Thursday, October 6, 2011

Top Five Weight Loss Tips

Everyone and their mother have their supposed weight loss tips that are "guaranteed" to help you lose weight. In reality, though, a lot of people who try to shed the pounds fail miserably. Why?


This is a question that Harrogate weight loss experts have been answering for years, meaning they actually have the answer, but people seemingly just refuse to listen. One reason why expert advice is commonly ignored is because weight loss Harrogate experts encourage people to not focus on quick remedies that end up useless in the long run.


There's really no shortcut to health, and the earlier people recognise this gem of truth, the better. Unfortunately, most people would still like to look for miracle cures instead of trying to become healthy overall.


If you're sick of yo-yo dieting and want to lose weight AND not regain it, check out these top tips that can help you lose weight and lead a healthier, happier lifestyle:


Don't skip meals. A lot of weight watchers assume that they can lessen their weight by lessening the amount of food they eat. Although there is logic in this argument, the reality is that when you skip entire meals, you only end up starving yourself, and you'll probably eat double on the next meal just to compensate. Skipping meals is unhealthy and could cause gastric problems like stomach ulcers.

Note your portions. It's not really what you eat, but how much you eat. You're not supposed to deprive yourself, as again the cravings only worsen and you end up eating much more. That means you're allowed to eat chips and crisps and chocolate, but only in moderation. The idea is to not overeat, and just eat enough to get full. A bite of chocolate post-dinner is a good way to satisfy your sweet tooth, but don't go overboard. Savour the occasional indulgence.

Go fresh! If you can, try to eat as many fresh foods as you can in a day. Fruits and vegetables are always great, and they are so flavourful that you won't be depriving your taste buds. Drink freshly squeezed juice and water instead of soda. One way to eat fresh is to know what fruits and vegetables are in season, and then plan your menu accordingly.

Exercise. Oh yes, that dreaded word. Unfortunately, there really is no miracle cure to weight loss in Harrogate and all you need to do is to eat right and exercise regularly. There's just no way around it, and you have no choice but to deal.

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