Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Want toned arms? Then do what Albert says..(allegedly)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Albert's having a right hard time of it lately.  All those years tireless in the lab, selflessly slaving away for the benefit of mankind, dreaming up fancy notions about quantum this that and the other so you can have your GPS system….and now those do-gooders at CERN with their shiny neutrinos might just be picking black holes in his interstellar findings.  If that wasn't enough, apparently it wasn't our Albert's illuminating phrase anyway, rather a mere pamphlet writer.  The author is still unknown, apparently hailing from the Bay area of California.  I wonder why?  Were I to be compared to greatness, I'd be all-over Piers, Leno and the like, but regrettably not Oprah who would surely have recommended my new bestseller, "Albert & Me".  Time and space would've been my oyster…but… anyway, Albert apparently never said it.

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