Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Intra Gastric Balloon System, Is It Right For You?

The Spatz™ Intra Gastric Balloon System Worldwide, the gastric balloon is a clinically accepted tool in reducing excess weight, and has been used successfully in Europe and Asia for the last 15 years.

The Spatz Adjustable Balloon System is a non-surgical treatment for weight loss that will help you regain control of your weight. Used in harmony with a professionally supervised program of behavior modification and diet, it can help you achieve and maintain the health and aesthetic benefits associated with weight loss. The unique Spatz Intra Gastric Balloon allows both adjustments of the balloon volume and longer implantation time of 1 year - unavailable in any other intragastric balloon.

Comparable weight loss therapies typically require a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. With our gastric balloon therapy, you only need a BMI of 27 or more. Our procedure is a viable weight loss option for individuals who may not be ideal candidates for similar forms of bariatric surgery.

Gastric Balloon Pre-insertion

All patients will follow our pre-screening assessment and complete a patient information profile, have a dietary evaluation and psychologic consultation if clinically indicated.

Routine blood tests, chest X-ray and ECG may also be required if clinically indicated.

All patients will commence a liquid diet 24 hours prior to midnight pre-admission, then nothing by mouth until insertion.

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