Monday, October 3, 2011

Vegetarian Meal Plan - A Good Plan Has A Good Outcome

The vegetarian meal plan can be the most challenging and confusing diet plan around. In a low carb diet wherein meat is considered a key nutrient source, how can you really be a vegetarian at the same time? But the supposed benefits of a low carb vegan diet are true, as even medical studies have revealed.

According to a study, the benefits of a low carb diet rich in proteins taken from vegetable sources were compared to those of a vegan diet with high carbs. The study showed that while both diets led to weight loss, the low carb plan also improved blood pressure and blood lipids, thus enhancing overall health.

The vegetarian or vegan diet is the food which includes items obtained from plants such as cereals, legumes, vegetables and dairy products like milk, butter, cheese, ghee, etc. If planned properly, vegetarian diet provides proper nutrition to the body and keeps us healthy.

The different types of vegetarians are those who follow fruitarianism, lacto-ovo-vegetarianism, lacto-vegetarianism and ovo-vegetarianism. However, those who follow vegetarianism strictly do not include eggs in their diet. Read more on different types of vegetarians.

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