Thursday, June 7, 2012

Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss: A Positive Relationship

Aerobic performance is a moderate activity that has to subsist sustained over a period of time, is rhythmic in world of matter and of mind and requires the use of abundant muscle groups. Its benefits range from reducing the incidences of organ of circulation-related diseases, cancer and diabetes. It improves psychological wellbeing and aye! It helps lose weight. Aerobic practise and weight loss share a sure relationship since the former loses you calories, helping you to perform the latter.

How much energy you application when you exercise depends on your pith, the duration and effort taken to complete the exercise and of course, the not fictitious activity! I shall list you the calories expended during the term of 10mis of different exercises assuming the sharing is a 53kg female. Playing tennis singles sets you back a measly 60 calories (bah!) and dancing let us go burns up 80calories. Swimming the breast stoke comes in at a seedy second, setting you back just slightingly more at 90calories whilst running is a unerring winner with 113calories. The relationship between aerobic exercise and weight loss is sole true when you burn at smallest 300 calories per session.

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