Monday, March 12, 2012

Healthy Food Choices For Weight Loss

Franz would love to see everyone enjoying vibrant health!   That is why he writes so passionately about the need for making the right food choices.  So in this article Franz would like to discuss healthy food choices for weight loss and optimal health.

Now, not everyone needs to lose weight, but given two thirds of Americans are now classified as obese I would say there are a fair number of folks who could benefit from this topic.  But before talking about the right kinds of foods people should be eating, how about considering the mindset that will keep people on track.

Healthy food choices for weight loss are important, and you won't succeed without that component, but I think that a person's state of mind in approaching weight loss will actually keep them eating healthier foods.  Franz heard it stated quite eloquently just recently.  An obese young man when asked how he succeeded in losing thirty five percent of his body weight said, you have to hate being fat more than you love the junk food!

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