Sunday, November 6, 2011

Simple Weight Loss - Lose Belly Fat In 6 Easy Steps

How to get six pack stomach? The most important thing you have to do is to reduce you body fat. This is because many of us already have six packs, but they're hidden under a layer of belly fat. Thus, if you want to show off a set of nicely toned abs you would have to shred those belly fat.

When eating out, cut your meal in half and pour a lot of salt onto this portion to discourage you from finishing off your plate, or ask that it be packaged right away for you in a doggy bag to be taken home after your meal.

Food may be considered an addiction and the best way to break an addiction is a gradual leading away from the addictive habit, rather than a "snap" withdrawal (a "snap" withdrawal is bound for failure). Don't worry as much about those calories, just tell yourself that you're going to eat a "little" less and then supplement the difference with healthier foods.

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