Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Lose Fat Now - 6 Tips to Effective Weight-Loss

In this article I'd like to teach you a tip that my close friend once shared with me. At first, it made me mad because of how rude it seemed. But now, after losing most of my belly fat, I realize how effective it really is.

Get Much More Sleep - In order to effectively lose fat and prevent your body from storing it, you must get an adequate amount of rest each night. What I recommend for you to do is to get at least 7-8 hours of rest. Getting plenty of sleep will allow your body to effectively boost the metabolism and restore muscle tissue. This will also help in relieving stress and increasing your energy levels.

Having your meal late in the evening does not give enough time for your body to digest it before it gets into the sleep mode. Eating late does not allow your body to burn more fat and this results in extra bulge around the stomach.

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