Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to Get Rid of Cellulite for Vegetarians

Do vegetarians also need to get rid of cellulite? Of course they do, because they could also be subjected to poor lymphatic circulation (it gets worse with high body fat) which causes the ugly "cottage cheese" to appear particularly on their thighs and buttocks. It sure looks embarrassing on you when you wear shorts, mini-skirt or worse, bikini.

However, some slim women also fall victim to this dimpled evil. Fret not, in a moment I'll show you how to get rid of cellulite effectively the vegetarian way. Once removed, you no longer have to wear pants or jeans, or long skirt to cover up the ugly cellulite whenever you go out.

How Cellulite Forms and What Causes Cellulite Appearance?

Before I get down to showing you how to eliminate cellulite, I must explain to you how cellulite forms and what causes it, otherwise you won't know exactly what you need to do to effectively remove the "cottage cheese" appearance.

When your fat tissue (right underneath your skin) expands, it pushes up against your skin, forming cellulite. But why would your fat tissue expand? These are the reasons:

1. When you never drink enough water to hydrate your body, your body tends to store more fluid within the fat tissue than it normally would.

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