Sunday, October 16, 2011

Surprising Facts About Healthy Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight and you are working on it, then it is for sure that you want to get the results as fast as possible. But what is the point of losing health with weight. To get quick results if you are starving your heart and damaging yourself by strenuous workout, then it would do no good to you. You must be thinking how can exercise or dieting harm you. The answer is that your diet gives you energy and nutrients, if you cut out your diet, you will get weak. When you exert your body in such conditions, your body starts eating up your muscles to fulfill its energy needs. In short, you tend to lose your muscle mass and water weight by these means of weight loss. This damages your health and sometimes the damage is not recoverable.

For healthy weight loss, a person needs to be careful. Those who think that healthy weight loss means you will have to wait for interminably, they are wrong. Healthy weight loss programs demand little patience; but if followed regularly with proper care, you can get the results very soon. In such programs you don't have to hurt yourself for dropping few pounds. There are some tips for healthy weight loss that may work for you.

Effective and Healthy weight loss involves physical activity and watching your diet. If any of these is missing, you can rarely achieve your weight loss goals and if achieved somehow, it's not going to last for long. Watching your diet doesn't mean to starve. It means fill up on healthy food stuff like fruits, vegetables, some meat etc. and cut out things like sugary beverages and starchy foods which make your meal dense with calories. You should not be having only one kind of food; plan your diet for everyday and make sure it is able you provide your body all the essential nutrients. This way you will be able to avoid fattening foods and will not have to starve also.

In addition to diet control, physical workout is also necessary for healthy weight loss. You should pay attention to your workout routine and add more of aerobics and cardio activities to it. You should work-out a bit for building muscles also; a few minutes of weight lifting or resistance training a few days a week is enough. Building muscles boosts up your metabolic activity which in turn burns more calories. Not only during exercise, having toned muscles keep your metabolism active even when you are idle because your body needs to continuously feed your muscles. In addition to healthy weight loss, toned muscles impart you better looks.

Crash dieting and similar practices make you lose weight temporarily, but damage your health permanently. You lose your body's water weight and your muscles are also destroyed, including your heart muscles which may cause serious damage. Crash dieting adapts your body to conditions like that of starving, so your body starts holding on more fats. So, when you get back to your normal diet, you gain weight much faster than you lose. So, it is better to avoid shortcuts for weight loss and choose programs like Beachbody programs or boot camp workout for healthy weight loss. It tells you how to monitor your diet and guides you on your exercise routine also. This makes you lose weight healthily and effectively.

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