Thursday, December 29, 2011

What Is The Best Way To Track Your Fat Burning Progress & The Most Efficient Way To Get There?

It is best to stay away from a traditional bathroom scale to track your progress when you have a weight loss goal in mind. Since our bodies are made up of water, muscle, fat, bone, and other tissues. Your typical bathroom scale only measures the overall weight of those components, rather that giving you the important break-down of each.

If you do decide to use a scale, make sure it measures body fat, bone mass, hydration levels and muscle mass. These can be tracked every 2-3 months so you see a more significant difference. Week-to-week "weigh-ins" don't give your body enough time to truly show your improvement and can often leave you discouraged.

Typically, when exercising consistently, if your workout routine includes weight training, your body will begin to increase muscle and decrease fat. Sometimes when stepping on a scale, you may see the number actually go up! More often than not, it will leave you feeling discouraged & ready to throw in the towel. "Why workout & eat right if I'm only going to gain weight?" When in reality, your water content could be higher that day, or (score!) you are increasing muscle. That's a GOOD thing! The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. That overall number will not tell you what's really going on.

So, it's best to find a pair of pants in your wardrobe that you want to fit in. Use that as your measuring stick. Are you dropping inches? Do you feel good about your eating choices? Are you working out consistently? Has your energy level increased? Those are the questions you should be asking yourself. Not, "How much do I weigh today?"

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