Question on Mental Illinesess!?
I used to be on Zoloft for major depression and anxiety. I didn't think it helped very much so a couple days ago my doctor prescribed wellbutrin xl and I am taking that while weaning off of zoloft.Once I went home with the pills I decided to try to google some information. I did not find anything that said wellbutrin helped with anxiety. Does anyone know if it does? Has anyone used it? What were your results? And what's the expected length of time for it to work?
Can anyone give me information about Wellbutrin xl?
Hello, i've battled depression and anxiety for years. started in 2007, it was severe and attempted suicide, was admitted to the hospital, therapy, and was put on wellbutrin, which helped the depression, but not my crazy mood swings. Now I just struggle with my anger issues and severe anxiety, I get sooo angry at everything and everyone, when I cannot control it, I self harm, I have gotten into fist fights with my siblings, punching mirrors etc. It's to the point its almost a daily occurrence and my relationships are hurting. I am going back to my doctor this monday, but I just want an idea of any medications others have been put on for these kinds of issues.I get told i'm bipolar all the time, I do see myself going from manic to depressive, but the manic is not as severe as I would think it would be. I don't even know how to go about mentioning this to my doctor. Any helpful advice would be appreciated.
anger anxiety medication?
I started on 10mg, then 20, now 30mg. I get a lot of depressed thoughts like, why do I bother living, the washing will only need to done again tomoro, why do people bother with anything, I am not happy no matter what and I just wish I could be back to normal. I get physical symptoms of depression and anxiety which only add to the thoughts, they are quite debilitating.. Like, diarrhoea, hot flushes, shaking, feel cold and trembly, feel like I cant breath and all I can manage to do is curl up in bed and concentrate on breathing while running to the toilet every 2 mins. It is horrible. has am 6 weeks pregnant and i have tried to wean the Lexapro down and even after one dose at 20mg, all these symptoms come back. Now with a baby on the way, and I have a 2 1/2 year old, I think things like, what am I doing, I cant handle 2 kids, what if something happens, how am I going to handle it crying with a toddler as well, then I get all the physical axiety attack stuff. . and with a toddler, I cant look after him in that state. I just dont know what to do, is there anything that can maybe compliment the Lexapro to help?? Any suggestions would be great, I can feel the Lexapro not working like it used to and I cant let this take hold of me again, I work full time, have housework etc. At the moment I dont have the ability to play with my toddler, do the groceries, nothing. I just sit here thinking, what am I doing and just want to die, and I know that's not right. I have heard that sometimes adding Wellbutrin to Lexapro works well and this is okay in pregnancy??Obviously there are things I could have done better, otherwise I wouldn't be on meds in the first place.. My medication has been regulated by my doctors, and I do meditate when I am having a hard time, only this isnt working as well at it used to. Obviosuly I will be talking about this with my dr but I wanted some suggestions to take along with me to discuss with her.
On Lexapro 30mg and pregnant, depression/anxiety flaring up, what can I do?
please help me. I am a college student. I feel sleepy all day for several years. My brain is always not clear, difficult to think and concentrate. I feel that my brain is empty and my eyes tend to close. I also suffer from insomnia sometimes. But even with good sleep at night, all these symptoms still persist. This greatly affects my study and also these symptoms are very suffering. All these symptoms started several years ago several months after I entered college. I can't sleep well because the dorm was very noisy and everyone stayed up very late at night playing computer games. I was studying very hard and had to get enough sleep to concentrate on study. At that time, I was always worrying when my roommates would go to sleep at night so that I can fall asleep without interruption. Initially, I felt sleepy during the day like everyone else. But several months later, I started to feel very suffering, difficult to think and concentrate. Now, my bedroom is very quiet and I think that my night sleep is good. But I am still suffering from these symptom. I took Zoloft for about two years and also Wellbutrin and other medicines (I don't think I have depression and anxiety). But these medicines don't help. Doctors can't find any problems from sleep test and sleep latency test. I gradually stopped Zoloft and Wellbutrin 5 months ago but all the symptoms are still the same. My doctor can't find the cause for my daytime sleepiness and unclear brain but I am still suffering all day! What do you think the problem is? All advice is appreciated! Thank you in advance.
I feel sleepy all day. Looking for help?
im taking the generic. bupropion sr, 300 mg (150 mg 2x a day). its been a bit over a month since ive started and i like how ive been losing all this weight and it really helps with the depression (not the anxiety, but thats manageable). I dont care about the fact that its giving me mild acne, and the fact that i think its making me have hair loss. what i do care about is not getting enough sleep. it takes at least 2 hours every night to fall asleep. i'll have enough energy during the day, because my mind is active. but my body is exhausted, and i feel it. if that makes sense. my doctor offered sleeping pills, but i told her no. i dont want to have to take a pill to treat the side effects of another pill, and then another to treat the side effects of that. you know what i mean? so i'll try to handle this on my own. i bought some herbal sleeping pills that used to help me for occasional sleeplessness when i wasnt on wellbutrin. its basically just a valerian and hops pill. but i heard hops and antidepressants are not a good mixture so i stopped. i heard melatonin is also not good when youre taking antidepressants. so what over the counter stuff can i take?so benadryl is safe to take daily? and i take wellbutrin 2x a day. one when i wake up and one at night. not sure taking one if i wake up at 10am, and then the other at noon is a good idea.
i need help sleeping with wellbutrin?
I've been smoking now for 15 years and over the years have tried to quit smoking. I tried the patch and gum several times. I tried chantix and after about two weeks on chantix i had to go off as it caused some issues with me. My doctor put me on wellbutrin as it is linked to successfully quit smoking, but i stopped using it when work became very stressful and so did my personal life. I do believe the wellbutrin worked well as i didnt have the urge to smoke but did it out of habit. My job right now has been so stressful and will be for the next few months til february. I tend to flip out when i dont smoke. My friends and co workers want me to quit but when i "flip out" for not having one they cant be around me. I do suffer from severe anxiety and depression and my shrink tells me to not even bother quitting til i get my depression and anxiety under control as that i'm just adding another stressor to my life, and that when i'm not so fragile anymore i can quit. But my primary doctor says to do it now cause of my family history of strokes and heart attacks. So i want to know like when you decided to quit smoking what went on through your head and how you battled it and did you wait til things calmed down in your life? Like i want to know all the what, when, where, why and how?
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