Monday, February 6, 2012

Four kinds of wine, teach you how to lose weight free

First, beer

Beers are brewed wine, contains sugar is not low, so under normal circumstances, drinking beer is not obesity, but if you do not want sugar in beer impact weight loss, there is a lot of sugar-free beer to choose from oh ! beer has a diuretic effect, if the waste from the body in time, activation of gastrointestinal function, then the improvement of the constipation does have a certain effect. If you want to get the beer to bring detoxification, but also to prevent drinking and not gain weight, then they would pay attention to beer drinking methods, components and control snacks heat up!

Beer drinking tips

The temperature Cold beer really refreshing, but if the temperature is too low, not only will affect the taste, so that less foam, but also exacerbate the impact of cold on the metabolism, so you drink is easy to edema, the accumulation of toxins. The best beer drinking temperature is 6-8, summer can be a little lower,4-6 or so.

The pouring method Down well with beer beer foam will show the most perfect proportion, in addition, pouring the beer will also affect the way the different components of the carbonic acid, carbonic acid can help your fullness, the ability to promote intestinal peristalsis, improving detoxification and constipation problems. Pouring right way should be the most slowly pouring, and then wait for the bubble began to form when, further slowing the rate of pouring.

Second, liquor

Liquor is distilled wine, so I do not sugar quality, compared to other wines, is not easy for you to gain weight, lose weight, when in this type of distilled liquor may choose. After eating food, liquor can mouth clean out all the residual oil can be said to be more effective in preventing the accumulation of fat and calories. But it is worth noting that, try to avoid drinks and juices against the drink, it would heat the liquor had increased significantly, while allowing your appetite, accidentally overeating. Conversely, if the fear is too strong liquor, sugar-free with water or tea to natural moisture against the drink, but also to control the appetite too!

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