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Wellbutrin+Xanax=mean as a snake?
help i cant find the right combo for my manic depression and bipolar?
I am bipolar and have extreme anxiety. I have been on Lamictal for years and I also take wellbutrin and trazadone and xanax. Can stress make the meds quit working? I have been under an extreme amount of stress lately. My moods are bouncing all over the place and I have also been having suicidal feelings and thoughts. I moved out of state to change my life and got involved in a reltaionship with a guy and had a baby and she died at age 4 mos from SIDS. I also found out he had a drug problem and have called it quits. I just dont know what to do I hate feeling this way and am having these thoughts. In the last few years I have lost both my parents, my husband and now my child. I feel like I am losing it and now I have broke up with her father and have no place to go and no place can help me because I do not have children. Should I talk to my Psychiatrist and tell him how I am feeling? I do not want to go back in the hospital.
Depressed and Meds don't seem to be working?
Facts:1. Many soldiers will come home from Iraq as amputees.2. Fact: amputees require artificial limbs.3. Artificial limb makers will see demand increase, thus, those who have invested in these companies are set to make a great deal of profit. People who use artificial limbs have to have them replaced every few years, thus there is always a demand and always a profit to be made. 4. Many soldiers come back as burn victims. Burns can be treated with synthetic flesh, a new business. More burn victims means more demand for synthetic skin, thus increasing profits for investors in companies that make this product. 5. Many soldiers come home with psychiatric problems for which medication is required. More prescriptions for Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Lithium, Xanax, Valium, Thorazine, Lexapro means more sales for pharmaceutical companies, thus more profit for investors. 6. Hearing aids and the artificial eye: if soldiers lose their hearing, they will need cochlear implants. There is a lot of working being done on creating a bionic eye. Should more soldiers lose their hearing and their sight, there will be more demand for these products and more sales. Investments in artificial limbs, cochlear implants, bionic eyes, anti-psychotic medications and synthetic skin tissue can see increases in the next few years. So please stop telling me that the war is hurting our economy when several sectors are thriving as a result of it. I am not failing right now and am doing a heck of a lot better than when our country was not in Iraq, so please stop lying.If you invested in any of the leading pharmaceutical companies or technological companies, you would have seen your investments grow very quickly. Also, there is now a robotic exoskeleton coming on to the market that enables paraplegics to walk with the aid of canes and electronic leg braces. Many people will come back from the war paralyzed and this could help investors make a profit. If we can get more and more people coming home in wheelchairs this could reap a huge profit, the likes of which have never been seen before.
Why do libs lie and say that the Iraq war is bad for our economy when I have proof that it is helping us?
I'm currently on Lamictal and Xanax. I just recently began taking Seroquel again after a two week stint... I quit 125mg cold turkey. What a nightmare. And also began taking the leftover Wellbutrin I have so I can lose some weight.Wellbutrin never helped my depression, just made me lose weight which I can't complain about, and before now, I have always had an SSRI backing me up in addition to whatever else I was taking (including Wellbutrin) Anyways, I was wondering if some supplements, such as SAM-e or NSI Omega-3 Mood Formula would be safe to take without the risk of worsening my depression?I was also wondering if any of you have taken the supplement (I saw it at Whole Foods) called Relax-O-Zyme? It's supposed to help with anxiety and I'm always looking for alternatives to my Xanax. I've tried the Rescue Pastilles and they're, eh, okay.
Is it possible for herbal medications targeting mood to increase your depression?
I have been dealing with depression for about a year now, but it has significantly worsened do to recent situational factors. I have been on Lexapro, Elavil, Effexor, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Seroquel, Topamax, Xanax, Klonopin and Lamictal. I was hospitalized in May for a suicide attempt. Currently I am just on Lamictal, Seroquel and Xanax. However, I just started the Lamictal a few days ago and restarted the Seroquel after being off it for about two weeks. This is THE MOST overwhelming depression I have felt in my ENTIRE life. I've been experiencing it since last week. Normally I can keep it at bay until the nighttime. Today thought it's come early and I am SO scared of what I might do to myself eventually. Usually I'm too scared to kill myself but this... this I cannot do if it's going to keep up. I even went so far as to call my GP and get a refill for my Elavil, as I have some at home and figure that, plus a brand new bottle, and then another brand new bottle when I can get my second refill will do it. I don't think I could wait that long though and would have to do it with what I had and just add some other things. The pain has exceeded my coping ability and resources for coping. I think God honestly wants me dead, because I am being SHOVED in the direction of offing myself.I have never been so scared in my entire life.Whoops, sorry, I'm 20 years old.I do plan on calling my therapist tomorrow to get an emergency appointment, as I don't see her until the 8th of October.
I am genuinely afraid of myself?
I had a stillbirth at 21 weeks on July 12th of this year. I then went back on my medications that I had stopped prior to getting pregnant along with some others. Wellbutrin, Limictal, Xanax extended release and Xanax are the antianxiety/antidepression medications that I'm on. A little while later, I don't remember quite when (i think august eighth), I got put on Microgestin Fe 1/20. Lately, for the past two or three weeks, I've felt extremely sick every morning, almost to the point of throwing up (some gagging) that always goes away within few hours of waking up. Sometimes I'll feel the same kind of sick as well at night. I'm also really tired all the time and just feeling kind of off... kind of like I did when I was pregnant with my son. Could taking these medications cause me to get pregnant even though I'm on the pill? Can they make the pill work not as well? I don't remember when I started having sex again after getting on the pill, but I thought i had given it enough time. I'm scared, I don't mind being pregnant, I'd love having another baby but if i am, I need to get all of my medicines as soon as possible so I don't hurt the baby. i also don't know when I should be getting my period again because it was at a weird time last month and before that, I hadn't since March. Oh, one last thing, i forgot to say... my OB/Gyn had me start the pills before I'd gotten my first period since the silent birth, so could that have thrown my period off and also made it more possible to get pregnant? Any answers would be helpful, because I think the meds could've made my bc not work. but it's too early to take a pregnancy test.
If I'm on Anti Anxiety/Depression Medications and get on BC, could I still get pregnant?
I have anxiety... Rather bad anxiety... Now I need to go through ALL my records and find a whole bunch of tax documents but just sitting down in the office and pulling a handful of papers out of the file got my heart thumping and I got dizzy... I put TWO documents in the 2010 folder when I had to leave the room. I have a big cup of iced Chamomile, Sleepy-Time, and Black Tea to try and mellow me out... I took my Wellbutrin SR as directed, not missing any days... I have a couple of Alprazolam 0.50mg tablets (Xanax) and I am thinking of taking half of one but I only have a few left and need to limit their use... I've been talking them, half at a time, when I am awakened at either 3:30am or 5:30am with an anxiety attack... And I've been having those a lot lately with all this stress.My inability to do this work is going to greatly impact my life and my business... I am so stressed... When I do paperwork, I keep funny PodCasts on as "Background Noise" because I can't listen to music anymore while I work because I can no longer lose my intrusive thoughts by singing... I have to have WORDS to focus on, I need to pay attention to the CONVERSATION or else my mind starts to come up with, well, as I said, Intrusive Thoughts that lead to a panic attack. How can I cope with this horrible anxiety without having to up my Alprazolam (Xanax) usage? I'm worried about addiction to the Xanax and tolerance to it... I have gone through about twentyfive 0.5mg Xanax Tablets since I got the prescription in February 2010... My "Average" usage is 30 pills in 6 months. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Well, I took whole Xanax and felt it kick in. I thought I was OK, then all the sudden it felt like ice water down my spine and my face turned red when I actually read a document and didn't just look at the date and file it... So I took a half of another one, leaving me with three and a half left. That last half a pill seemed to do the trick.I haven't had to take this much in a VERY long time, but I figure, I need to make an appointment with my doctor anyways, I might as well get a refill... 60 pills a year isn't much and I would never take them unless it is an emergency... THANK YOU for your answer. I needed that advice... When I start to feel "Itchy" I stop and go add some beads to a necklace I'm making and it calms me down.
How to cope with Situational Stress? I need to go through Tax Documents, just looking makes me freak!!!?
I have been on antidepressants(wellbutrin, celexa, sometimes xanax (anxiety, panic attacks)or serax for sleeping for a couple of years. I am still depressed, and i became hooked on painkiller percocet and oxycodene. i have been on methadone now for 4 months and have not touched an;y thing since and just take what i have to from the doctor. I really want to get off all this drugs bc i know its not helping me permanently and i want to be really truley healthy. I have been getting really weird side effects, like severe icecream, i have to eat it every day n night, and my eyesight seems to be worsening, I am only 33 and do tons of reading as i am in a Masters program right now. Has these sideeffects happend to anyone else, or can anyone give me any advice on what i should do?? the doctors just want to keep me on everything.
severe icecream cravings! help please! has this happend to anyone else?
I'm 21 and been a alcoholic since 18. I have been on Wellbutrin 150mg and Prozac 20mg for 2 weeks now and I drink maybe 3 times a week on it and take half a log of xanax or a log of xanax while drinking and on my medication. What is wrong with me I'm insane when I'm drinking I don't care if I die the next day I wake up I feel so quilty about my drinking and how it makes me mean im afraid ima end up in jail or the psychward (again) I just can't handle drinking no more its beyond my force nothing makes me happy and I'm pretty sure I'm Bi-Polar. I tryed AA for months I don't like it they tell me I gotta help other alcoholics and I can't even help myself! My sponsor doesn't support taking medication and going to rehab. I have a assesment coming up for rehab this month I can't wait to go it will be the first time being sober since 12 (even just smoking pot and drinking every other weekend or robotripping popping random pills etc.) I thought all this was normal growing up but at 19 and a half I relized I have a problem I am going insane I think about suicide all the time everyday I wake up shaking and in a panic! I just want to be happy I can't go on like this! Is there any hope for me?? I drink alot too cuz I'm very lonely and my bf uses drugs and drinks and I can't seem to break away from him and everyone I know drinks I'm so confused I know I have a problem I want to stop and be happy and be stable mentally physically and spirtually any advice anyone else been through this?? How can I deal with this till I go to rehab. I'm scared I won't make it to rehab with the way I drink and black out its scary!! Thank you. No sarcastic or rude remarks please.
I can't stop abusing alcohol?
I needed some extra cash and so I stole what I thought was Xanax out of a pill bottle In my dads medicine cabinet. I told 1 of my friends that I had some Xanax and that I would sell it to him for 5 bucks a pill. I wanted to double check what it was so my friend would like know what the desired effect of the drugs he's taking and the possible risks (in short I didn't want to give my friend some random pill). Any way I searched the letters on the front of the pill on drugs.com and found out that they were wellbutrin. With a little research I found that wellbutrin is also an anti depressant and that people do use it recreationally. I would guess that the highs would be similar but he seems to say that they are very different and is sort of sketch about them. Any info wud b super. Also if any1 could tell me any thing about getting high off strattera that'd b super.Also if u want to tell me how much of a bad idea this is please skip it I realize that taking any non perscriped pills is usually unhealthy and that's why as a rule of thumb I usually stick to green.
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