What is the difference between Effexor and Wellbutrin?
I am switching to Wellbutrin after Effexor has been ineffective; my pharmicist said that they work on different receptors (serotonin and norepinephrin.
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
I take Wellbutrin and it has helped me. The only side effects I have noticed is that I hear things more clearly, and things taste slightly different. Oh, and if I drink too much caffeine, I am bouncing of the walls like a kid on a sugar ...
Prozac Then Wellbutrin Xl, Now What? (For Major Depression And ...
Got a soft diagnosis from a drop-in MD around 4 months ago for depression, and was prescribed 20mg prozac and trazodone for sleep. I have been suffer...
Question about Wellbutrin SR/XL (Bupropion SR/XL ...
My insurance said that these forms of Wellbutrin are covered: bupropion (Wellbutrin) bupropion ext-release (Wellbutrin SR) bupropion ext-release 300 mg (Wellbutrin XL) Does that mean that the generic form of ...
Wellbutrin? | Weight Loss Drugs
Before you start taking wellbutrin do some research on alternative non-prescription natural/herbal remedies. Natural remedies are harmless but effective. So do your homework before you decide what suits you the best. ...
I remember a long time ago when we increased the Wellbutrin during a depression, I got really agitated and it was bad. Then we went back to the original dose. Now we tried to lower the dose, and I got so Depressed, it was horrible. ...
Everything Drugs: I have been started on wellbutrin (bupropion ...
Wellbutrin or bupropion has several side effects some of which include nausea, dry mouth, cough, constipation, sweating, joint pain, blurred vision, strange taste or dizziness. In most cases, these symptoms subside ...
How can I convince my doctor to switch me from Cymbalta to ...
Tell him or the reason that Cymbalta isn't working for you and say you want to try Wellbutrin. Most doctors are pretty receptive because psychiatry isn't an exact science. Unless you have an counter indication such as a history of ...
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Stimulants for treating depression? (Ritalin, Wellbutrin, etc.)?
I honestly feel like I have clinical depression. I have almost all of the symptoms including sadness, hopelessness, irritability, frequent crying (especially at night), withdrawal from family and friends (especially friends and classmates), loss of interest in normal activities, over-sleeping, over-eating, feeling worthless, lack of enthusiasm and motivation, lack of energy, constantly feeling tired/"out of it", difficulty concentrating, and even thoughts about death/suicide.I just feel down ALL the time and I have no friends, literally. I do exercise and eat pretty healthy, but there doesn't seem to be enough endorphins produced by exercise. I have told my sister who is very close to me, and I plan on telling my doctor/parents in a few months... But I don't exactly know how. Do I just be straight-forward with them and tell them or what? Just say "(insert person's name here), I think I have depression." ? Please help me, I don't know what to say. How do I tell my doctor? (PEDIATRICIAN) I've done some research as well, and I would like my doctor to prescribe me some antidepressants. (Ritalin, Wellbutrin) Basically some antidepressants that would make me have more energy, less unhappy all the time. I am aware there are side effects to medications like this (My body and mind are still developing and it could potentially harm my growing, etc.) however I still think that antidepressants are the way to go. I don't think therapy will be as effective or beneficial as medication. I'm convinced that the depression I have was induced by a chemical imbalance in my brain. There hasn't been anything else I can remember that would cause this. *How do I convince my doctor to prescribe me antidepressants? I know he will probably do what he thinks is the best treatment option for me but I still think antidepressants will be the most effective. I am a teenager, 14 years old. I will most likely be 15 by the time I see the pediatrician.I know of kids who were 12 or 13 when they got prescribed antidepressants, so I know that I am old enough to be eligible for them. By the way, I have tried natural remedies like exercise, green tea, etc, but none of them seem to make me feel better at all.Thanks for your time.
Teen Depression? Antidepressants?
I have some sort of mood disorder, with a history of auditory and olfactory hallucinations. I'm on 200 mg Lamictal, 150 mg Wellbutrin and 15 mg Lexapro. I keep having thoughts pop into my head, like if you're changing a radio station and keep getting snippets of programming, and they have nothing to do with anything. I was completely alone, and suddenly "...your family will be safe..." came into my head. What is this? I don't want to tell my mom because I'll hav e to get another psych. eval. and they will place me in a day program/be hospitalized. :/
Hearing parts of conversations?
I have been on different meds. and several years ago Lexapro was the one that worked best for me. The past few years it hasn't been doing as well anymore. If I don't take it I am very very low to almost non functioning, so I do need it. I tried to get off it and take natural remedies to no avail. But currently I am so depressed, I have only seen my family dr. for this, but am going to see a psychiatrist instead next week. My dr. always just upped the dose and now I am on the highest dose twice a day (20 mgs) and still no relief. I very unhappy with my dr. he hasn't suggested anything else but to up the dose. I think I should have the dose lowered and add a different med. like Wellbutrin. What I thought was just laziness and part of depression I thought I must live with may actually be side effects from the Lexapro, or just something that the medicine isn't helping. They are as follows:* Extreme tiredness, no motivation to do anything even cook and clean my house I barely get by (I am married w/3 kids), I've become so lazy I don't even like to wear make up or fix my hair anymore even when going out places, I constantly want to sleep I yawn all day, moody, irritable, snappy etc. but those are the biggest. I even told my dr. I feel like I've got pms everyday every month, he just upps my dose. Please offer suggestions that might help me when I go to see my psychiatrist next week, thank you.Thanks Zero if you see this, but I did try to go off the medicine and try the natural remedies, I tried 5-HTP and exercise, and vitamin B complex. But I felt so much more horrible without the medicine that I went back on it.
Lexapro isn't helping anymore, please ONLY clinical depression patients, Dr.s or pharmacists answer?
I recall remembering to take it but am not sure if I actually did. What are the side effects if you miss one dose?Thanks. I take 2 doses daily, just started a week ago. I already took my morning dose just can't remember if I took the night one. Thanks for your help!
Can't remember if I took my dose of wellbutrin?
Yeah, yeah, I know I should be asking a doctor or a pharmacist. BUT, I want to know about people's experiences.Has anyone had this combo and drank alcohol? Is it OK? Did you have any bad side effects?I want to drink but want to know what will happen if I do. What if I don't take any antidepressants for a few days?
ALCOHOL PRISTIQ and Wellbutrin: is it OK?
my anxiety is bad to the point I will shake all the time ( my hands & arms ) & my heart beat will get really fast, I'll start sweating too. I'll be thinking people are staring at me & they think bad & my heart beat goes off the wall. I'll start looking & then looking away, look down at the ground. This happens everyday for the past couple years. I was on xanax & it helped A lot but it didn't last long enough. I was on Klonopin too but it wasn't strong enough to help much. I've been on tons of anti-depressants, like zoloft, wellbutrin & alot more. Someone mentioned Xanax extended release. Would this help..or what might help for what's happening to me?
Is xanax a good medication for my problems?
bupropion XL is what I am on BTW.
Will the anger and fatigue go away while taking wellbutrin XL? day 4?
I went to the county psychatrist because it was cheaper. After hearing that I had an episode of bipolar and did really well on my grades, he took away my ADHD medication, Vyvanse. He kept the lamictal and replaced the vyvanse it with wellbutrin. I hate that medication. Vyvanse s the only medication that cured my 4 years of alcoholism and cigarettes craving. It stopped me from having risky sex too. I am hyperfocused a lot though. It turns me into a very analyctical person and helps me learn everything rapidly.I'm very mad at him that he did this, but I'll give it a try.Kimmy and Jads do you guys have idea what you're talking about?Bipolar illness and ADHD is a lifetime disease. You can't stop the medications. The symptoms WILL return.As for you Kimmy, you ignorant tool. Do you have any idea what it's like for ADHD + a Bipolar person goes through during his peak sex drive period at all?
regular psych gave me ADHD med, county psych took it away what?!?
My brother wants off his meds. He says they make him feel like a zombie - he's actually being dramatic, because he can laugh, pout, guilt and get angry just like he used to.He was on Paxil and yes, he did use weed. His psychiatrist said that her field was unsure if Paxil caused bipolar in patients or brought out an already existing condition in full force. She also pointed out that the marijuana helped the effects heighten. He was really overdoing it.He stopped drinking two weeks ago. He used to drink heavily once a week, sometimes more - and would receive the lowest of lows for DAYS. And he was convinced his pills were not working. Once he stopped drinking for those two weeks, we saw an immediate change in him - sure, he was still depressed because of his previous hospitalization and consequential pills he had to take for the rest of his life, but there was a different air about him.Now, I read that people who are bipolar have been med-free - as long as they exercise, eat well, no alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine - meditate and think positive and work through their depressions and let the mania stages pass as they would; being sure to drink calming, soothing teas so that they would be able to sleep a full night's rest, to ensure no psychosis.Now, before Paxil and weed, he was fine. Like he had swings in mood - he was very depressed once he hit his teens and had to begin taking antidepressents and meds for general anxiety. But I think this was in general a mindset that was brought out from being moved from place to place. My brother needs a ground stone in life, he is one of those people that needs stability and routine - he was not getting that in his teens, so his depression and then anxiety developed to high levels (anxiety I think was caused by his depression, which kept him inside and isolated in his room, or around the house only - his mind got too unused to the outside and all its stimulation, so that when we did go outside, he freaked out).Anyway, he is 26 now. He was always a marijuana user, a mild one for a long time - he was fine with Effexor and all the other antidepressents, but then Paxil came - and only five, six months it took and he went into mania, hypermania than a psychoisis. It was his first one, the psychosis I mean, and the hypermania.My brother drank pepsi by the case, he loved it. Smoked cigs, too, heavily. And used marijuana when he had some. Then Paxil came. And suddenly, he's bipolar and in need of medication for life.I'm just saying, the doctor said people with bipolar react strongly to caffeine and alcohol and drugs like marijuana. He would, mind you, get weird with alcohol, mainly violent speech, but he never knew when to stop when he started drinking, so that was probably the case, plus he was dealing with teenage angst on those times. But that's just it, if he was bipolar for his whole life, as she said he must have been, then he would have reacted unfavourably to all those things. He never did! He slept well, too. Then, again Paxil was prescribed because Effexor was causing unfavourable symptoms (he was getting what he said felt like electric brain shocks that made him jerk and convulse painfully) and messed him all up.SO. He wants off his pills. He does not want to take Zyprexa or Wellbutrin. He wants to wean himself off, because he believes he is not bipolar, if he is, it is slight (it actually runs on both sides). If he has only had this happen once (mania, paranoia, psychosis) in his 26 years of life and because of Paxil and the oddly enough, OVERUSE of what he already did without this happening - marijuana - could he wean himself off and be back to normal?Just, if you saw him now and knew him from before, this man is someone different. They wretched something inside him and broke a part of him in that hospital. When my mom and I visited there was always a guard and they said he was dangerous. But he always hugged me and talked to us happily if a bit drugged up, and we visited both visiting times and stayed for all the time each visiting hours let us.Does a psychosis mean you will always have psychosis, no matter what? Can he get off his meds, slowly and completely - could he manage himself well? He said to my mom and I that the only things he sees as peaceful now is death, because the pills are making him feel dead inside. I just need an answer, please.
Bipolar and Psychosis, please help!?
I am taking bupropion hydrochloride (slow release) as prescribed by my doctor for depression. The problem is, someday I feel normal and someday depressed (even if medicine is continued). I have taken this for three months so far. At present I feel as if I am extremely tired so that I can not even think any complicated issue. Is there anybody who had taken this and felt like this? Is it necessary to take vitamin B supplement with this medicine? I always have suffered side effects while taking this medicine, which include: tremor in hands, anxiety, etc. I am considering discontinuation of this medicine. However, I would like to know experience of others before that.
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