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If you take it as directed and don't suffer side effects, it's not bad for your health. If it alters your judgment or personality, you should stop taking it and tell your doctor, as that would be a bad side effect. ...
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Side effects associated with Zyban (Wellbutrin or bupropion) and Chantix (varenicline or Champix) can be quite unpleasant. Personally, I do not favor the use of medications, if possible, because I think that quitting smoking is all in your head - but that's another story! Chantix has several minor side effects, but up to 30% of smokers taking the drug, treatment should be ... Stop Smoking While Pregnant – Do Not Feel Bad About Smoking While Pregnant, Here is How to Quit ...
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Wellbutrin or bupropion has several side effects some of which include nausea, dry mouth, cough, constipation, sweating, joint pain, blurred vision, strange taste or dizziness. In most cases, these symptoms subside with time. ...
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I was on Wellbutrin for about a month. It was good in terms of alleviating depression and wasn't bad in helping me focus, but taking anything abo... ... It was good in terms of alleviating depression and wasn't bad in helping me focus, but taking anything about 150 MG XL made me feel dangerously wired and cloudy in the head, and lower doses, while somewhat helpful with helping me concentrate still came with the side effect of Insomnia. Are there any alternatives to ...
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Information on the antidepressant drug Wellbutrin | Personal ...
But perhaps the most serious side effect of Wellburtin is its effect on children and adolescents. Studies have established that most antidepressants increase the rate suicidal tendencies among children and adolescents. ...
Is it bad to take two mood stabilizers at once? One being Topiramate and the other Abilify? (bipolar)?
I'm on Geodon now, but I'm starting to have spasms. My head turns on its own over and over again and I can't stop it. I refuse to take anything that will make me gain any more weight. I was first on Risperdol/Risperidone and I went from being 96 lbs to 170 lbs in a month or two. I wasn't able to lose any weight until I was on a weight neutral drug, and it was barely any weight at all. I've got depression and I eat when I'm depressed, I tried wellbutrin, which is a anti-depressant that helps some people lose weight but it made me SUPER angry all the time. Someone already suggested abilify, but I read that it causes weight gain and motor tics in some. And with me it seems like if a serious side effect can happen, it will happen.Also, I'm not interested in going off meds or alternative medicines. That would be the worst thing for me. The meds help.
Is there an anti-psychotic that doesn't cause weight gain and muscle spasms and tics?
I've been on Wellbutrin for nine years, both generic and brand name, regular and SR, between 150mg to 300mg a day. The past few years it's felt like it's become less effective (I've been taking generic for cost reasons) and the side-effects have gotten worse, especially a ringing in my ears. Is there a drug chemically similar to Wellbutrin on the market? I tried two SSRIs last year -- Zoloft and Lexapro -- both of which had me sleeping 16 hours a day with no discernible benefit, so I've pretty much stayed away from that class of anti-depressant. I'm thinking I may need to up my dose and get back on the brand name Wellbutrin for it to start working again; the generic at 300mg made me too skittish, but anything lower than that seems to have little therapeutic effect. Naturally I'm going to discuss this with my doctor and I realize everyone has different reactions to these drugs, I just wanted to hear opinions and experiences to see what might work for me.
Replacement for Wellbutrin?
My medicine now for depression (lexapro 10mg) isn't working anymore.& I've looked up the antidepressant Wellbutrin & I've seen that it's pretty common for young kids to take this. I'm 16 and I found kids as young as 6 and 9 taking it.I know the side affects vary depending on the person,but i know I didn't have bad side effects from other medications (serequel XR, & lexapro) Except slight dizziness and i would get light-headed at times.Anyone who takes this medication-do you find it effective? & would you recommend it for me?And about how long would i be on it, if my doctor decided it would be good for me.Feel free to ask me any questions also & do you know any sight where i could find a questionaire, do see if this really is something i should be looking into.thanks.I find it very hard to fall asleep at night too, would this help? And does this pill cause weight gain?
How do I know if i wellbutrin is an effective drug for me? who takes this?
I was prescribed Celexa for general anxiety which seems to be magnified by severe PMS/PMDD. I took it for one day (yesterday) and felt HORRIBLE. The best way to describe it is Uggghhhhh. I was nauseated, couldn't sit still, couldn't move around, felt jumpy and extremely agitated. What's worse is that I couldn't focus at all. I'd start to talk and just forget I was saying anything mid sentence like a total zombie. There were parts of the day I couldn't remember. The worst was feeling like I was crawling out of my skin. I was really sensitive to sound- hearing someone talk or something fall on the floor made me want to cover my ears. I basically had to barricade myself in a room away from my family. My husband said I tossed and turned all night. I've read lots of people on different forums say "hang in there, it gets better". I know it's supposed to take a few weeks before you "feel the full benefits" but how anyone can deal with these side effects is beyond me. I was prescribed prozac several years ago for post-partum depression and had a total freak out episode after taking it for about a week. I was instructed to stop immediately. I told my current Dr. about this knowing that Celexa is another SSRI but she insisted I try it. After the Prozac episode, I was prescribed Wellbutrin which did absolutely nothing. Zoloft, tried that for a year and nothing also. With both the Wellbutrin and Zoloft I stopped cold -turkey and also....nothing. No withdrawls or side effects. It will be a cold day in hell before I EVER try anti-depressants again.Before beginning this utterly fruitless journey with anti-depressants, I tried the pill (which made me full blown depressed) and the depo shot (2 words- justifiable homicide) I am at my wit's end. I don't know what to make of this so am wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? If so, were you ever able to get it resolved?Am waiting for labs to come back on thyroid function. I am not entirely sure why my Dr. was in such a big hurry to put me on anti-depressants before reviewing these results but this month's "gift" is looming ahead this week and I hope I don't mow down any pedestrians or have to use the divorce papers my husband will inevitably serve me with to set my neighbor's yappy little dog on fire.
Celexa/Citalopram for Anxiety/PMS/PMDD?
I was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about a little over 6 months ago. I am an 18 year old male and ever since that point, and even before, I have had virtually no sexual interest/ orgasmic feeling. This has personally been devastating to me. As an 18 year old male, I have read that I should be at the peak of my sexual interest in life. I have also noticed other side effects because of this. I have no interest in anything. My sense of pleasure is virtually nothing. My grades in school are terrible because I simply dont care. I went to the doctor and had all of my hormone levels checked, and she said everything was fine and my testosterone was high. All of my mineral levels were spot on as well, and my A1c was a 4.6. I have no idea how this can be but it has left me feeling worse than I have ever felt in life. I have contemplated suicide because of this, and constantly picture myself sticking one of my needles in and injecting the whole thing just to be rid of my misery. I have tried wellbutrin and it has done nothing for my sex drive. I dont know how much more of this I can handle, if my interest/pleasure would just come back, I feel my depression would go away. When I asked for a hormone test I asked specifically for a prolactin reading. It was at 17.1 but for some reason the doctor said that was in range. From what I see though, it appears high compared to what the ranges for teens should be. Becuase of this, I want to know: Would taking ginkgo biloba or vitex (chasteberry extract) be good to help my sex drive recover, due to its purported anti-prolactin effect?
Type-1 Diabetic teen problem with sex drive?
I went into this numb mode couldn't feel happy or sad, all the other depression symptoms too. but I felt a little spaced out those and my stress was very high. well since I started wellbutrin., stop taking I had very bad side effect. where it cause my anxiety to sky rocket out of control and made me feel like a robot. well now I feel disconnect from world not like I'm floating or out of my body, but everything seem weird I don't know how to explain it. Along with the numbness it makes me feel dead when I have a panic attack . I don't know if this well go away when the meds leave my body or it will stay with me forever. Could the depression and my crazy thinking just be causing this or did I develop these disorder or will if lift if I get rid of the depression and the anxiety treated. Also can depression make you feel this disconnect and I'm putting to much thought into it?
Is it depersonalization or derealization?
A month ago, I went into some mode, where my emotion's felt immobilized. I couldn't feel happy, sad, mad, love anything, but fear and anxiety. I thought it was me just having a panic attack and would past in a week. I suffer from depression and social anxiety from a young age, but I never treated it. A week came and went bye, still nothing. So I started to get real scared I check out my symptoms online and I came across Depersonalisation and Derealisation disorder. That really scared me I felt like numb and like a robot so I most have it. They even had a movie about it called Numb!! So I check out the movie and That really did it number to me. It made me think that I will never get over this and be stuck in this forever and I do suffer from one of those disorder. I felt helpless Then a wave of depression symptoms hit me. I didn't know what to do, so I called my local counseling center, they set me up with a crisis center counselor. I went in and told her about my problem she told me it just depression and I need help right away,so they sent me to a mental hospital, where she told me I get good treatment, a good psychiatrist and I would have counseling ever day. Non of that was true!!!!!! It was just take your pills and color all day or sleep. the psychiatrist would be put me down and call me a nutcase because the medication he was giving me was giving really bad side effects. I just felt hopeless, I just cried. those there was three people in my age group and by interacting with them I felt a little better. So I thought I need a life change. Will that been going real bad. So I finally found a good counselor when I got out, and went back at the counseling center for my social anxiety, but I just can't shake this feeling of a numb state. Doctor told me this is the first time I hit a Major depression, but I don't know if I can believe them. I just started taking Wellbutrin , but it has made me feel more like a zombie and increase my panic attacks and making me feel even more spaced out and unreal. I am really scared and can't think straight and don't know if I should still take it. Thanks for reading this.
Am I suffering from Depersonalisation or just depression?
My GP prescribed me Wellbutrin SR a couple of weeks ago. I told him I wanted to stop using tobacco and that I had anxiety and depression issues. I also said that I was scared to take any kind of drug let alone an antidepressant because of the side effects that I have read about here. He said that Wellbutrin will help me with all the issues so I reluctantly agreed to take it. He told me to take 150 mg for 7 days then 300 mg. Well, after six days the buzzed feeling in my head and the terrible dry (cotton mouth) was getting to me so I quit taking it. It has been a week since I quit and the cotton mouth has not went away! Is this permanent? Has this stuff messed me up permanently? Please, I need someones advice who has taken this drug. Also, after quitting taking it my anxiety and depression has gotten worse. I started taking St John's Wort because I heard it worked well but I am thinking about starting the Wellbutrin again but I am scared. I just don't know what to do! And don't tell me that I shouldn't have quit taking it without telling my Dr. I know that! An I really would like to hear from men on this issue. I feel that antidepressants work differently on men than women so I want a guys advice. Thank you!
Wellbutrin SR Users please respond?
Hi. Over the last 2 years, my "doctor" (she is a mental health nurse if you will) has handed me over pill after pill and they work for two weeks and then stop and I have to be taken off of them and put on something else. I have Severe anxiety disorder, Prolonged post traumatic stress disorder with depression and borderline personality disorder. We have tried:Zoloft 50mg = STOPPED WORKINGPaxil 50mg = SUICIDALProzac 60mg = SUGAR PILLCymbalta 60mg = ALMOST KILLED ME FROM SIDE EFFECTS AND WITHDRAWALS... EVILWellbutrin? = SUGAR PILLAbilify? = ALWAYS SICKKlonopin .5 MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILLAtivan .5MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILLBuspar ? = VERY SICKGeodon 60MG= NOT EVEN MADE FOR WHAT I HAVE. SICK... BAD WITHDRAWALSVistaril? = I DONT EVEN REMEMERand none of these were right for me. I NEVER want to be on ANY antidepressant ever again because of the withdrawals and everything else that has happened while on them (they let me know that they are dangerous) but I DO want to be on an an anti anxiety pill... the problem with that is... my doctor gives me the LOWEST doses all the time... and they obviously are not working for me because I need a higher dose because the disorders that I have ARE anxiety disorders... but instead, she changes pills all the time. I swear this woman HATES xanax... but I have tried everything else... how can I make her write me a prescription for Xanax like my mom and see if that works for me and let it be... or maybe put me back on one of the old anti anxiety pills and up the dose!?! If she is not willing to help, what can I do? ((yeah... I know where to get them illegally... but I want them to be my legit prescription... and I really do need the drugs due to my disorders... but you do what you gotta do)). Is she not doing her job right? Should I talk to someone about her? Thank you!!!Zoloft 50mg = STOPPED WORKING (anti depressant)Paxil 50mg = SUICIDAL (anti depressant) Prozac 60mg = SUGAR PILL (antidepressant... if you are bipolar when taking this drug it presents HORRIBLE side effects... which I did NOT have... it just didn't work)Cymbalta 60mg = ALMOST KILLED ME FROM SIDE EFFECTS AND WITHDRAWALS... EVIL (antidepressant)Wellbutrin? = SUGAR PILL (antidepressant)Abilify? = ALWAYS SICK (IF your antidepressant is not working to its full potential they add this to in hopes make it work to the fullest. If you are bipolar or schizophrenic you are put on high doses of this...)Klonopin .5 MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILL (anti anxiety)Ativan .5MG!?! THATS IT = SUGAR PILL (anti anxiety) Buspar ? = VERY SICK (anti anxiety)Geodon 60MG= NOT EVEN MADE FOR WHAT I HAVE. SICK... BAD WITHDRAWALS (For Bipolar... they thought I was and it turned out that I am not... they only thought I was from having me fill out ONE piece of paper with 30 questions... NOT accurate!!!)My diagnosis is Prolonged Post traumatic stress, Borderline personality disorder and severe anxiety disorder... those come with depression... and it was diagnosed by the clinic's psychiatrist who told me that she no longer wanted to see me... and to get therapy. I do know that therapy is needed but there is no where here that will do it without insurance or tons of money so I can't do that. I have checked with everywhere! I have had bloodwork done but I know that it can be hard to catch sometimes if it is your thyroid... and when they checked it was okay... but my mom and grandma and other people in my family have hypothyroidism and depression. Good point!I am not bipolar. Abilify was added with an antidepressant. They tried Geodon a LONG time ago when they thought I was bipolar and they were wrong.I HAVE been prescribed antianxiety meds... they are all over the list I gave. The just aren't strong enough.Oh... and I know what the pills were for that I was on. I just couldn't remember the miligrams of some...she did try to put me on Seraquil.. xr though... but it was for sleep and nothing else... and i refuse to try that one or just the regular one because i am already MORBIDLY obese... and it does cause tons of weight gain... and, like I said, I refuse to ever take an antidepressant again so why would I EVER take an anti psychotic.... especially one made for schizophrenia and bipolar!?! thanks...???oh... and why would i want something WEAKER than ativan or klonopin when I stated here that it did not work because the doses were WAY too low???!!!???
HELP with my doctor and Xanax and/or other anti anxiety drugs?
I have been recovering from anorexia/bulimia and going to counseling and nutritional therapy. I am going to my doctor tomorrow to talk about anti-depressant and anxiety medications. My couselor told me to ask about Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Prozac, Pristiq, and Zoloft. I have been extremely down and anxious with social anxiety a lot, and was wondering if anyone has had experiences with ANY or multiple of these. Please tell me in depth what your experience was like. Are weight loss side effects of Prozac and Wellbutrin?Does Wellbutrin make anxiety worse?Have you gained excessive weight on any of these? I don't want to feel numb, I just want to enjoy life again!
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