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How do you know if you are depressed, or bi-polar, or both and is this heriditary?
i started taking wellbutrin for depression but i stopped after about a week of using it.now, i have a bad cold and i want to take medicine but im worried that it's too early...it says on the thing not to take it with a maoi drug or unless u have stopped taking it within 2 weeks what should i do?by the way its a stronger version of wellbutrin, its called "BUDEPRION XL"i know im a worrier but its better to be safe than sorry........
Can I take Nyquil or Mucinex 10 days after stopping antidepressants?
I get my Wellbutrin XL from the manufacturer for free but they have stopped sending it to me and I can't figure out why. I'm researching on how to get this matter taken care of and I came across this site that mentions that Wellbutrin XL can be taken "Recreationally" and I am wondering what, exactly, that means?Why would you want to? What would it possibly do?I just want my panic attacks to stop so I am desperate to get my medication... But why on earth would someone try to abuse an antidepressant?http://www.crazymeds.us/Zyban.shtmlWellbutrin's Cons: Despite Glaxo's assertions, the SR form does cause minor seizure events in people with no prior history at the higher dosages. Wellbutrin (bupropion hydrochloride) can be used recreationally, so it can be abused. It has to be avoided by anyone with an eating disorder, between the lower seizure threshold and potential of abuse as an eating disorder enabler.Sorry... Clarification:I'm not trying to buy them online, just research why Bridges to Access aid program never sent out my refill.Turns out that Glaxo Smith Kline sold the rights to Wellbutrin XL to another company so their aid organization doesn't cover it anymore...I'm trying to get switched to Wellbutrin SR (Which is still covered) & in my research for the differences between the two forms of the same medication I found a site saying that it can be abused.That would explain why my refill disappeared from the mail 2 times in the last 2 years. If someone stole it to abuse it...I'm just trying to figure out what, exactly, abusing a Multiple Re-uptake Inhibitor would do to get you "High" since if you take too much, it will cause seizures even in people without any history of seizure disorders.I want my med's because I need to take them as labled and directed by my doctor...But I am wondering why somone would abuse a medication such as this and what it would do to them.
Wellbutrin can be abused/used recreationally? What does that mean exactly?
I have been taking Wellbutrin XL for about a year and 7 months. I was on 150 mg for the first 12 months, then 300 mg for the last 7. (I love it; I feel like I couldn't have imagined a medicine that would make me feel so normal. Just... normal, and consistent, not "high" and no longer experiencing manic lows.) I have always used name brand because I could afford it and because my Dr. recommended it, and am hesitant about generics. The reason I'm hesitant is because I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo (birth control) for a year or so, but the $60 copay was getting costly, so I switched to the generic... I had the worst depression I've had in 2 years, I ate literally 4 times what I eat on a normal basis, and was a psychotic mess. I would get depressed and hopeless for no real reason, every single day, and cried at least twice a day during that time. Without even really knowing why.. I was still on the Wellbutrin during that time but I may as well have been off of it. I thought I was just crazy, but then I went online and read other people's experiences with that specific birth control and learned that many other people had this bad reaction to the generic, and ended up switching back to name brand. Needless to say, I did. Anyway, so my co-pay for the Wellbutrin is $60 a month, and recently my Dr. has put me on other medications too so I want to cut costs and am thinking of switching to the generic (Bupropion)... But after a year & 1/2 of satisfaction with the name brand, added with my terrible experience with the generic of the birth control medicine vs name brand, I'm really scared to switch and wondering what other people's experiences have been? I don't want to read drug facts, because I've done significant research already, I really just want to hear what other people have experienced from the generic, or from the generic compared to name brand. I realize that I need to weigh the options between spending the extra $ and the value of my health, etc etc, I'm not looking for advice, I'm just looking for other people's side effects because that can give me an idea of how bad it may or may not be.Please help... I don't want to go through another experience like I did with my previous generic, so I could use some feedback. Thanks!
Different side effects of Bupropion (generic) vs. Wellbutrin XL? (Thinking of switching to generic but scared)?
I gotten my heart broken for the first time. And it hurts like a muthfucka!!! I was with the guy for 7 years.I'm 27 years and he's 39 years old. He was my first love. Hell I once was pregnant by him, but I had a miscarriage. He told me he wanted to marry him and bare his children. I found out that he never loved me and only used me for his convenience. He only wanted to get a place with me so he could lay up and not work (I have a very good job and he works seasonally). I found out he's been going to different single sites and meeting with other women. He keeps calling me trying to get me back. Then has the nerve to tell me it's my fault he was untrue. I loved that man more than life itself and he knew it. I can't stop crying and I'm sh!tfaced. His own damn sister is comforting me. Telling me I don't need him and he's nothing but a piece of sh!t. Please give me some suggestions to ease the pain. This hurts just about as much when my grandfather died.I'm already on Wellbutrin XL 300MG for depression.
What helped you get over a heart break?
I just started this a couple weeks ago...I think I have noticed a little difference... I have more energy whereas I used to be tired all of the time. I'm not sure if it's helping my anxiety...or ADHD which I think I have. It has made me more emotional though - I cry much more. I was just wondering what other people thought of this drug...
Has anyone tried Wellbutrin xl for depression and anxiety?
i'm 16 and on an anti-depressant (300mg Wellbutrin XL since the 16th, and 150mg 3 weeks before)my psychiatrist said that if i felt that it was working for me, we could move my saturday appointment to a later date. i don't really know if it is...i don't know what its supposed to be like. i still think about suicide and death related things everyday. is it just a habit i've gotten into? most of the time i can feel ok if i'm alone and doing something that requires most of my attention. when ever i'm with friends i still feel disconnected. i don't feel as helpless and unwanted as i used to, but now i get ticked off about every little thing that goes wrong or someone says. i'm so confused. sometimes i think its working and then i just go back down. is it the medication that isn't working or do i have a really bad habit of contemplating suicide?
How do I know if antidepressant is working? I still think about suicide, is it just a habit now?
my dose was bumped up to 300mg Wellbutrin XL yesterday...so i know i will probably feel a little better in two weeks, but i don't know if i can make it that long. this whole week has been crappy and i feel like i'm just gonna lose it. i have no desire to commit suicide atm, but i think it would be so easy for me just to snap and do it. i can't function. i can't do my homework, school is almost out and my friends are seniors (i'm a junior) so i'm left behind, i feel like a freak, blah blah blah. i can't enjoy anything. i'm trying to treat this dang depression but it feels like i'm going around in circles...or getting worse.please help. i need suggestions on what i can do to keep me from completely losing it. i feel like i have to do something fun to distract me, but i have no idea what i can do because all of the things i used to do haven't made me feel better.
I need something to distract me or make me feel ok. Treating depression?
First she was diagnosed with manic depression in the hospital. She was first put on lithium, but now she takes seroquel, and risperdal. I think that is totally wrong medication for a bi-polar patient.Those drugs are used to treat skitzo. I too suffer from depression, but my doctor put on me on Lamictal (weight neutral). Wouldnt she do better on something like lamictal and Wellbutrin XL 150mg x2, which is what I take. The poor girl says she still feels sad in numerous interviews, I just think doctors have her on wrong medications. Unless, she has delusions and sees or hears things that arent there, she should not be on those anti-physcotics. For example, my moods are stable on Vyvanse, Lamictal, and Wellbutrin XL. But the poor girl diagnosed with the same condition takes fattenting drugs that dont even help her? Doesnt this show how bad doctors can be? Especially, when they presrcibe wrong medications? If I was her I would get a team of lawyers and sue the living day lights out of those doctors and get them out of practicing medicine for good.I just feel so bad for her. I mean shes, Britney Spears. She has so much power and lets these doctors just prescribe and diagnose her with whatever they feel. Doctors tried doing that with me, that did not go so well for them. I almost sued my previous dr. who gave me an injection of haldou, which she said is used to treat adhd. Its true, but it says for severe cases. Thank god I stook up for my self and done what britney should have done, and that is see a new doctor. Dont you guys think so?Yea, exactly. Or just stay on lithium. I really miss lithium, man it brought down my moods and produced a euphoria I would never forget. Uhhh well stuck with lamictal, which isnt that bad, but no euphoria like lithium ;)I dont even know why she would choose seroqel though? Geodon, Lamictal, Topamax, are great mood stabalizers and anti-phycotics (geodon) and do not produce weight gain. She must have weekly injections of appetite suppressants because its almost nearly impossible to loose weight with seroquel. Or maybe she isnt taking them and pretends she is really taking them. I am doing 1,000 calories and its hard and I am on all drugs that make you not want to eat!
Britney Spears on too much medication, what do you think?
Hello, I was recently prescribed Wellbutrin XL (Bupropion Hydrochloride) for my depression. My psychiatrist highly recommended do not use this medication with alcohol. What are the limits? Does it just mean not to consume alcohol within a certain time frame of ingestion? This pill is sustained release, so I don't know if I am supposed to just stop altogether... someone help!
Wellbutrin XL and alcohol dangers?
I had a period of time where I thought my friends were making fun of me or they had some inside joke about me. During this time I was smoking A LOT of pot. I saw a therapist and he said that it was anxiety caused by smoking so much pot. So I stopped smoking pot, no brainer right? But after I stopped, I started to change. I didn't talk as much to people, wasn't as lively, didn't want to hang out as much with friends, and didn't talk much. Now I'm on Wellbutrin XL for depression/anxiety that came from not smoking pot.Well, I felt/feel pretty good. But my mother keeps worrying about me ALL THE TIME. I'm almost 22. She consistently worries about me because I don't hang out with friends often. The last time I hung out with friends was when I went out for New Years, before that...maybe once to help my friend move a TV from his neighbors to his house, and before that Thanksgiving. Now it's not that I'm not doing anything with my time. I love taking pictures, hiking, camping, solitary walks, things of that nature. As well as taking care of work, schoolwork, reading, watching movies, etc. Now, because I don't talk a lot and don't have as much "party energy" my mother worries I'm a bit schizophrenic, based on the delusions I had when I was smoking pot combined with my anti social behavior. I recently expressed my interest in becoming a Forest Ranger out of college and how the job description typically read that it had a lot of solitary time while on the job. That got her even more worried.I guess I'm trying to figure out what the hell to do. It's like when I have my life figured out and I feel like things are finally going well, my mother f8cking worries about me, and it gives me doubts about myself. We've had many conversations since the end of me smoking pot about her being worried I have something more than anxiety because of my tendency to not want to hang out with other people. I have defended myself and my personality to her one too many times and it is getting to the point where I have no idea who I am anymore. I felt like I was happy and growing up when I was being by myself, taking care of things in my own life, and doing things that spoke to my soul. Then when she expresses her worry and tells me I used to be friendlier and more out going, it's like she wants me to be the person I was back when I WAS smoking. Now what am I supposed to think? It leaves me thinking that I SHOULD be more outgoing, but that comes at the expense of not being myself. If I try to be outgoing it's to please my mother, which makes it so I'm just pleasing everybody else when I'm being social. A guy that does nothing but pleasing everybody isn't a guy. How do I derive self confidence from doing sh9t like that? And how do I get her to stop being such a jerk? I say jerk because I've told her more times than I can count on my hands that I like solitude and nothing is wrong with me but she constantly puts her anxieties on me.
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