Saturday, October 15, 2011

Can You Skip Medifast Meals? Is It Advisable?

I sometimes hear from people who are wanting to tweak the medifast diet a little bit for various reasons. Sometimes, they think that if they make a few modifications, they will take in fewer calories and fats and will therefore lose more weight. So, some have an inclination to skip meals in an attempt to make their results more quick and more dramatic.

I recently heard from someone who said: "I am happy to learn that I'm not as hungry as I thought I would be on medifast. The first four days were kind of rough, but after that, I wasn't nearly as hungry anymore. To be honest, I don't feel as if I need to eat all six meals. And I find the mid morning snack after breakfast hard to fit in. I also don't really want another snack after dinner and so close to bed time. So, can I skip those two meals? Is this allowed? Because I'm thinking that since I am not hungry for those meals anyway and I might save myself over 200 calories by skipping them and maybe lose more weight, then what's the harm?"

Before I answer these questions, I have to tell you that no one is going to come after you or scold you for breaking the rules. The diet is meant to be somewhat flexible and you can most certainly play with your schedule or with the times that you eat in order to make things easier for you without any problem at all.

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