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I have ceased to exist. I really can't think of any other way of putting it.The absolute hell of this state is difficult to convey, but I'll try. Imagine all of your emotions and feelings suddenly being erased, destroyed, and eradicated at the deepest level imaginable. This happened to me, and I've been left with a constant "feeling" of nothingness and nonexistence 24/7 for the past 5 months. All of my drives, desires, and will have been fully extinguished, and it feels as if my inner life force has been shut down completely.Emotions, feelings, and drives are a huge part of what makes us human beings and defines our selves. I've spent 30 years building my inner emotional landscape, populated by people, places, events, songs, movies, etc., but when I try to experience or think about these things (or indeed, anything at all) there is simply no emotion triggered whatsoever. Absolutely nothing, not a hint of familiarity. So 30 years of my life have become meaningless, and it feels as if I have never lived them at all. Everything inside that made up the feeling of "me" is completely gone.For everything you see, hear, smell, and touch, there is normally an emotion or feeling attached to it. These constantly shifting and changing feelings based on our sensory perceptions make up our emotional landscape, and help to guide us through life. It's how most people's brains function. Not mine anymore - there is no landscape there, only a constant barren desert of nothingness.Because of this, I've basically been unable to function for the past 5 months, and have spent 90% of my time lying in bed or trying to sleep. I've gained about 50 pounds (eating a lot in a vain attempt to feel something), and am lucky if I take a shower once a week.With my emotions erased, time is rendered meaningless, so the 5 months honestly doesn't feel like that long. In fact, it feels like no time at all has passed. My ability to have a normal day, with normal feelings for morning, noon and night have been destroyed. I wish for a normal day with my inner spirit guiding me through the day's activities. Without emotions, there is nothing to do, nothing to look forward to, and nothing to engage you - no interest. Somehow, the time passes, but I don't even feel bored. Just complete nothingness.The most horrific thing about this is, I cannot feel a thing about being in this state. I have literally lost the part of me that is able to care. I am only able to intellectualize that this is hell, but there are no feelings to match.Some of you may think this is depression, but I disagree (having experienced that before). The only thing close to this state that I have found on the web is Cotard's Syndrome. There are a few different variations and theories about it, but the one postulated about all of the senses being disconnected from the limbic system, leaving complete apathy to everything and a sense of not being alive seems to fit. It has been taken to the level where it literally feels like I don't exist (in fact, I've uttered the phrase, "I don't exist" many times). I know a physical body exists, but it has been emptied of all that is me.So, what caused me to be in this state? I am 90% sure it is the result of withdrawal from an antidepressant. I'd been on Wellbutrin XR (initially the brand name, and later changed to the generic version) for 5 years (a high dosage - 450 mg, later changed to 300 mg). I decided to come off the drug in late 2009, and four months later began my descent into what can only described as the worst hell imaginable (described above). It was a gradual process of losing my self and feelings that came in stages. I tried going back on the drug for a month but that only made things worse. After trying to go back on them a second time I experienced a day of sudden improvement after just 2 pills followed by a seizure. That's when things really fell apart.I've been in this hell of nonexistence for the past 5 months and do not see a way out. I have had 2 sudden improvements that each lasted for one day (once in May and once in September). These days were marked by insomnia and there was a return of my feelings to the level where I was able to function again. Both times when I did eventually get to sleep, I woke up in a state of confusion and eventually regressed to the nonexistent state again. It's not fair, I can't live like this. I have not taken a pill since May 25th. It's been so long without lasting change, I doubt I'm never going to regain my previous self.Could withdrawal from an antidepressant do this to a person? Also, before this started, I absolutely loathed myself for a variety of reasons and felt a tremendous amount of guilt and shame. I'm thinking that may have something to do with it, but with nothing inside me at all, there is nothing therapy can do for me now.
I have ceased to exist - everything inside me is gone. I can't even care because I'm not here to. Advice?
I've been taking Yaz, the birth control for almost a year.Wellbutrin, I've been taking for three months and experienced weight loss.Without any form of consent, I was placed on the generic version of Yaz, which is called Gianvi.I've gained weight, had breakthrough bleeding, horrible headaches, and feelings of bloating since being on it. I've read many reviews on Gianvi, and have heard really bad things about it.I'm trying to make a decision to either go back on Yaz with my wellbutrin, or just to stop taking birth control all in all. Either way, I'm definitely getting off of Gianvi.Can anyone PLEASE help me with my decision, I need facts, and even opinion.
Yaz and wellbutrin mix, please help!?
I stopped Wellbutrin cold turkey, how long until my anxiety goes away? I also take Klonopin 0.5 3x for anxiety, and I still have it, and I'm sure it's because of Wellbutrin.I'm starting Prozac on the 28th, I used to take it long time ago, it works much better then Wellbutrin for me, like 100x better, but I was not on too many med like I'm now, and will Lamictal help with depression while I'm of Wellbutrin until the 28th.I take Perphenazine generic, Lamictal generic, and Klonopin.Any help would be appreciated.
Wellbutrin Cold Turkey?
Ever since I started the generic my depression seems to have come back but my doctor says there is no difference between the two, however, I have heard the same thing happening to other people who switched to generic? Does anyone have any insight into this?
Does generic wellbutrin work as well as the name brand?
My husband has always dealt with anxiety but has been off meds. for awhile now. Recently a friend has mentioned the med. wellbutrin to him, so he mentioned it to his doctor. His doctor agreed they will give it a shot. Today was his first day taking it and it made his skin feel sensitive he developed a headache and of course made him a little sleepy. The side effects listed on the medication paper's say these are common side effects. It also say's do not take if the patient has had a past of epilepsy- well he has even though he has not had a seizure in almost six years. His doctor is out until tuesday of next week but he feel's he really need's to take this medication due to some personal issue's (the reason why he got on it). Has anyone taken this before with the same problem's or might know if this will be okay with his past of epilepsy, any advice beside's the obvious (stop taking it) will definently help us out. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and answer to those who will.Does anybody know anything about any of this?
Can anyone share some experienced side effects to the medication Bupropion (generic wellbutrin)?
I was suppose to be taking only 400 mg as my doc told me, 200 in the morning and 200 in the after noon, but I forgot what he said and I didn't look on the bottle , so I took 400 in the morning and 400 in the afternoon which = 800mg, and it's been like 12 days now, I ran out of medication, and my next appointment with the dc is on the 9th, should I wait till then, or go get my regular prescription as soon as possible, and was it dangerous taking 800mg a day?? I take wellbutrin sr generic, and I don't think it's helping me alot anymore, so I was thinking about discontinuing the med.
took 800mg Of Wellbutrin by mistake?
i am currently on meds for depression its called wellbutrin the generic is bupropion if anyone is taking this please explain to me how this works for u and if you have any side effects ? also i have developed major mood swings i get very angry i can be happy then instantly pissed and stay pissed. Anyone help please or advice and no negative feedback thankyou guys
i have a depression disorder, im truly convinced i developed the bipolar disorder...?
I used to take Wellbutrin generic 150mg twice a day, now my nurse patrician went up to 200mg twice a day, it's because I still had depression even after taking it for 8 months I still get depressed easily.What should I expect on 400mg SR generic after I been on 300mg for 8 months, and how long till I start feeling new effects?
Wellbutrin, going up from 300mg to 400mg SR?
Question about combining gabapentin (generic for Neurontin) with other psychiatric medications?I am currently on the following medications and am unable to contact my doctor until monday.200mg of Wellbutrin20mg of Lexapro1mg of Xanax a day as neededElavil 25mgSeroquel 50mgIs it safe to take the gabapentin with all of those? If so, how much should I take, because I'm kind of concerned about combining it with all of those.. :(Also, so far today I have only taken 1mg of Xanax, 20mg of Lexapro and 100mg of Wellbutrin. Everything else I take at night.Yeah, I am already aware of the risk of Serotonin syndrome, so my doctor is monitoring me very carefully. Would the neurontin increase my chances of serotonin syndrome anymore?
Question about combining gabapentin (generic for Neurontin) with other psychiatric medications?
I feel that after starting these medications I started the rapid heart rate. About once a month my episodes occur while I am sleeping. It only happens at night which wakes me up. I wore a heart monitor for a month and that is how my cardiologist diagnosed it. These are my meds: Wellbutrin, flexeral, mirapex (for RLS). I am taking all generic versions of these if that matters. If anyone could answer my ?? that would be great. My electrophysiologist told me it is not life threatening and to get rid of it do surgery. It was a Tuesday when we spoke and he was trying to book me on Friday. I was freaking out trying to process all of it and haven't been back for 2 months to discuss it with him.Anyway, I want to know if meds can cause this or not. Can I change my meds to stop SVT or if I will always have this condition.
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